Sunday, July 14, 2024

Is Our Crackpot Prophet Able To Pick Who Will Be Our Next President?

Since our favorite self-appointed crackpot prophet of the modern-day Church of God movement announced he was starting his own splinter cult, he has been on a calculated journey trying to embed in peoples minds that God has personally selected him to be the end-time prophet to the Armstrongist Church of God movement. 

He first tried this shtick with the Living Church of God by trying to con various ministers and church leaders into believing he was divinely appointed. They all laughed in his face and Rod Meredith publicly rebuked him from the pulpit and later kicked him out of the Living Church of God.

In spite of all of those humiliating circumstances, the Great Bwana to Africa Bob Mzungu Thiel found a bunch of church-hopping Sabbatarian leaders in Africa that could easily be bought by laptops, seeds, and money to join his cause. These professional church hoppers are well known in Africa to coddle up to the next White Sabbatarian church leader who gives them more money and goods. Being blinded in his quest for legitimacy, the Great Bwana to Africa found an instant number count he could boast about. After all, he is a prophet and God is working in and through him.  

That prophet shtick brings us to today and one of his recent posts where he pops his prophetic cork over people voting. How dare people vote when only God's TRUE prophet can choose the correct leader.

Should Christians Vote in 2024?

There are elections in over 50 nations scheduled for 2024. How old is democracy? Does the Bible sanction it? Do people often act like they want to be deceived? Are there men on the ballots that meet the Bible’s criteria for leaders? How does the Bible show that leaders are to be put in place? Is the lesser of two evils still evil? Does the Bible teach that, “the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men in Daniel 4:17? Could someone vote against God’s plan? Do people know more than a prophet of God when it comes to choosing leaders? Are there truly pro-voting scriptures in the Bible? Are God’s people to support a crowd in doing evil? Will voting change the coming destruction that the Bible prophesies? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel go over these matters.


1. Voting publicly recognises that we submit to the authority of the political system in our nation as established by God. (Romans 13:1-7)

2. Voting recognises the equality of all people and their right to speak and be heard. (Deuteronomy 10:17-19)

3. It is one way that we can obey God's command to seek the good of those around us and our nation as a whole. (Jeremiah 29:5-6)

4. It shows that we care deeply about who our leaders are as we are urged to offer prayer and intercession on their behalf. (1 Timothy 2:1,2)

5. It is a simple yet significant way we can do something about politics in our nation. 'All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing', Edmund Burke. (Psalms 34:14)

6. It makes a difference the way a grain of salt makes a difference, and that is how we are to influence our society for good. (Matthew 5:13)

7. It is a privilege not to be taken for granted. Those of us who reap the benefits of living in a democracy should play a part in upholding democracy.

8. Not voting is a form of voting, as it will influence the outcome. We need to take responsibility for our actions, as well as our lack of actions. (Luke 10:25-37)

9. Voting has biblical precedence for example Acts 14:23 describes that the early Christians elected elders by voting.

10. Voting is part of our stewardship to use all the resources we have been given in ways that honor God; to waste a vote is to squander a gift. Christians in Politics


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Dave Pack: You have to take ownership. It's deeply foolish and faithless to say, “Mr. Pack said.”

Mr. Pack Said

While pontificating his expert opinions during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 523)” on July 6, 2024, David C. Pack admonished the brethren of The Restored Church of God not to hide behind the phrase, “Mr. Pack said.”

Part 523 – July 6, 2024
@ 37:52 You, you have to take ownership of these verses. We're in this together. Don't you dare let yourself, and then boy, if you believe this way, don't you dare let me hear it. “Mr. Pack said.”

@ 39:08 It's deeply foolish and faithless to say, “Mr. Pack said.”

The people who believe what he says are worse off than those who hide behind his foolish malarkey.

I was baptized in the United Church of God in September 2009. By that time, I had already begun my personal tradition of reading the Bible cover to cover. A singular verse became the stone foundation of my Christian walk because it embodied everything else I learned.

1 Thessalonians 5:21
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

When Headquarters’ token stooge and theological sycophant Edward L. Winkfield preached that this was ONLY for people before they joined RCG and, then ONLY for the ministry afterward, I bolted up in my seat. Stepford Prime became a non-critical thinking David C. Pack fawner regurgitating whatever prophetic idiocy his human idol presumed at the moment.

The guiding principle of 1 Thessalonians 5:21 compelled my resignation from The Restored Church of God in March 2021 and became the genesis of

The entire website germinated from a seed concept: document what Mr. Pack said. Through my own personal documentation, I sought to discern if I was deceiving myself, being tempted by the devil, or if David C. Pack was an arrogant, hypocritical, blaspheming liar teaching biblical fraud. The factual evidence was overwhelming.

The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God tells you everything you need to hear to discern if he speaks the truth or not. When a clear, honest mind commits to proving all things, what Mr. Pack said becomes of paramount importance.


According to David C. Pack in Part 523, the Bible proved that Jesus Christ would bring the 7-Year Kingdom of God on Tammuz 5 (July 11), and it was up to the brethren to see it the way he does. Unless God tricked them again.

He proved it so convincingly he abandoned his own conclusions the next day, leaving Salasi Jezhi and Jaco Viljoen to flip a coin to see who had to send out the anonymous Church Administration concession email. They both have little white flags tucked in their desk drawers.

Sunday’s email on July 7 noted, “Following yesterday's Bible study more knowledge has been gained requiring further explanation.

Monday’s email on July 8 embraced doctrinal surrender, “For several reasons, it is better for Mr. Pack to speak on Thursday. This alone means we are not looking for this Wednesday.

Hindsight is 20/20. Knowing he fled from everything he said the next day makes watching his proud mannerisms and cocky tones laughable.

@ 12:12 I’ve been suspicious of the fifth [of Tammuz], but how could I absolutely prove it?

The haughty private interpretations of David C. Pack did not absolutely prove anything.

@ 30:10 I'm gonna show you something else that drives home the fifth [of Tammuz].

A chronic mental illness epidemic recirculates at The Restored Church of God Headquarters. Patient Zero David C. Pack in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium spreads his infectious biblical disease throughout the organization.

I remember learning about "the sin of omission, rather than commission," while attending RCG.

If anyone cowers behind what Mr. Pack said, it is the Headquarters hirelings Bradford Schleifer, Ryan Denee, Edward Winkfield, Jaco Viljoen, Carl Houk, Salasi Jezhi, Frank Lydick, James HabboushAndrew Holcombe, and “the rest” who fool themselves into thinking they protect the sheep when they are ones helping slaughter them by their inaction.

David C. Pack never fears crediting God for his false doctrines when his pattern is to deny them quickly after much suspicion and discomfort.

@ 30:24 And if you knew when God's two years were, and you had Tammuz 5 in mind, by the time you got to Habakkuk, you would be ready for God throwing the overhand right and the left hook to finish the knockout, proving the fifth of the month.

According to Monday’s CAD email, God did not throw anything: “This alone means we are not looking for this Wednesday.

34:24 I can't come and tell you it's the fifth [of Tammuz], but it's some other moed when God has gone way out of his way to point to this day.

David C. Pack can and will tell us it is some other moed as noted in Monday’s CAD email: “…you may be able to determine the date if you take a moment to think about it …and you will probably figure out exactly what day this is!

That email renders the following statements Mr. Pack said utterly impotent.

@ 34:32 In fact, if it weren't this year on the fifth [of Tammuz], I will tell you, there is no chance for the sixth or after based on what I know. We're gonna wait a year to this exact same day. I'm so certain of it now.

This moment captures David C. Pack basking in his certainty during Part 523.

I guarantee you, none of the men sitting with him on Sunday saw him reclining like that.

Dave should have stuck to his “tiptoe just right” approach so he would not have to eat more of his words in 3…2…1…

@ 35:07 But I will tell you, I will tell you, I will not say to you it's any day beyond the fifth. If it does not happen on the fifth, buckle up. I'll tell you, buckle your seatbelt 'cause we're gonna wait till the exact same day, and God just teased us with the correct day…

Wow. God just teased the members of The Restored Church of God? Yep. That is what Mr. Pack said.


Despite what Mr. Pack said next, no divine interventions were causing his change of mind.

@ 41:11 And I can't imagine, short of Gabriel telling me, “No, it is the fast day and the fifth was close.” I can’t imagine coming back and giving you a different date.

He imagined it just fine the next day.

@ 41:26 What other date or moed could I tell the house?

Whatever date the vague email referred to: will probably figure out exactly what day this is!” Part 524 was delayed from Tuesday to Thursday to today. Do not hold your breath that the same date survived each postponement.

@ 41:35 And interesting, I’m told I’ll be found so doing. Well, I’ll be found at the office working. [chuckles] That’s where I’ll be on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, David C. Pack pined away in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium with Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy, conjuring the next biblical illusion that was not ready for prime time until today when Part 524 will better utilize 25,000 hours of expert Bible study proven to be so fruitful thus far.

Will Part 524 contain Tippy-Toe Dave or Brazen Certainty Dave? Whichever version of him sits at the table in the Main Hall, we will be atwitter when it leaks out whatever Mr. Pack said.


Enjoy this bonus sampling of what Mr. Pack said.

“It’s a cowardly act to say, ‘Well, Mr. Pack says.’
Well then, you don’t believe it. You got a faith problem.”
Part 231 – January 21, 2020

“On God’s Authority, I am right!”
Part 221 – December 7, 2019

“And God allowed certain errors to see who didn’t care about truth.”
Part 172 – April 27, 2019

“So, would it be strange that I would not know when I became a prophet?”
Part 375 – June 12, 2022

“If you nail that day down, it strikes me as particularly arrogant.”
Part 459 – July 15, 2023

“I’m just gonna tell you absolutely on God’s authority …I will stand on this date:
The Kingdom of God comes Abib 1.”
Part 487 – December 23, 2023

“There’s no way we’ve got this wrong.”
Part 429 – March 15, 2023

“But, of course, all of this crashes if Christ does not come this Friday.”
Part 285 – February 1, 2021

“I could never come back to another date.”
Part 460 – July 22, 2023

“I believe absolutely this Wednesday night you will meet Moses and Elijah.”
Part 381 – July 9, 2022

“It’s the single most important message probably ever delivered on Earth.”
Part 275 – December 26, 2019

“…unless God violates His word, two more weeks aren’t possible.”
Part 455 – June 21, 2023

“10-1-7-1000 is immutable. I will die on that hill. That’s the hill I die on.”
Part 447 – June 6, 2023

“So, I know I don’t die. A couple places say that.”
Part 510 – April 27, 2024

“I’ll never ever, ever again say the day.”
Part 172 – April 27, 2019

Brethren of The Restored Church of God, please pay attention to what Mr. Pack said.

Marc Cebrian

See: Mr. Pack Said

Friday, July 12, 2024

A Sad Example Of What Obsessive Armstrongism Does To A Person


We have featured on here numerous posts about the Kitchen family over the years. The devotion or obsession with all things Herbert Armstrong is over the top and it weighs heavily on the remaining family members.

YouTube recently shut down Samuel Kitchen's video channel where he featured HWA's sermons. From reading his posts it seems as if a former member of the WCG also has claimed ownership of the WCG name and videos and filed a claim with YOutube against Samuel's site. It is a convoluted mess.

Tonight, Samuel made a rather discouraging post on his Facebook page. It shows exactly what happens to a mind obsessed with the church and Armstrong. It is unhinged and unbalanced. I seriously have concerns for the guy.

This is what he posted:

I've been feeling lately like a man facing extermination. Not only with regards to my physical family line, but also with my spiritual family as well.
Seeing how far people will go, to put to death this Worldwide Church of God, well it saddens me and angers me.
I've seen how far people will go to put to death members of my own personal family. It's pretty far.
So when I wrestle with these things, I realize a fear of the unknown is so worthless. What will happen will happen. It's in God's control.
If extermination is my written end, I want my days to be filled with making sure it doesn't happen to someone else.
In God's Word, we have a promise that the Church of God Jesus started won't be exterminated. I have hope in that promise.
The Worldwide Church of God is not something a man started. It isn't subject to extermination when people get tired of it, like some child with a toy. God doesn't trash it.
Satan the Devil has thought that limiting the numbers of the membership of the Worldwide Church of God, will suffice in exterminating it.
He thought that by vacating the ministry, and luring them over into other groups, would allow for the extermination of the Worldwide Church of God.
What a worthless work. All in vain. He won't succeed.
Now whenever someone speaks up, they are persecuted and bullied. Perhaps their family line gets exterminated as well?
But I ask the question....what if the one you keep trying to kill, gets up and keeps coming?
You can read about the prophecies of the two witnesses, the world will face this sort of spectacle. To try to kill again and again, people who just won't die! When the two witnesses shall die, the world rejoices! They were waiting for the day!
I think all of God's people have been at one time or another, someone who couldn't be exterminated.
Looking at my father's life, I know some have to be bald from pulling their own hair out over my dad not dying when they thought he would!
God protects His people and delivers them.
So why fear what men can do?
I only fear of being negligent of fighting for others who do not know yet what is being done.
The Worldwide Church of God continues to exist. Bullies do not. Satan is going to be chained soon. So let us rejoice to be found on the opposite side of the Devil!
Let our name burn his ears!