Sunday, October 17, 2010

Switzerlands Engineering Milestone

One of the worlds most expensive longest engineering feats was completed this week.  The human mind at it's finest!

Engineers have drilled through the last remaining rock to complete the world's longest tunnel, under the Swiss Alps. The 10m-diameter drill-head tore through the rock yesterday to cheers and applause from watching workers. The 35 mile Gotthard rail tunnel has taken 14 years to build and is not likely to open before the end of 2016. But it is expected to revolutionize transport across Europe, providing a high-speed link between the north and south of the continent. Eventually, trains will travel through it at speeds of up to 155mph. Journey times between Zurich and Milan are likely to be slashed by as much as 1.5 hours. The 9.8bn Swiss franc ($10.3bn) project will take up to 300 trains each day underneath the Alps. The length of the Gotthard tunnel exceeds the 53.8km Seikan rail tunnel linking the Japanese islands of Honshu and Hokkaido and the 50km Channel Tunnel linking England and France.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

LCG's Number One Chiropractor On The Tribulation

LCG Apologist extraordinaire, Chiropractor Bob is treading the same dangerous and silly waters his Master Spanky is treading.  Meredith has been making idiotic end time prophecies for decades.  Every single one of them has failed.  Chiropractor Bob's dates will be a failure too.

Barack Obama has a very difficult job, but probably will appear on the surface to be handling it, as the end (meaning the beginning of the Great Tribulation) is not likely to start before 2013 (as it cannot possibly start before 2012, per Daniel 9:27).

Embarrassed yet?

Friday, October 15, 2010

LCG Prophet Thomas Has The Perfect Remedy To Save Your Behind

LCG's latest prophet (since the abysmal failure of false prophet Spanky MerryDeath) has the perfect remedy on saving your life in the tribulation.

This is the one and only opportunity for the majority of Church of God members
to be selected to go to Jerusalem as a human Saint... Most of us (Not virgin)
have children, we had bowed or saluted a picture or a statue... and all of us
have not been true to God's Law... BUT: - adopting or purchasing a 12 year old
after the earthquake and First Wave Resurrection and teaching that child skills
and God's Law... We might then qualify as the owner to become the SEALED child's

And then once you have saved your self you get to do something really fun. You get to execute and cremate rebellious sinners!

It is difficult to understand why COG ministers are still looking for Two
Witnessws to appear today or soon... Or: how a minister might call himself,
herself or anyone living today - one of them...??? They do not do anything until
after Satan is released from the 1,000 year grave.

THAT number will be in the billions: being at least one sixth of the entire
millennium population...

200 Million Saint Gods will be taught how to control the new God Powers and
trained for an orderly return to the earth - first to execute and cremate about
2 billion criminals and then to heal and feed the about 2 billion survivours...
Giving each Saint God about 12 disciples each to nurture and teach the Kingdom
of God Gospel to; in this Jubilee Year...

Armstrongism is such a peaceful, grace filled religion..................................................


Somone sent this to me the other day.  I have no idea where it is from.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Debunking British Israelism

I received a news alert today to a web site that is filled with videos and mp3's of people debunking British Israelism.  Anyone with any roots to Armstrongism knows that this is the fundamental doctrine of the church.  Without this teaching Armstrongism fails horribly. Even their stance on keeping Jewish Holy days is tied directly into this doctrine.

You can listen to Herb rant on and on if you are in a desperate need of a Herb fix.  There are also links to white supremacists using this doctrine and others.

I remember the days sitting in summer camp at Orr MN where we had to memorize the twelve tribes and who Herb said they were in the modern world.  BI was used for decades in the church as a subtle form of racism to keep blacks and Hispanics out of church office leadership rolls.

You still see it in use today in the various splinter cults when their leaders rage on and on about blacks and Hispanics.

British Israelism