Monday, January 10, 2011

UCG Down 5,000 Members

There is no way UCG can fluff off 5,000 members leaving their organization.  5,000 members bring in a huge hunk of change.  If there is a dramatic decrease in money UCG will loose the time slot for their TV program (that very few watch already) and publications will also drop.  ABC lost instructors. Summer camp leaders defected. Feast coordinators left.  The list goes on and on.

More OnThe Bar Church

More on the Bar Church story.

With all the incredibly silliness going on in the UCG/COGaWA pissing contest perhaps the self righteous leaders could get off their rear ends and go meet in some bars and do something useful for a while...

Emerging Church’: Should You Really Worship Jesus in a Bar?

TWO HARBORS, Minn. (AP) — It was a Sunday during Advent, and inside a small pub a few blocks up from the north shore of Lake Superior, 17 people gathered around four bar-top tables shoved into a ring.
Betsy Nelson, the bar’s cook, lit two candles with a cigarette lighter as Addison Houle strapped on an acoustic guitar and sang a slightly off-key rendition of “We Three Kings.“ Curt ”Fish” Anderson sipped a beer as TVs overhead flickered with NFL pregame shows.

“Father, thank you for this time we can share on Sunday morning with new friends,” prayed Chris Fletcher, an emergency medical technician, part-time bartender and seminary student who has led this service every Sunday morning at Dunnigan’s Pub & Grub since last summer. “We’re getting to know you, and getting to know each other better.”

Spending Sunday mornings in a bar sounds like an activity for those running from God. For this small group in a watering hole in Twin Harbors, about 160 miles northeast of Minneapolis, it’s about chasing God. It’s one unconventional place of worship around the country fostered by an evangelical movement known as “the emerging church.”

“I feel closer to God here than I do at a conventional church,” said Nelson, 56, a lifelong churchgoer who until recently could be found every Sunday morning in the pews at First Baptist Church nearby. “Jesus said we’re supposed to be a light to the world. What better place to do that than at a bar?”

After the opening prayer, Fletcher read a brief passage from the Bible before opening the floor to a group discussion. Gene Shank, a 68-year-old retired police officer making his first visit after reading a notice Fletcher put in the local newspaper, confessed to a bit of discomfort.

“I’m a reality person, and I’m finding a little too much established religion here to be honest,” Shank said. “I believe, I pray — but I don’t like structured religion.”

Read the rest of the story here:   Can You Worship Jesus In A Bar?