HWA was NEVER wrong in his prophecies! He wasn't! He was NOT! Get that through your laodicean minds! Here is how some Yahooists claim he was never wrong!
Prophesy has never been a hard and fast thing. Mr. Armstrong has believed sincerely in many events that did not happen as he thought they would. That does not make him a false apostle any more than it made Peter and Paul false when they thought that Christ was coming back in there time.
Even though there are well over 200 document failed prophecies of HWA and other COG ministers, they were and still are not wrong???????
Mr. Armstrong was not wrong and neither were they.Mr Armstrong never got anything wrong on prophecy as many will begin to shortly see. He had every valid reason to believe that WW2 was the end.But on Laodicea he was dead on the money. It is NOT here yet, but there are seeds already planted and growing that will be Laodicea.What we have now is a dying and weakened Philadelphian era.Ephesians did not become something else. They remained Ephesians as they were called. But it is possible to be a bad Ephesian as it is possible to become a bad Philadelphian. No era was perfect and you can be a bad member of any era.But Mr. A taught that the Laodicean church would rise in the tribulation and do a work.The work today is a weak Philadelphian work, poor and dying off and loosing the truth of doctrine. This is why it is given the serious warning to "HOLD FAST".We are told to hold fast because Philadelphia is now removing , changing and watering down doctrine..Interracial marriage has been CHANGED by all the churches today. They list it as an inconvenience but not a sin. It is sin.. the entire world was destroyed for it!Sabbath has been watered down.. so much.But Laodicea is going to rise up yet.In the recording Mr. Armstrong says DEFINITIVELY: "God is still revealing truth to me" and what he said was truth here too
He never did such a thing.
But if he did, it's all Ramona's fault.
I wish I could bitch-slap that Jezebel! It would be more fun than hating Harry Potter.
Yahoo said;
'That does not make him a false apostle any more than it made Peter and Paul false when they thought that Christ was coming back in there time.'
And I rest my case. Had the false prophets of the early church been nailed back then, we would not be dealing with it all again.
Yahooist said, "But Mr. A taught that the Laodicean church would rise in the tribulation and do a work".
MY COMMENT - This is a true statement because I heard HWA say it live and in person. In fact, the exact words he used were "some other group" would rise in the tribulation and do a work.
It's funny; this particular Yahooist comment immediately sparked my memory as clear as if it was a moment ago. The way Mr. Armstrong said it; it was as if he was alluding that it would be a group completely unconnected to himself or the WCG. What this means (particularly if you are a hard line Armstrongist) is that Meredith, Flurry, Dave rat Pack, the weirdo Weinland dude, Mark "nepotism" Armstrong and everybody else who splintered from WCG claiming the HWA mantle are condemned as not being legitimate by Mr. Armstrong's own words and perspective.
In my personal opinion, 1) Mr. Armstrong was NOT a profit, ooops I mean "prophet"; and 2) the world condition is always in a state of “The Great Tribulation”.
• It was “The Great Tribulation” to those who suffered through the black plague during the middle ages;
• It was “The Great Tribulation” to those who fought and lived during the US Civil War when North and South clashed.
• To the hostage beheaded by the Islamic extremist, it was “The Great Tribulation”.
• To the ordinary people going to work in the World Trade Center on a beautiful September 11, 2001 day, it was “The Great Tribulation”.
• There have always been throughout time and history “wars and rumors of wars”.
My advice to all is try to be a good person by not murdering; by taking some time to have a Sabbath rest from the cares of this world; and by not lying and stealing like some of those who have made a lifetime income stream out of some future allusive catastrophic event otherwise known as “The Great Tribulation”.
Nut case.
. Herbert Armstrong was a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing (wool suit), devouring the flock so he could have gold, silver, crystal and meet with world leaders to feed his sick narcissism.
We've spent low, these many decades, being subjected to blatant obvious lies and people have lived with them so long that they are completely delusional -- not at all a picture of a sound mind.
People seem to think that when someone expresses their opinion, it is fact, even though it is proveably wrong.
Before you think this is a mental illness, please consider that it is a choice, and therefore a mental disorder, for there is no physiological component of the brain which is damaged. Just billions of brain cells dead from lying and believing lies.
There is a severe penalty for all this: Loss of major portions of the physical brain with UBOs (Unidentified Bright Objects) showing up in brain scans. After a very long time of this -- and although there are other causes -- the inevitable result for some is total dementia.
I heartily recommend that those who are engaged in this rubbish stop lying now, lest a worse thing come upon them. Not only can't you change the Universe with willing it through magical thinking, you end up destroying your mind. Believing stuff that's not true and acting on it, is psychosis.
It's ironic that we have someone deliberately ignoring what Jesus Christ himself was quoting as saying in Matthew 7:15
What's even more disturbing about all this -- if there is anything that can be -- is that a lot of people accept this junk and, worse, follow abusive lying theiving nut jobs to their own destruction.
It's high time for such people to be excruciatingly honest with themselves and just QUIT spreading such NONSENSE.
Be silent and study to show yourself approved.
Just one more thing:
Just what is left of what Herbert Armstrong built?
In 1971, at the Feast of Tabernacles, I personally heard him say, "Follow me, I will lead you into the Kingdom".
He's dead.
He lied.
Furthermore, where is "The Plain Truth" Magazine? It doesn't exist, does it?
There is no more Ambassador College campus, unless you want to count the one created by "That Prophet", drunken liar, Gerald Flurry -- another false prophet who owes $9 million on his Auditorium.
All of the Worldwide Church of God has disappeared. It doesn't exist. Nada. Nothing.
There has not been any Place of Safety and it's not even on the horizon. "The Good News" was taken over by a church which has split and split and split and is now looking to change its doctrines... yet again.
If God were truly behind that false prophet false non apostle, Herbert Armstrong, you would have to believe that there would be a legacy, but there is not. Nothing is left of the positive message of the Kingdom of God. What is left is a bunch of whiney sociopaths predicting the destruction of the United States because it is Israel. That's a lie, and not one of these ACoGs (despite the PR efforts of David Pack) is going to the real Israel.
So to those who are would-be Watchmen: You need to stop lying, stop your idolatry, stop taking God's Name in vain. If God exists, you are in deep trouble because you will not be held guiltless. If He doesn't you are less relevant that an ashtray on a motorcycle, ham at Bar Mizvah and a screendoor in a submarine. Well, you are anyway, and so unimportant that for all the mental noise, you don't really exist.
Here's a challenge to you would-be supporters of that lying false prophet, sack of scrap, dead false apostle Herbert Armstrong: Call down fire from heaven. Perform a few miracles. It would do wonders for your credibility.
You can't do it.
You don't have the faith.
Prophecy was not a hard and fast thing with Herbert Armstrong?
Here's our challenge, you lying piece of garbage: If you take away all the prophecies of Herbert Armstrong, what's left of his ministry?
Douglas Becker said, "If God were truly behind that false prophet false non apostle, Herbert Armstrong, you would have to believe that there would be a legacy, but there is not. Nothing is left of the positive message of the Kingdom of God".
MY COMMENT - Agreed 100%!
Success leaves traces of evidence in the form of a legacy that lives on after the founder's death. Success without a "successor" is failure. There is nothing left of the WCG, or "the most important work on earth" as we were told. Most of humanity have never heard the name of the end time Apostle Herbert W. Armstrong. So much for the work of "witnessing and warning".
The reality is "this generation" did in fact pass, and the work of Herbert W. Armstrong was the work of a man, not of God. Time has proven Herbert W. Armstrong to be a huge fraud. He is not, and could not be who he portrayed himself to be.
There is nothing left to his legacy as Mr. Becker points out except those of us who grew up in his WCG, and the families who made substantial financail sacrifices so Mr. Armstrong could "dine with the classes."
Unfortunitely if you want to "dine with the classes", you must lie to the masses.
if you want to "dine with the classes", you must lie to the masses
Ooooh, Richard!
You don't mind if I steal that from you without any attribution. I want it. It's mine.
In the fine tradition of Armstrongism, then.
Success without a "successor" is failure
I'm taking that one too.
(Sigh) Mass delusion is still very much alive amongst the Armstrong heirs.
I suppose they still believe he was right about Hitler being alive in Argentina, and World War II culminating in Armageddon, too.
They speak of Laodeceans, yet they and their splinters have been spewed from the mouth of God, even as Evangelicals are systematically and powerfully getting out the real gospel to the world, training huge numbers of people, mentoring, changing lives, and even smuggling Bibles into communist countries. Some are providing the testimony of God in all this through their own martyrdom. Truly, false prophets such as HWA have been effective in blinding their followers.
This is so sad. I am just so thankful to God and to Jesus Christ that some of us have been made aware of where God's Spirit is truly working. We need to step up our prayers for the people still stuck in the Armstrong cults. It's the only loving thing to do!
But, Byker Bob, Armstrongists are reaching out and changing lives... oh, you meant for the better, not what they're doing to make lives worse....
Douglas Becker said, "You don't mind if I steal that from you without any attribution. I want it. It's mine".
MY COMMENT - No need to steal it. I have released the statements into the public domain. They are given to you to use as you please. Always remember, God's way is give :)
P.S. - And whatever you do, don't forget the Building Fund!
Lake of Fire Church of God, just what are you building?
HWA was most certainly a FALSE PROPHET, but despite that he did manage to raise up a work which the Creator used to produce some genuine and sincere followers of the scriptural Messiah.
Those of course left the false-sealing COGs and found the faith of the scriptures thereafter.
The same can be said of the SDA, out of which a number have been coming to follow the faith once delivered to the true believers.
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