Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Spanky Is Not Happy His Message Is Being Ignored By The World

Davy Crockett from LCG has written an article where he is upset that the world is not paying any attention to Spanky Meredith's message through  LCG's broadcasts and literature.  In his view the world is too stupid to see the truth when it is right before their eyes.

He starts off by quoting Winston Churchill, a favorite of Spanky and COG leaders.

Many wonderful quotations are attributed to Sir Winston Churchill, the great British Prime Minister who had such a profound effect on the 20th century. His irrepressible sense of humor, his tenacity in the face of great danger, his oratory and his writing ability set him apart as an influential historical figure. One quote he is noted for is, “Most people stumble over the truth, now and then, but they usually manage to pick themselves up and go on, anyway.”

Crockett goes on to write about all of the millions of ignorant people in the world who ignore Spanky Meredith and his cult's teachings:

It does seem that Churchill was correct in his assessment—as we so often see when people come into contact with the eternal truths found in the Bible. Millions of people see, hear and read the message of Scripture that the Tomorrow’s World telecast, magazine and Web site present to the world, proclaiming the Gospel of the soon-coming Kingdom of God. This is the same message Jesus Christ taught and the Apostles and earliest Christians spread, and we spread it by Christ’s instruction: “‘Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen” (Matthew 28:19-20).
Our television program is now seen in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and we now are beginning to reach the Chinese people with television from Hong Kong. Yet, only a relative few people actually respond to these matters of spiritual importance. This was true in the first century, and remains true today.

Perhaps it is because you have absolutely nothing that is worthwhile for humanity to hold on to! Ever thought of that?????

But never fear, the COG bogeyman is ever present and is out to stop the TRUTH from being preached by the "one and only true church restored to earth after 1,970 years." Satan is one busy dude!

Not only do most people ignore or reject Christ’s message, the messengers are often met with resistance and even persecution. The Apostle Paul was harassed and finally arrested and imprisoned for carrying out this commission.

LCG ministers and leaders will soon be imprisoned for preaching Spanky's message.  That is actually what Davey is saying here.

Then he ends with this warning:

Even the most wonderful knowledge is of no value unless it is both recognized and acted upon. How about you? As a viewer and reader of Christ’s message, are you “almost persuaded”? Or, will you muster the courage and conviction to join with us in fulfilling the commission given to us by the Messiah just before He ascended to be with the Father?

If you do not allow yourself to "be persuaded" by LCG then you are turning your back upon their "god" and this thing they call  a "jesus."  You destination is the tribulation!

Touch Not The Unclean

Apostle Malm was asked today by one of his acolytes on how to know when a woman is menstruating:

How do you know you are around women that are menstruating? Pls tell….
I am sure that they will not shout that out. However your own wife can let you know that she is not available. If you are thinking of being unclean by inadvertent touching of an unclean person, let me remind you that virtually everybody is unclean through eating pig etc etc. We live in an unclean world today; that does not mean that we should not do what we can in matters that we have control over. We should also understand that the laws of clean and unclean have their spiritual counterparts in avoiding contamination by sin. That certainly includes vicarious sins. James

Thankfully Jesus had no problem with unclean women or tax collectors, or the dispossessed, or the dregs of society.

Church of 'god' Crazies (Updated)

Update:  This might be the reason Douglass has not heard from The Journal:

"don't know if this is a factor in the no response for Douglas, but Dixon had a heart attack awhile back and he may be either recovering or has lost interest in the Journal.  
I have not received one in awhile.."

Douglas mentioned the other day that he has contacted The Journal several times about submitting an ad/story debunking British Israelism.  So far they have not responded to him.  His articles and information are well researched and thought out.

I find it strange that they are doing this considering the fact they have ads in their paper for some of the weirdest things out there in COGland.  

The Journal has a section in it called  Connections. Just glancing though it is an eye opening experience. It is filled with some of the most incredibly insane rantings by COG ministers/members that I have ever seen. When people question why the 600 some harlot daughters of the Worldwide Church of God are NOT growing, this is why! If only these loonies would open their eyes! But then I think, 'There but by the grace of God go I!" I shudder to think that I could still be in one of these silly irrelevant cults!

It covers everything from UFO's, crop circles, pagan Thanksgiving, Art Makarow's irrelevance, Slick Willie Dankenbrings Concentration Camps, to Ken Westby and the One God follies.

Here are just a few of the silly things published by these spiritual bankrupt individuals all claiming they alone have the truth:

Most people outside of the Church lack basic knowledge about
God's feast times. We wanted them to understand to have a
chance at attaining spiritual salvation they must become involved
with the things in which God is interested and involved.
Ministry Publications
Cottonwood, AZ

When The Saints Go Marching In  "The Full Gospel Revealed " by Milton Huston

THE FULL GOSPEL REVEALED: When The Saints Go Marching In is an amazing exposition of "The Full Gospel" as it is revealed in the Spiritual context and consensus of the Holy Scripture, from Genesis through Revelation. The author covers in a few short pages what it would take biblical scholars and theologians three or four Volumes and over a thousand pages to convey. (Houston is a former crackpot deacon from Pasadena)

* Biblical Insights for the world today and the coming new world order.
* Detailing latter day prophecies, our time now, as given and clarified
by Jesus Christ, the prophets and apostles.
* Defining and understanding true Christian responsibilities and
maturity in preparing for Christ's soon return.
Cal Falzone Texas

2009 Is a Wednesday-Passover Year Like Exodus Year-1,
Conquest Year-1 and the Crucifixion Year
Let us observe in 2009 the correct biblical dates for Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost!

The Creators Covenant Cult uses the Koran to support their fallacies. Sadly, these wing nuts are from South Pasadena! Too close for comfort!
And remember the favor of Allah on you and His covenant with which He bound you firmly, when you said: We have heard and we obey, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, surely Allah knows what is in the breasts. (Koran 5:7 )

Surely Allah has bought of the believers their persons and their property for this, that they shall have the garden; they fight in Allah's way, so they slay and are slain; a promise which is binding on Him in the Taurat(Torah) and the Injeel (New Testament Gospel) and the Quran; and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Rejoice therefore in the pledge which you have made; and that is the mighty achievement. (Koran 9.11 )

Nutjobs in Britain

Northwest Church of God (UK)
Re-introduced into Britain by the Worldwide Church of God, the true religion suffered a severe blow when it adopted an hierarchical form of church government.

It was this which caused some members of the NW Church of God to leave the Worldwide Church of God, eventually joining together to form a completely independent church determined to follow the bible form of church government based upon a conference of church elders, as we read of in Acts chapter 15. Until now it has linked with other independent churches in 'Churches of God Outreach Ministries', (CGOM) to more effectively preach the gospel.

And who can pass up phrenologist Fred Coulter's $150.00 'Correct Order' Bible. And just because you are a Journal Reader you can get his silly book for less than $100.00. Oh the joy!

Don Billingsley's Cult has numerous stupid predictions and claims to know when the end is coming:
"...And, basing this projected period of time
on similar prophetic Scriptures that have to
do with three and one-half conclusive years,
such as Daniel 12:7; James 5:17; Revelation
11:3; 12:14, could very well indicate a final
three and one-half year period of time for
this Work to be completed. If this is accurate,
it would reach its conclusion by the Feast of
Tabernacles 2009, or by January 7, 2010;
Christ would then close the door to His
Work (Revelation 3:7-.
Why January 7, 2010? By use of the 19-
year time cycles that figure prominently with
the Gospel going to the world, beginning with
the ministry of Christ, and each cycle thereafter
a very significant event taking place in
conjunction with it, as did the Work in
January, 1934, another one will take
place in January, 2010."

Projections for 2009
It is highly possible the new president could be assassinated
during his term in office, as have been past presidents,
including the one he is patterning his tenure after, President
Lincoln, and also his possible counterpart, Nimrod. If so, there
will be racial riots that will tear the nation apart...

If this should occur-by observing what took place in previous
years, the grocery stores will be looted along with the
burning and destruction of many of the federal and state
buildings. This could put the people of this country in immediate
need for food! Undoubtedly this would also result in
anarchy followed by the need for Martial Law!

Then there is Ken Westby and the One God crackpots:

We pray to a single person, God, as he
is presented throughout Scripture. Trinitarian
and Binitarian "Godheads" are metaphysical
mysteries that can muddle understanding
and confuse God's children
as they seek to relate to their
heavenly Father. These doctrines
import alien, pagan ideas about
deity into Christian doctrine. Such
doctrines attack the first and greatest
commandment and are properly
exposed and resisted.
Included in this edition is a lot of blabbering from Art Makarow! He, for some reason, still thinks he has some relevance to the world.

And then if you think Armstrongism can't get any crazier there is this:

"James S. Downard wrote that the CIA
was making biotelemetry implants in suspecting
people as early as 1933. After the
operation, the victims were kept drugged for
a time and then were brainwashed." 'Alien'
implants into humans used the same devices
and method.

Crop Circles
"Former aerospace engineer Brian Desborough
in his book They Cast No Shadows
[about the Illuminati] says that crop circles
are in many cases due to . . . a low powered
gamma ray beam device. Such technology
was only implemented into widespread use
by the military [when] elaborate crop circles
first began to appear."
"The high frequency gamma ray beam
would cause the moisture in the nodes to
convert to super heated steam, swelling and
softening the nodal cells and causing the
stalks to bend in the direction swept by the

Government lied (saying flying saucers
do not exist; if they exist they are alien) to
cover up that flying saucers are real and
flown for 60 years by men without ET help.
So cheap transportation and power supply
withheld from public by the richest men

...cattle mutilations in remote
areas are ongoing program by CIA Special
Operations Division by flying saucer crews.
Specimen samples tested for radiation and
sterilization effects of death ray devices
under development since 1960s.

Then there is a crack pot called Jan Young and his completely insane beliefs:

Church Hymns/Thanksgiving/4th of July/
Likewise, all Protestant songs are of the
devil (this I finally learned). No matter how
good they may sound, they are of idolatrous
worship and it is completely safe to avoid
them all.

My article about the book Lies My
Teacher Told Me told how Columbus Day
honors a 'Hitler' responsible for starting
slave trade, extermination of indigenous
races and other atrocities. And the book
tells how Thanksgiving Day is like it since
the Pilgrims within a generation after the
feast with their Indian benefactors slaughtered
them for no good reason and with
atrocities as bad as Columbus. There is a
"national mythology around Thanksgiving-
a mythology that amounts to a kind of
holocaust denial."

The fact that many atheists keep Thanksgiving
Day that is supposed to honor God,
should point out which 'God' is really honored,
as many atheists keep Christmas, too.

Independence Day is just the US version
of Britain's Midsummer's Fires for the summer
solstice as Canada's July 1. Christmas is
for the winter solstice. US Founding Fathers,
Masons, kept both solstices with works of
fire. Freemasonry's two patron saints' festivals
"are only a perpetuation of the feasts of
the old fertility cult at the summer and winter

God that way!
Too bad the featured entrée was not an
unclean meat as pig instead of turkey. Few
COGs would be eating the big meal. Though
no compulsion stops other US citizens from
eating unclean meats during the featured
meal, especially the original Pilgrims

Make-up and High Heels
It is amazing that many COGs allow
makeup, though it was part of the apostasy of
the new WCG after HWAdied. Most of these
would have a different view if they had been
living in the early 1900s when it was becoming
popular due to makeup and high heel
companies hiring actresses to wear them on
stage and screen to boost their sales and get
women hooked on the practices

Platform and high-heeled shoes produce
the wanton wiggle or minced step the Bible

Slick Willie Dankenbring is confident that concentration camps are being built to ultimately house COGites. One COGite member in Palm Springs several years ago claimed one is currently built here in Glendale CA. Which of course was another COG lie.  They claim it was being built up behind Brand Library in the hillside.

"The bill mandates that six separate facilities
be established in different Federal Emergency
Management Agency Regions (FEMA) throughout
the country.
"The camps will double up as 'command and
control' centers that will also house a '24/7 operations
watch center' as well as training facilities
for Federal, State, and local first responders. The
bill also contains language that will authorize
camps to be established within closed or already
operating military bases around the country"
( 1-29-09).

The times are rapidly changing; the storm clouds
are blowing in the wind and increasing in velocity.
Trouble is brewing, and catastrophe is rearing its
ugly visage, frowning down threateningly upon