Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Just When You Think Armstrongism Couldn't Get Any Weirder: Birds Are EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Demon Birds!

On Yahoo there are several groups that pretend that they are preserving all things HWA (pre-1986 of course).

There was this little gem today about birds.  Of course it had to bring in Harry Potter.

What amazed me was seeing a picture of a WAREHOUSE full of little stands (for a garden, perhaps) (just for Jerusalem!) where the idolaters would put bread crumbs or "cakes" for the Queen of Heaven, who, naturally, sent the birds to bring the offering to her. :)  Hm, how many of us have bird feeders?

Or, as Jesus put it, the birds nest in the tree. Birds are a symbol of evil throughout the Bible, from the dream Joseph interpreted to "the bird that carries tales to the King's ear" to the birds that snatch up the truth when the seed falls to the earth.

Of course, birds themselves are not evil--they are simply a part of God's creation and do what birds do. It is instructive to note that many evil people use owls, eagles, and other unclean birds as talismans (like Harry Potter and his mail-owl). ;It's as if they instinctively thumb their noses at God.

So, has anyone seen or read Harry Potter's Deathly Hallows? Does he combine into the powerful, evil wizard who keeps trying to kill him? You might read that as symbolic of God trying to win over Satan, similar to the Superman story.

David Antion on Apartian's Death and Ron Dart's Condition

12/12/10   Greetings from Pasadena,

By now most of you have received the news of the death of Dibar Apartian.  When I first knew Dibar he was a French teacher at Ambassador College but not yet baptized.  In a few years he was baptized and began to work on articles in the magazines translating them into French.  He became ordained an elder and later he and I were among four who were ordained “evangelists” in 1966.   He began a radio broadcast in French that was carried in Europe and in other French speaking countries.  

He and his wife Shirley (Nash) were social friends of ours playing Bridge and having dinner in each other’s home.  He was a temperate man who seldom ate desserts preferring to have fruit and cheese following his meals as is the custom in France.  He was always nice and pleasant to Molly and me.  Molly attended his French classes  for two years.

We received a discouraging update on Ronald Dart.  After his fall he evidently had intracranial hemorrhaging.  His time of rehabilitation has ended in the clinic but will continue at home.  It appears that the hemorrhaging has wiped up much of what he has learned in times past and he is having to learn letters and word all over again.  Larry Watkins wrote that he cannot read or write presently.

This has to be very discouraging for him and his wife, Allie.  Ron Dart had a very active mind and loved learning and was an able thinker on many subjects.  Many have prayed and are continuing to pray for him and Allie.  Please remember them in your prayers.

I hope you are well.  I shall be writing some things for our Guard the Temple area of the web site soon.
Sincerely, in Christ’s service,
David Antion

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

UCG Members: Informal Poll On UCG Crisis

Check out this informal poll on the current crisis in UCG.  Make you voice heard...not that UCG brass will care the least...but you will get an idea on how your other brethren are feeling about the situation unfolding:

UCG Members and readers of this blog – this is where you are able to get your voice heard in this unscientific, informal poll. This blog is researching your opinions on the UCG crisis. This is a neutral poll. There is no doctrinal or theological agenda with this poll, and Shadows of WCG is not interested – neither does Shadows care or will disclose – who posted what answer. (except if you leave a comment, of course.) Your answer is confidential (in other words, no one will know the identity of who posted what response, though the response is obviously visible to all.)  This informal poll will consist of a few questions. Your anonymity is encouraged. If you wish to further comment you are welcome to at the bottom of this poll. These questions are for public research about the ongoing crisis that is occurring within the United Church of God. One thing: If you choose to comment, in this thread, your comment must be factual. Civility is mandatory – and ad-hominem attacks toward any individual will not be tolerated and will be immediately deleted.

With that said, this is your time to get your voice heard. IF you request further polling questions, you may ask for it in a comment at the bottom of this poll. Your voice is important and deserves – demands – to be heard.

Upcoming UCG Winter Solstice Weekend: Major Split to Occur Soon After?

Rumors are flying in UCG right now that a major split may occur after the upcoming 
UCG's Winter Solstice weekends that it holds annually. 

January is going to be cold and bumpy 
for those remaining UCG members.