Saturday, March 28, 2020

Prophet Bob, Apostle and a Bunch of Other Titles Dave, Prophet Gerald and Assorted Prophetic Types Take Note:


God's Prophet Reveals His Solution To Stemming Coronavirus

With the thousands of legitimate scientists working around the world to determine how the COVID-19 works and to develop a vaccine, our very own self-appointed mail-order scientist/church leader/prophet reveals his regime in not catching the coronavirus.
Hence I have recommended eating high vitamin C containing fruits and vegetables, fasting, and prayer. Before and since the COVID-19 situation, I regularly pray and fast. Since I have been asked, let me add that I also take Food Research C Complex, Herbal Antioxidant, Vitamin-Mineral, and Zinc Complex 100% food nutrient formulas, like I have for years–I have not changed my supplement regimen because of COVID-19 (though would add some items if I thought I had it). 
While these are not guarantees that one cannot get the novel coronavirus (and since I work with ill people, I may very well get it), they, when appropriate, do put the body in a better position to combat various pathogens.
Then our dreamy self-anointed one compares the coronavirus to leaven.  After all, it is that time of year when leaven occupies the minds of those who refuse to acknowledge Jesus Christ.  Through the almost 8 decades of the church, we have been subjected to one crazy comparison after another when it comes to what leaven is. 
COVID-19 has spread around the world.
The coronavirus starts out very small.
Like the sin that took over the mind of the Chief Overseer of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" and led him into rebellion and heresy. 
Once it takes hold, the coronavirus quickly spreads in the body–a little spreads a lot.
In the world, sin and hypocrisy is prevalent.
As in Church of God self-appointed leaders.
Likewise, in the world leaven is all around.
Not only is it in baked goods, it is now in many other products. Leaven spreads quickly and most of the items it becomes part of crumble. In the Bible, leaven normally pictures malice, wickedness, and hypocrisy (1 Corinthians 5:8; Matthew 16:6,12; Luke 12:1), while unleavened bread pictures sincerity and truth (1 Corinthians 5:8).
The Old Testament states, “no leaven shall be seen among you."
Never has the Church of God seen so many men set themselves up as the know-it-all's of the church as it has today in 2020, as they proclaim themselves the one true source of knowledge of the Bible and the end times. Never has the church had so many liars in charge as it does now.

Yet, as we descend into Armstrongism's most sacred time of the year, these men continue to lie and deceive their followers with fantastical and often absurd teachings.

The brethren of the church need to cast these puffed-up buffoons out and turn their backs on the heresies they teach and caste them in the trash along with their leavening.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Norbert Link Melts Down Over Coronavirus: "Please End the Pain of the Coronavirus Shutdown!"

Do we "let the cure be worse than the problem itself"? President Trump thinks so. This program shows the dangerous consequences of governmental measures causing unparalleled suffering for 
our people and incredible damage to our economy, with fears of massive suicides and even civil war. 
Why is the public "asleep at the wheel," 
when it comes to mounting violations of our constitutional rights and freedoms?

One thing so many of the Church of God leaders have in common is that they are tone-deaf to reality and the world around them.

Norbert Link thinks this is just a little virus and the President and the world is overreacting to the situation.  Who cares if there are a few thousand dead around the world, it is far less than the amount that dies of regular flu.

I finally realized who Norbert Link sounds like...Colonel Klink!

Commercial Break: 2020- A Passover and Easter Solution to the Present Distress and Assorted Astronomical Realities

Father Enrico Sarduchi

"Were's  that old Walk on the Water Spirit!"

"Nothin' to sneeza your nose at!"

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Herbert W Armstrong College Still Holding Classes During Coronavirus Quarantine So They Can Discuss Importance Of William Shakespeare

Herbert W Armstrong College is holding classes during the coronavirus quarantine.  Apparently living in exile on the cult compound makes them immune to the virus.

Besides, when the world's foremost authority on Shakespeare is giving a lecture, how can you NOT meet? It's not every day you get to see Dennis Leap in a suit instead of his 
tight bicycle and marathon shorts.

Shakespeare is important to the Philadelphia Church of God, so much so that they have articles and broadcasts about the guy.