Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Only 10% of COG Members Have Higher Education?

Interesting comment today about education in the COG's.

2: A sect is a schism in the conventional religious body. A cult is a completely new faith. Religions offer three things, status and self esteem to members (intangible – appealing to the upper classes), health/wealth (tangible – appealing to lower classes), and spiritual (life after death – appealing to everyone). Upper classes are more able to master new cultures (as what happens with a cult) and are more able to acknowledge deficiencies in current religious orginizations. Sects are usually formed promoting more tangable things, which appeal to lower classes. There is a positive correlation between education and cult activities (such as eastern religions in the US), and a negative correlation between education and sect movements (faith healing, born again). In the US the major denominations have high levels of college education, but Protestent sects are not well educated (10% for Worldwide Church of God) while cult groups are the most educated of any category. Christianity, being a cult movement in the first century, would have the greatest appeal to the higher classes of the roman empire.  The Rise of Christianity

Monday, January 31, 2011

"Don’t divorce a wife because she is a profligate shopper..."

More wisdom for God's greatest messenger to women, James Malm:

Do not ask for money after he has just told you that the car broke down and he can’t afford to repair it!  You husbands must also learn that your wives have their problems and wisdom requires that an appropriate time be found to approach your wives. 

If a man offends his wife and she seeks symphathy (sic) wioth (sic) her mother and the two of them build the matter up and commiserates about what a bad husband you are;  after which a friend is told a one sided and inflated version and they tell another with their take on it, who tells another; while you have absolutely no idea of what is going on, until someone comes up to you and calls you names and says that you do not deserve a wife.  Is that right?  Is that fair?  Is that love? 

In the case of beatings or similar physical abuse: LEAVE IMMEDIATELY and  then go to your elder.  What if he is biased, or uninterested, or not helpful?  Tell him that you want to seek further help from higher up and then do so.  Do not go over his head without informing him. (i.e.  don't call the police)

Any woman who over spends and runs up credit bills is being selfish and not considering the overall welfare of the family.  [maybe she is just seeking attention?]  resolve to spend more time with her and bond mor (sic) completely with her!  Over shopping is usually a means of filling an empty void in lives, filling the basket or home is often an unconscious attempt to fill a life with meaning.  Don’t divorce a wife because she is a profligate shopper;

Of Gods and Men

Armstrongism has taken a great deal of effort over the last 70 some years to denigrate Catholicism in it's various forms. Most of the accusations are made in complete ignorance because the only book most Armstrongites have ever read about Catholicism is Hislop's Two Babylons.  It has such a toehold in conservative Christian groups in the US that Armstrong and Ralph Woodward both bought into it.  Woodward wrote his own book based upon Hislop's book and HWA's interpretations.  Woodward finally decided a few years ago to really start researching the claims of the book and found that it was filled with all kinds of errors.  Woodward wrote a new book refuting his previous book, called The Babylon Connection?  You can read an article Woodrow wrote here  called The Two Babylons: A Case Study In Poor Research Methodology

All of that antiCathoilic vitriol that Meredith, Thiel, Malm, Flurry and others continue to spit out does nothing except make themselves look like complete e idiots.

Below is a movie clip of a new movie about Catholic Trappist monks in Algeria in 1996.  Can you imagine any Armstrongite EVER taking such a stand?

Xavier Beauvoir’s Of Gods and Men is a beautiful, extraordinary achievement. Understated at all times, highly sophisticated and understanding of its subject, beautifully scripted, it explores the life and death of the Tibhirine Trappist community in Algeria in 1996, during the civil war. The monks live a simple, self-sustaining life of prayer, kindness and service. As the political situation deteriorates, they find themselves caught in a shooting war, driven by Islamist fundamentalists. The army offers protection of a sort, but this raises other questions for the monks - questions of calling and integrity as well as a basic issue about whether life in an armed camp is actually compatible with what they believe their community should be. Do they stay or do they go? As Dying, Yet Behold, We Live!

A quote from one of the brothers in the monastery:

If a day should come, and it could be today, to fall victim to the terrorism that seems to be engulfing foreigners in this country today, I would love my community, my Church, my family, to remember that my life was given to God and this country and also that the sole Giver of all life was no stranger to such a brutal ending. They should also associate my taking off with so many other equally violent but anonymous deaths. My life is no more valuable than any other, nor less. Anyway, it lacks the innocence of childhood. I have lived long enough to know that I myself am part of the evil which, sadly, seems to prevail in the world, even the evil that could suddenly befall me.  

I could not seek such a death, and I could not die happy to see these people, whom I love, indiscriminately blamed for my death. That would be too high a price to pay for what could be called the grace of martyrdom by an Algerian, whoever he may be, above all if he is motivated by what he may believe Islam to be. I know the contempt in which natives of this country are already held around the world. I also know caricatures of the kind of Islam that encourages Islamism.  

For me this country, and Islam, are something very different. They are body and soul. This is what I have always said publicly, as I believe it and have known and seen this theme in the gospel I learnt in my first Church, at my mother's knee. This I have practised in Algeria, and always from the start in respecting Muslim believers. My death could, plainly, give substance to the arguments of those who think I am just naive, or a starry-eyed idealist. But they need to know that this will finally liberate my most ardent curiosity, in that I may be able, God willing,to submerge my vision in that of the Father, in order to see his Muslim children just as he sees them. In this thank you letter, which says everything about my life from now on, I want to include you all, friends of yesterday and today, and even you too, friend of my last moments, who will not understand what you are doing.  

Yes, even for you, I genuinely want to thank you and bid this Adieu, commendation to God, May we one day meet again, in Paradise, as happy thieves, if it pleases God, Father of us both. Amen.