Saturday, August 8, 2020

Low-level prophet asks: Could Tkach, Sr. have consulted with the Bilderbergers about getting an earring before he decorated his Christmas tree and then relaxed with some Sabbath sex? Is there a possibility he did this while chewing tobacco? Prophets gotta ask!


Who in their right mind would sit and listen to this trash and think it is godly worship? Once more, Jesus gets dumped on the trash heap out behind the homeopathic pill-pushing low-level prophets' amazing HQ. This shows exactly what a cesspool Armstrongism has turned into.  Does ANYONE in 2020 care about such crap, especially his African followers? These topics are of ZERO concern to his followers or the rest of humanity.

In this sermon, Dr. Thiel answers questions that have been submitted to the Church of God on many topics, such as:

What about making/receiving organ donations?

Should you chew tobacco?

Is there any help to overcome bad habits?

Did Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. have the mantle of succession?

What is ‘servile work’?

Is sexual intercourse prohibited on the Sabbath?

Is a ‘holy kiss’ ever appropriate?

Can you home school your children?

Was it possible for Jesus to be born on December 25th?

Should we fear conspiracy theories involving the Bilderbergers, Trilateralists, Vatican, Council of Foreign Relations, Freemasons, etc.?

Should you force your ‘legal rights’?

Does Daniel 9 help prove Jesus is the Messiah?

Why should the Jews accept Jesus as Messiah?

What about the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Simeon?

Is it acceptable for men to wear earrings?

Dr. Thiel goes through scriptures, facts, COG documents, and historical information to provide answers.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Wes White: A Few Good Men


Here is the script from the climactic courtroom scene in “A Few Good Men:”

Kaffee:  Colonel, I just have one more question before I put Airman O'Malley and Airman Rodriguez on the stand. If you gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, and your orders are always followed, then why would Santiago be in danger? Why would it be necessary to transfer him off the base?
Jessup: Santiago was a substandard Marine. He was being transferred...
Kaffee: That's not what you said. You said he was being transferred, because he was in grave danger.
Jessup: That's correct.
Kaffee: You said he was in danger. I said "grave danger"? You said. “Is there any other kind?”
Jessup: I recall what I said.
Kaffee: I could have the court reporter read back to you...
Jessup: I know what I said! I don't have to have it read back to me, like I'm...
Kaffee: Then why the two orders? Colonel?
Jessup: Sometimes men take matters into their own hands.
Kaffee: No, sir. You made it clear just a moment ago that your men never take matters into their own hands. Your men follow orders or people die. So Santiago shouldn't have been in any danger at all, should he have, Colonel?
Jessup: You snotty little bastard.

Before HWA died, he instructed the members of the WCG to obey Joe Tkach. And here is the problem with that:

On one hand, if you obey that instruction, you will end up following a religion that is totally at odds with what HWA taught.

On the other hand, if you follow HWA’s religious teachings, you must disobey HWA’s final instruction.

Just as Colonel Jessup’s testimony couldn't be reconciled with itself, neither can the “authority“ of the WCG offshoots be reconciled. If a man or organization claims the mantle of HWA, they are either disobeying his final command or they are going against his doctrines. You can’t do both. If you ask these guys to reconcile this dichotomy, they may not say the following, but they will thinking, “You snotty little bastard.”

That’s how they view us who participate on Banned.

Wes White

Philadelphia Church of God: A Separation Cult

