Thursday, July 4, 2024

Richard Ames Could Be Healed If He Would Acknowledge The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel Was Correct

Just when you thought the idiocy that comes out of COG leaders' mouths could not get any more vile, along comes the Great Bwana to Africa Bob Mzungu Thiel to erase all doubt. Even Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack fail in comparison to the wicked diarrhea that Bwana Bob lets sprew forth from his lips almost on a daily basis now.

Richard Ames, a long-time Church of God member and ordained as an evangelist has been seriously ill over the last month or so. He is in the intensive care unit at the hospital now and some are suggesting he is getting palliative care. (Note: Richard Ames died July 4th, 2024)

Ames, along with Rod Meredith and other church leaders of the Living Church of God were "warned" by the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu that they were doctrinally wrong on several subjects, particularly when it came to prophecy. According to the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu, he and he alone has the correct interpretation of scripture and prophecy and the Living Church of God was expected to heed his demands. Rod Meredith and others, including Ames, ignored Bwana Bob Mzungu's demands, and that caused him to get his wholistic panties all in a knot, apostatize, and create a new splinter cult.

Ames along with many others counseled Meredith to ignore Bwana Bob's demands and that has left a permanent butthurt on the Great Bwana that he has never recovered from.

Yesterday, the Great Bwana hinted that Richard Ames could be healed and used as a powerful end-time voice IF and only IF he would acknowledge the Great Bwana Bob was right. Healing would be immediate and God's endtime work would go forth in power.

0702/24 a.m. In his latest posted letter, LCG's Gerald Weston reported the following:

I’m sure that Mr. Richard Ames and his wife Kathryn are on the minds of all of you. As of this writing, all I can pass on is that Mr. Ames is in critical condition in an intensive care unit.

Richard Ames and his wife Kathryn remain in my prayers. If Richard Ames will let God use him to reveal various facts he is aware of, I believe God will give him that opportunity soon.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

False Teachers Walk Among Us

Everyone is always out to get LCG/COG members. If they have such "infallible proofs", why do they not have confidence and faith in the one they claim to follow? Living in fear seems to be more comfortable for the church.

Prove Your Beliefs: Many today assume that simply “believing in Jesus” and “accepting Him into your heart” is all that is required of Christians. However, the Bible teaches differently. Numerous scriptures warn of false teachers who will talk about Jesus and deceive people (Matthew 24:3–5), even labeling them as ministers of Satan (2 Corinthians 11:1–15). This is why the Apostle Paul urged Christians to “Test [examine carefully] all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Luke writes that the beliefs of early Christians were based on eyewitness accounts and provide “many infallible proofs” of Christ’s miracles and resurrection (Luke 1:1–2: Acts 1:1–3). The Apostle Peter urged believers to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15) as Paul confidently did before Roman leaders (Acts 26). If we take time to prove our beliefs, we can do the same thing.

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

Is It Your Mission To Become A God So You Can Reign At The Right Hand Of Christ?


Stay Focused on Our Mission: The lessons of history show that mankind and God’s Chosen People have drifted off course again and again. Adam and Eve made wrong choices that sent human history off in a wrong direction—due to Satan’s influence. Ancient Israel turned away from God and reaped serious consequences. Modern Israelite nations are following the same path. Jesus called disciples and raised up His Church to preach the Gospel (Mark 1:14–1516:15), warn the world of consequences of sin, and announce events that indicate His return is near (Mark 13, Matthew 24). The mission of God’s Church also includes preparing individuals to reign with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God (Luke 1:17Revelation 5:10). To obtain this challenging and exciting reward, we must avoid being distracted by the cares and temptations of this world and stay focused on our mission (Matthew 13:10–23).

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail