God's only true end-time prophet is perturbed that most people call him a false prophet and other big bad meanie things.
Apparently, we have all been blinded by the god of this world to find fault with this most amazing human creature that has ever led a Church of God since the foundation of the world. For shame!!!!!! Never has the church had a more accurate prophet in its history!
So, yes, even others who have paid attention to what I believe I was led to write based upon my understanding of the Bible, can see that predictions have come to pass.
For some reason, Theil loves to drag Gaylyn Bonjour into his endless justification stream of nonsense.
Despite improper accusations from various ones on the internet that I am some type of a false prophet, to the best of my knowledge, I have never once posted a false prediction (and I do try to indicate when something is speculation), nor do those critics actually post any "false" predictions that I supposedly made and provide proof that even one was false. Thus, those who love the truth will not listen to their false dismissals. Furthermore, I did not anoint myself (Gaylyn Bonjour anointed me with oil) and am not self-ordained, but am God-ordained. Yet sadly, some so misunderstand the role of prophets in the New Testament that they would rather believe the lies about me than face the truth that the actual facts reveal.
Thiel is still perturbed that the Living Church of God has ignored all of his predictions and warnings. LCG refused to bow down to all of his demands that they change literature and teachings to conform to Thiel's non-existent or improperly trained exegesis methods.
While some have suggested that these numerous specified predictions were simply informed analyses as opposed to prophecies (and many likely were), I would add that I told LCG's Davy Crockett in August 2008, several weeks before Dr. Meredith had his first ministroke, that I believed that God was about to strike one of LCG's top leaders down (meaning likely Dr. Meredith) if LCG did not keep certain promises related to correcting literature, etc. And this happened to Dr. Meredith on September 19, 2008. Furthermore, I tried to meet with Dr. Meredith on December 19, 2011 to tell him that it seemed God was telling me that his wife was about to be struck with something serious. A few weeks later (per Dr. Meredith’s letter dated 1/12/12), Dr. Meredith reported that his wife (who was much younger than he) was stricken with stage four cancer (she later died on November 29, 2013). Those two predictions were not the result of news analytical skills on my behalf, but I believe were insights from God's Spirit.
Yet, instead of accepting that God moved me to state that Dr. Meredith's wife was about to be struck with something, and that being confirmed about four weeks later, someone made up the spin story that 'everyone knew Sheryl Meredith was gravely ill and that I would have known that when I said it.' That is wrong for at least two reasons: 1) I lived thousands of miles away from Charlotte and did not know the state of her health and 2) the stage four diagnosis did not happen until AFTER God moved me on this. Yet, many despise prophecies.
Thiel equates himself with Jesus when people tell him to make a real prophecy.
Oddly, some have challenged me to "prophesy" something on my own. Others tried to do that with Jesus (Mark 14:65
; Matthew 26:68
), but He ignored their requests. For other prophets, it simply does not work that way--"for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:21
). God must grant the prophecy, then the prophet states it. And as the last line of the previous paragraph shows, I did do that. Those who claim that I should be able to prophesy on according to my own, or their demands, are in conflict with the Bible. A true prophet speaks as God directs and when God directs. Jesus was repeatedly hit because He would not prophesy on demand (Mark 14:65
; Matthew 26:68
). Various ones insult me and/or consider me false for following His example this way.
Then he has this whopper of a lie.
Now, I cannot tell people when God will lead me to other prophetic insights. But my prophetic track record seems unparalleled in modern times. And yes, I accept the prophetic office I was ordained by God and anointed into. The fruits are there (cf. Matthew 7:16-20
God no more anointed and ordained him as a prophet or as a Church of God leader than God ordained and appointed Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, Gerald Weston, and all the other false leaders out there.
Regardless of all the justification that Thiel streams out, he is still a false prophet and a liar that is deceiving brethren.