Thursday, August 18, 2011

COGWA Elects New Leadership: Same Old, Same Old....

Those fine upstanding folk at COGWA, who conspired behind UCG's back while on UCG's dole have elected new leadership.  Men only, of course. The same men who conspired to form UCG when they split from WCG, then did the same planning behind UCG's back to form their new splinter cult.  Same old unethical actions with a new church name.  Same old, same old.

Don't expect anything new from this group.  As they fall back into retro mode and worship all things HWA prior to 1986 look for more people to defect from their group.  Some have already left because they realized they had bought into a lie and have returned to UCG, or left the COG completely.

They having nothing worthwhile for the world and will only gain a few converts who already have some kind of COG background.

The awesome new leadership is:

Jim Franks
Douglas  Horchak

Clyde L. Kilough

Joel  Meeker

Richard  Pinelli

Richard Thompson

Leon Walker

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Novel About Growing Up In Armstrongism a "Best Seller"

Benjamin Grant Mitchell's book, The Last Great Day is selling well.  Kudos to him for the success.  Maybe he can prevent more lives from being destroyed by Armstrongism!

My novel is a ‘Number One’ Bestseller

4 Aug

A writing affirmation popping up on my screensaver from time to time lately is:
“My writing brings happiness to others”

Amongst other self-penned reminders like “Everything I write makes me a better writer” are others focussed on my novel, The Last Great Day.

Occasionally I will return from making a cup of tea or changing a nappy (or changing a nappy while making a cup of tea—it’s all about time management) and see something like:

“The Last Great Day is an inspirational story”
“My focus in 2011 is on promoting The Last Great Day“.

The point of these particular bits of silent self-talk-it-up is to help me remember that although I am writing other stories now the one I spent three years perfecting is available for others to buy, read and—hopefully—enjoy.

Having put my heart, soul and back into making The Last Great Day ‘sing’, it is important for me to let people everywhere know The Last Great Day exists.
Luckily for me I’ve been invited to officially launch The Last Great Day at Melbourne Writers Festival (on Saturday 3rd September) this year. I’m really looking forward to it but am also grateful for other opportunities I’ve already had to share my story.

Since self-publishing on 21st April this year I have been fortunate to have been invited to the Emerging Writers Festival; Readings in Carlton have taken on The Last Great Day, and I also got to do a book signing at my local Dymocks.

At my first writing festival and my first retail outlets I’ve been able to share—and sell—my story. I’ve also met people who’ve already read my novel. It’s been fantastic getting enthusiastic and positive responses and seeing in the eyes of my ‘ever expanding readership’ how my words have found an appreciative and growing audience.

There’s been photo opportunities too. The one I’ve put up with this blog shows a small step towards achieving one of my other affirmations which is:
“The Last Great Day is on top of best seller lists everywhere”

And it’s true.

At least for one day, in a single bookstore in East Doncaster, The Last Great Day outsold all other books. As of August 2011, The Last Great Day is officially (not just in my imagination) a “Best Seller”.

Now, for my next bookstore storming…