Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Ark Encounter ll: We Should Not Have to Debate This in the 21st Century. However.....

A Debate of Biblical Proportions
 Pious Convictions based on Marginal Information
strike again...

An Skeptical View of the Ark Encounter

The Most Persecuted Church of God EVER!

Various Church of God leaders have loved to claim that they are being persecuted.  That persecution can come within from rebellious members, bitter, angry, grumpy Laodicean ex-members, and the government. Whining about things seems to be the character of these men.  Instead of following an all powerful God who stands behind their work, they whine and moan incessantly about their intense persecution. Never has the church seen a more persecuted man that Bwana Bob Thiel

God's greatest gift to the church and God's doubly blessed and most important mouthpiece is back whining once again.  Poor little thing!

Today is observed in the USA to mark its official Declaration of Independence 243 years ago.
When our older sons lived with us, for a couple of years, I read through parts of what was in the Declaration of Independence and explained how 21st century America treated its citizens worse than some of what was complained about in the Declaration of Independence.
Since then, although the economy of the USA has held up, many things have worsened.
The USA now has less freedom of speech and less freedom of religion. But instead of the government doing most the direct censoring, much of the news media and the big tech internet companies do that. And much more than would have been imagined in 1776.
The fact that the government cannot seem to define a male vs. female is also a development that would not have been imagined in 1776.
That being said, the CCOG has still been able to function with its USA office, despite us taking steps related to censorship (like not making live certain videos on Vimeo–but that we do still make live on the YouTube and Brighteon platforms). But the time will come when the ‘famine of the word’ (Amos 8:11-12) will hit.
Even in what has been called “the land of the free.”
There is only one reason these fools claim to be persecuted. By playing the martyr in the eyes of their followers they can demand more money and the dumb sheep will give it.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Meet Your Prophetess to the Church of God!
Google keeps stripping video away.

If the video doesn't work, check it out on Youtube at the 9:03 mark as the Prophetess makes an appearance for opening prayer.

 We are pleased to introduce to you the Prophetess of the Church of God.  Through her, God speaks.

She is not the High Prophetess and Second Witless Witness though, that is her mother, the looney Laura Weinland.  Can the Church of God have a family that is crazier people than this family?
They are all certified nuthouse candidates.

Please give money at the offering today as Audra needs a new BMW and a case of erasers so she can correct all of those "mistakes" in the financial books that got Big Daddy into trouble previously.

New Video: The Cult No One Seems To Remember

It is fascinating that a young person sees through Armstrongism when the adults refuse to.

I wish it were true that "no one remembers", but sadly there are still damaging splinter cults of the mother church that are far more dangerous and potentially deadly than
the Worldwide Church of God could have ever imagined.

Well done!

"There Were Two Trees in the Garden of Eden" : What Was Really Wrong With Having the Knowledge of Good and Evil Anyway?

I also felt that placing that which was off limits and would cause one's eternal death for taking from them was a taunt to do so and cheating. You know, "There's a dish of candy on the coffee table kids but don't let me ever find you taking any." 

Why not put them away and out of sight so as not to risk the inevitable?

that said...

How often I sat wishing I was somewhere else than  listening to HWA start his message with "There were two trees in the garden..."  Ugh not again!  I suspected he repeated it so often, not really because "you people don't get it" but because he was aging and sticking to familiar themes was easier. HWA was no theologian as were few if any of in the ministry. Their knowing came from merely reading the Bible and commenting on what they thought it meant or needed it to mean for the Church. I suppose I did that too in the naivete of my youth and feeling of specialness  until I grew up and decided that the knowledge of Good and Evil, while originally in the story  were God Fruit Trees and not for human consumption, would really be a good thing for humans to have. 

So a little something to consider Carl Sagan who knew a bit more than Herbert W Armstrong , Garner Ted, Dave Pack, Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, Gerald Weston and just about every Church of God congregant on the problem of the knowledge of good and evil being withheld from us by religious need to believe rather than to experience the discomfort of actually knowing. 

A Universe Not Made for Us?

"We have not been given the lead
in the cosmic drama"