The world is still spiraling out of control for those boys in Charlotte, as it has been for many of them for the last 6 -7 decades. Everywhere around them, there is moral decay. But not in their church. Trump is out, sex, COVID reigns, sex, women rule over nations, sex, there are constant threats of war, sex, famine, sex, disease, sex, pestilence, sex, pot smokers in Colorado and Oregon, sex, and of course there are those necessary but pesky gays (which if they weren't around we would have nothing to talk about).
Oh, and Bobus Thiel would disagree with Winnail's claim that LCG has the "sure word of prophecy". There is no other man on earth that has the "sure word" than Bobus himself. Bobus claims that NONE of the COG's will know when it is time to flee as they have their prophecy predictions all wrong.
Only the Great One, he who is named Bobus, knows the "sure word".
Watch World News!
Jesus told His disciples to watch for the fulfillment of Bible prophecies indicating that the end of the age and His second coming are near (Matthew 24:42–44
; 25:13
). However, these same prophecies reveal that many will be surprised by dramatic events that erupt to mark the arrival of the last days, because most people do not understand the prophetic significance of world events that are making news today. This is why God has given His Church a “more sure word of prophecy” so it can function as a watchman to proclaim the real significance of events we see in the news today (2 Peter 1:19–20
, KJV). The moral decay and declining influence of the Israelite nations (Leviticus 26:14–19
; Deuteronomy 32:29
), the growing fears of war, and the eruption of pandemics and the spread of natural disasters (Matthew 24:1–8
), an alliance of nations in the Middle East and North Africa (Daniel 11:40
), and the emergence of a military power in Europe with links to the Roman Empire promoted by an ecumenical-minded papacy (Revelation 17:1–5
, 12–13
; Isaiah 47:8
)—all point to end-time events outlined in Bible prophecies. As we see these prophecies coming alive today, we need to draw closer to God and continue to watch world events so we are not caught by surprise when Jesus Christ returns to this earth (1 Thessalonians 5:1–6
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
Bobus Thiel still is totally ticked off that the Living Church of God (i.e. Rod Meredith) refused to listen to his demands that they change their beliefs to suit his deluded thinking. How dare they ignore God's doubly blessed and self-annointed How dare they!
On the blog Bobus runs he has this comment about the Living Church of God and its refusal to follow his demands.
LCG continues to cling to a position its top evangelist told me was wrong--and that has to do with the European Beast power who rises up and destroys the USA in Daniel 11:39
. Instead, the above, consistent with LCG's flawed official statement of beliefs which Dr. Meredith promised me with Richard Ames and Douglas Winnail as witnesses, in December 2011 would be corrected by the end of January 2012, still has the start of the Beast-led war and the Great Tribulation with Daniel 11:40
. Unless LCG changes, it will not know when the Great Tribulation will begin until it is too late.
Considering every single COG leader out there has failed in their prophetic utterances, why should we believe another self-appointed false prophet?