Leave it to a Pharisaical COG turd to claim that the billions of people who will live this harmony while being ruled over by COG members, will all end up being killed AFTER the millennium. All that will be left will be the highly selected law keepers and zealots. If that is all true, then why even try? That is what happens when people start listening to the zealous liars and despots that run the various COG ministries out there today.
When Satan is released after the end of the millennium – AFTER the millennium ends; to complete the remaining months of his six thousand years of dominating mankind, he will deceive – probably many billions of people – nearly everyone on the planet except Israel [God will allow this to teach one final lesson to a mankind who after a thousand years of peace will have become complacent, lukewarm and lacking in zeal just like we have become today].
It is those vast numbers who are killed AFTER the millennium, but BEFORE the main harvest; who will be resurrected during the seventh and last; one thousand years of Tabernacles. James Malm