Saturday, April 23, 2022

Crackpot Prophet Mocks Orthodox Christians And Then Claims They And Everyone Else Needs To Join His "Truest Christian Church"


One thing Church of God leaders has done is honed their skills on mocking the faith of others outside the little circle of Armstrongism/Church of God.

God's greatest prophet in the entire history of the church, who was set apart by God before the foundations of the world was set in place so he could emerge in the end times, had a conniption today over the observance of the Orthodox Christians as they celebrate Holy Saturday before Orthodox Easter, tomorrow.

Whether you believe the story of the fire or not, Orthodox Christianity has a fascinating history that is richer and more authentic than any of the drivel we were spoon-fed in the church. Orthodox Christianity in the Eastern Church is more similar to what the original church believed than any of the crap we see today in the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god". 

The Great Bwana believes this to be a Satanic conspiracy:

By currently believing in “holy fire” many Orthodox are unknowingly setting themselves up to accept the signs and lying wonders that the Bible warns about. The acceptance of signs and lying wonders over the truth of the Bible is part of Satan’s Plan. All, including the non-Orthodox, need to understand that signs and wonders are NOT of themselves proof that something is of God, including the annual ritual of “holy fire.”

The Chief Overseer of his Africa members concludes:

Anyway, God HAS NOT BEEN PROVIDING HOLY FIRE ON THESE ORTHODOX ANNUAL SATURDAYS. Those who believe that He did are deceived. Partially, because of that deception, they accept a compromised religion that IS NOT “the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). 

The great prophet mocks their faith in divine occurrences they believe in while he expects us to believe his lies about his own "divine" double blessing" and holy dreams by mentally disturbed individuals, including himself. If there is a Satanic conspiracy meant to deceive believers then Bob Thiel is at the top of the list.  

Of course, even if you are not Eastern Orthodox, you need to consider whether or not you believe and practice the original faith that is laid out in the Bible (see Continuing History of the Church of God), and even if you somewhat do, if you are supporting the truest Christian church.

Truest Christian Church?????? Seriously? Everything about the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" makes a mockery of genuine Christians down through the centuries. Bob is such a pathetic little man. 

Holy 10 Toes, Batman!!!! Crackpot Prophet Makes His Followers Suffer Through 3 Mini Sermons Today


The world's greatest prophet to exist in human history, so important that he was doubly blessed, announced to his followers today that they deserve to sit through THREE mini-sermons today. Holy Naturopathy, Batman!

For the weekly Sabbath, instead of a short sermonette and a long sermon, we decided to try something a little but different this time. So, we are recommending three messages that are between the usual lengths of a sermonette and sermon.

Here is a suggested service for this weekly Sabbath: 
2-3 hymns (our songbook, The Bible Hymnal, contains the materials from the 1974 Bible Hymnal from the old WCG with new covers, plus ten additional hymns; there is also some Choral Accompaniment online). 
Opening prayer.
Message 1 by Bob Thiel: The Biblical Calendar.
Message 2 by Louis Rubin: Faith from God.
Announcements (if any) and one hymn.
Message 3 by Aleksandar Veljic: Background and Introductory Comments to the Book of Jeremiah.
Other sermons are also available at the ContinuingCOG channel.
Final hymn.
Closing prayer.

Still no Jesus, but this is a Church of God, after all.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Why Do You Need The So-Called Second Greatest Book On Earth?

Those boys in Edmond Oklahoma are having fun again. At first, I thought this was an April Fools joke, but alas, it's April 22. The boys sent out an email today from the greatest King on earth today (sorry, Bob Thiel, it's not YOU!) His Majesty the Royal Highness King Gerald Flurry, the right-hand man of God and possessor of the coronation stone that some creature he calls "christ" will come back to sit its holy derriere upon.

King Gerald wants you to know that you really NEED the second most holy book on earth today. Everyone knows about the Bible, but far too few know about Mystery of the Ages, the second most important book on earth followed closely by the third most important book, Malachi's Message.

Where would the Church of God be without all of these extra-biblical tomes that so many rely upon?

The King writes:

We give away a lot of free literature and educational material. The book we have given away more than any other is Mystery of the Ages. This is a masterful work by the late educator, philanthropist and unofficial ambassador for world peace Herbert W. Armstrong. Thousands of people have said that this book, when they have applied its teachings, has brought real meaning to their lives and given them true happiness!

Mystery of the Ages is a synopsis of the Bible. It allows you to understand God’s Word, which would otherwise be a mystery.

MOA along with The Incredible Human Potential has to be the most butt-numbing boring books ever written. They are right up there next to The Book of Mormon in readability and Christian understanding. 

On the cover of the book, Mr. Armstrong wrote, "Did you ever ask yourself: ‘Who am I? What am I? Why am I?’ You are a mystery. The world about you is a mystery. Now, you can understand!"

With this life-changing book, the Bible is decoded before your eyes, if you want it to be!

If the Bible had been decoded with the MOA then there is no reason for 400+ splinter groups each preaching their own unique set of biblical "truths".

Look at society around you. Clearly the Bible is a mystery to most of humanity. It is the world’s bestseller that nobody knows. It is a mystery to science, to education, even to religion! God is not real to most people. But Mystery of the Ages will make God real to you. This book will make God come alive and understandable to you.

The Bible is still a mystery to the Church of God. Every single splinter group has its own interpretation of scripture which is always better than the others. 400+ different versions with no one willing to agree upon common points. 

For this reason, Mr. Armstrong considered Mystery of the Ages the second-greatest book on Earth after the Bible.

It's not and never has been!