Thursday, July 11, 2024

Dave Pack: Bible Expert Proven Wrong Since 2013™


Expert Opinions

Today is Tammuz 5 on the Hebrew calendar. It started at 12:47 PM ET yesterday as sunset arrived in Jerusalem, Israel. Tammuz 5 will officially end in Wadsworth, Ohio, at 8:59 PM tonight.

During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 523)” on July 6, 2024, the brethren of The Restored Church of God humored their Pastor General by allowing him to waste another 55 minutes of their lives proving from the Bible that Jesus Christ would begin the 7-Year Kingdom of God on Tammuz 5.

David C. Pack spends more time crafting and compiling his notes than he does believing them. Before laying his head on his pillow Sunday night, he had already discarded everything he taught about Tammuz 5 for the past two weeks.

These two brief emails are a fantastic introduction to what was taught during Part 523 only hours before.


Sunday, July 7, 2024
Subject: Upcoming Live Stream Message – Early This Week

Dear brethren,

Warm greetings from Headquarters!

Following yesterday's Bible study more knowledge has been gained requiring further explanation.

These will be detailed further in an upcoming message, likely Monday or Tuesday.

Look out for additional communication.

Warm regards, 
Church Administration

It gets even better the next day.

Monday, July 8, 2024
Subject: Upcoming Live Stream Message – Thursday, July 11

Greetings again brethren, 

For several reasons, it is better for Mr. Pack to speak on Thursday. This alone means we are not looking for this Wednesday.

However, he wanted to pass on that many of you may be able to determine the date if you take a moment to think about it and don't jump to any quick conclusions. Think back, starting about a month ago, and you will probably figure out exactly what day this is!

Warm regards,
Church Administration

Within 24 hours of David C. Pack dismounting from his high horse in the Main Hall, he abandoned his own prophetic theories that he had spent weeks conjuring. Knowing this makes all his brazen chest puffing during Part 523 even more hilarious.

RCG’s unwanted external publicity machine must be impactful because this email reeks of Dave’s signature Tiptoe Just Right preaching style by whispering coded hints and gesturing vaguely. By avoiding direct statements, Church Administration was willing to play Bible Prophecy Charades with the brethren because boldness is for the righteous, not the enablers at The Restored Church of God.

Pastor General David C. Pack:
So confident about what he teaches.
Until he isn’t.

No wonder Dave never made it as a competitive athlete. The guy never learned how to cross a finish line.


David C. Pack is a hypocritical blasphemer who lies so often that he cannot remember them all. He wants the brethren to believe God guides him, but he also wants to take credit for figuring out a new secret.

Part 523 – July 6, 2024
@ 18:15 And that season means now. But they're called a season. And none of them have anything remotely to do with a Sabbath, Holy Day, or New Moon. So, if God wants to fix a time. It struck me like a bombshell when I discovered this.

Before educating his audience about how intelligent he was, Dave offered some faux humility to grease the path.

@ 21:24 No man can find out. I couldn’t, either. Somebody had to be guided to see these things.

Dave discovered it, but Dave was guided to see it. Guided by what? Based on those cryptic CAD emails, what he found was false, and he was not guided by God. It does not matter what new knowledge was discovered if the old knowledge was not knowledge to begin with.

@ 28:38 So we're waiting for a day that will come come. It's the midst of the years. …And it repeats the date it came on twice. Now, I'm sitting here. I know the Bible. I I don't know, I don't know, you know, I'm not a calculus teacher. I don't know how to play the piano. I don't know a lot of things. We all know some things. They say if you if you do something for 10,000 hours, you'll become an expert. …It's a famous saying. I've been studying thi–thi [chuckles] what God is gonna do for between 20 and 25,000 hours. I preached for almost a thousand to try to figure this out.

You have to do something RIGHT for 10,000 hours to become an expert. Running in the same circles for 10,000 hours does not make you an expert. It makes you a hamster.

Dave has already spent 25,000 hours trying to “figure this out," and it still eludes him. By his own math, he should be an expert 2.5 times over. The problem is the guy has never been right, and the Bible guarantees he will never be right.

The thought that he can never be an expert would not cross his mind. Walking away and trying another vocation is out of the question. He knows he is God's servant, and he knows that he knows it. That is too sweet a deal to bail on now.

@ 29:26 So, presumably, I might be because of gifts of God, not me. Not nothing to do with me. I might be an expert on the Bible.

Pastor General David C. Pack:
Bible Expert Proven Wrong Since 2013™

David C. Pack is a Bible expert so skilled at the top of his craft he abandoned Tammuz 5 less than 24 hours after saying this.

David C. Pack was not prophesying and did not receive an oracle from God. This cannot be God-inspired preaching. By his own admission, he just teaches what he thinks the Bible says. This makes the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God their resident Sunday School Teacher.


Dave was so faux-confident in his expert opinions about Tammuz 5 that he absolved himself of any responsibility by placing the obligation on the brethren to prove his presumptuous malarkey matched what the Bible actually says.

The brethren who obeyed him must have felt like total dopes when he changed the narrative the next day. They did not yet know that when he threw some serious guilt their way.

@ 37:12 These verses are not what I say. What I say duddn't matter.

No. They are his private interpretations.

@ 37:24 But when we're reading from the Bible, my job is to tell you what it says. To be wise with it and faithful with it. What I what, you know, these verses are are are not what I say. They're what I believe, and I'm teaching, but they're what the Bible says.

Not according to those CAD emails.

@ 37:40 If God means something else, that it's not Tammuz 5, we can't know that. …You you have to take ownership of these verses. We're in this together. Don't you dare let yourself, and then boy, if you believe this way, don't you dare let me hear it. “Mr. Pack said.”

Mr. Pack said Jesus Christ brings the Kingdom of God on Tammuz 5, and then, Mr. Pack said never mind the next day.

@ 38:05 I read dates to you, and I did math, and you cannot get out of it. But do not say I said it. I explained to you what the Bible said. I didn't come back with some vision like I'm Joseph Smith on, you know, the Hill Cumorah east of Rochester and then start a religion off of it.

David C. Pack denies being a prophet while explaining why he might be a prophet in 3…2…1…

@ 38:25 I do not claim to be a prophet. If God says laying all of this out was prophesying and and then, on the fifth [of Tammuz], I do it again. I eat the book and do it again. Well, then, that's what He says. If that helps you to believe, maybe that's what I'm doing now. It doesn't really change me because I don't I don't I didn't get the word at God's lips unless He counts His word. Well, then I got it exactly from His lips.

@ 39:03 But you gotta take ownership of the verses yourself. It's deeply foolish and faithless to say, “Mr. Pack said.”

The people who do not hide behind what “Mr. Pack said” leave The Restored Church of God. They come to accept that what he teaches does not stand up to the mildest scrutiny when doing an honest Bible study. David C. Pack’s legendary piss-poor reading comprehension skills are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to goofy ideas and obvious lies.

I admit that even after I stopped believing anything “Mr. Pack said,” it still took me years to resign from The Restored Church of God. Since my departure in March 2021, the consistent lunacy has ratcheted up several notches.

@ 40:03 For years, I wondered. I knew there'd be some date we would learn, and we thought it was this and thought it was that and thought it was in this year or the other year. Whatever we thought. But eventually, we had enough knowledge to be able to pin it down, and it's locked. And again, it can't be a day known only to God. What use would that be to us?

That sure date after 25,000 hours of Bible study was not Tammuz 5. Will Dave need another 25,000 hours of expert opinions to discover the truth?

@ 55:08 So, has this been the the final short ration foretold by Christ? I think so. Where there’s just a tiny, tiny micron to go? Something under 90 hours? I think so. I can’t imagine it’s not. Good night.

He imagined it just fine on Sunday.

David C. Pack's expert opinion was that Jesus Christ would bring the 7-Year Kingdom of God on July 10, 2024, at 12:47 PM ET. And it was his expert opinion the next day He would not.

David C. Pack is a hypocritical, blaspheming liar. He is a proven false apostle, false prophet, and false teacher. He is surrounded by cowardly hirelings who care not for the sheep and willfully ignore the spiritual insanity.

David C. Pack is not moved by the Holy Spirit to declare dates for the return of Jesus Christ. The most foolish in The Restored Church of God are those who believe him and trust his words.

Those are just my expert opinions.

Marc Cebrian

See: Expert Opinions

Ex-Member Shares Her Worldwide Church of God Story

This channel is for the Cultimatum podcast & it's episodes. This is a podcast dedicated to bringing awareness to cults and human trafficking.



One of the interesting things in this interview is that one of the interviewers is an ex-member 
of House of Yahweh cult, a COG splinter based in Abilene Texas.