Saturday, October 22, 2011

Allegory and the Prophetic Failure of Harold Camping and Rod Meredith

Prophet Thiel is picking apart Harold Camping today concerning his latest prophetic failure.  Jesus was supposed to be returning on Friday, October 21st. That is after Jesus failed to show up last year on May 21st.

Prophet Thiel is indignant that Camping fails to understand what allegory is.  Prophet Thiel is the LAST person on this earth that needs to be reminding Camping on what allegory is!

The Prophet writes the following as the reason Camping's predictions failed.  Camping did not understand allegory.

The short answer is that Harold Camping allegorized away too many key scriptures. In other words, he relied on his own private interpretations and imaginations more than looking at the prophetic sequence that Jesus Himself gave in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. It is that simple. He ignored the fact that required physical events in the Great Tribulation had not happened, nor did the signs in the heavens preceding Jesus’ return occur. Notice that Harold Camping and His followers ignored Jesus’ words which could not pass away:

Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If that's not the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is! Living Church of God's entire existence is based upon a failure to understand what parables, allegory, myths and legends have to do in scripture.

LCG/COG has used the private interpretations and the imaginations of Herbert Armstrong and Rod Meredith as a basis of doctrinal "truth" for decades.  Neither man has any seminary training and is ignorant of biblical hermeneutics, exegesis and eschatology.  Neither man has any understanding how Christian thought developed over the centuries from Plato, Aristotle, and other great thinkers.

Many of the Bible stories were never meant to be taken literally.  Armstrongism has never understood that fact.  While parables, allegories and legends may have great truths in them - just as Greek mythology does - it does not make them "true" in the sense that the event actually happened.

Armstrongism also fails to recognize that Revelation was a hotly disputed book that only made it in the Canon  by the skin of it's teeth.  Yet, Armstrongism looks at it as one of the greatest books ever written.  Literalism literally destroys the mind!

Prophet Thiel follows with a quote from the International Business Times:

Doomsday prophet Harold Camping gives bad name to Christianity, denounced by

International Business Times – ‎ Self-proclaimed Doomsday prophet Harold Camping is nothing more than a charlatan, a fraud who has given a bad name to Christianity, according to Christian leaders.

On that we all can agree!  Thiel however goes on to write:

The iniquity of false prophets such as Harold Camping, Ronald Weinland (who still claims that Jesus will come on May 27, 2012), and others will turn various people off about prophecy.

Prophet Thiel calls Wienland and Camping false prophets and  men who turn people off towards prophecy.  What the hell does he think Rod Meredith has done?  Rod has made hundreds of false prophecies over the decades.  Meredith follows directly in the footprints of Herbert Armstrong who has an even longer list of failures. What about the tens of thousands who have been turned off to the church and God over the decades because of the lies of Meredith and Armstrong?  Why do their failed prophecies continue to  get glossed over?

Thiel continues on:

Those who follow Ronald Weinland of CGPFK may wish to ask themselves how they will feel on May 28, 2012 when Jesus does not return the day before as well (Ronald Weinland, like Harold Camping, also seems to excessively allegorize away prophetic scriptures).

False prophets result in an increase in scoffers, yet despite them, Jesus will return, but not in 2011 or 2012. Please do not allow false prophets to turn you aside from the prophetic and other truths in the Bible.

I would say that those who continue to follow Rod Meredith after his promotion of January 1972 as the date we were supposed to flee to Petra and a few years later for the return of Jesus, may wish to ask themselves why they follow such a failure!  How many lives were destroyed over that one?  Meredith had his golden gloves right in the middle of the mix!  What about his continued "we only have 3-5 more years left" mantra that he has been spitting out for decades?  How can you believe a liar who has been saying the same thing for 50 some years?

Meredith's false prophecies have certainly brought out the scoffers (including this one). We see right through the blatant lies of the man and know him as just one more in a long line of religious despots that seek to control the lives of COG members. Meredith, Weinland, Pack, Flurry, Cox, Steven's, are sick little men who are in deep need of psychiatric help.  How many more men, women and children need to die because of these guys?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Coming Out of Hell: A Journey From Chaos to Redemption - Book By Former COG Cult Member

Another book to add to my collection by a former COG member.  Bonnet left a comment under the blog entry on Greg Sargent

I continue to be fascinated by the many different routes people have taken when they escape from Armstrongism.  I am particularly fascinated by people who's faith was not destroyed by the lies and filth that masqueraded as Christan.
So goes the never ending collapse of the Pope Herbert empire. As to Mr Sargent, I consider him to be a sincere man with integrity, but he must have blinders on to fail to understand the ramifications of Herbert's massive indiscretions. If you read this Greg, I got out in 1995 and got born again. You can read my expose of WCG and its offshoots in my book "Coming out of Hell - A Journey from Chaos to redemption

Coming Out of Hell A Journey from Chaos to Redemption
Can we be saved and broken at the same time? Can a Christian still need inner healing?

Every person on Earth experiences sin and brokenness. But even embracing a new life in Christ does not automatically resolve the pain and bitterness of past struggles and abuse. In this remarkably candid and uplifting book, psychologist David Bonnet bares his soul, using his long battle with depression and even longer involvement with a powerful cult to show how victory in Christ can transform a shattered life. 

Coming Out of Hell is a gripping story of deliverance from the deception, manipulation, and shame of cultic involvement. It takes an inside look at how individuals and families in the grips of spiritual, emotional, and financial chaos can find healing by submitting these wounds to Jesus Christ and finding peace by living in His presence.
Join David and discover that no life is too broken for Christ to heal---not even yours.

Apostle Wants You To Know How Perfect He Is

Apostle Malm has laid down the law on what you should do about food on Saturdays.  This is how he does it and expects you to do it likewise, because only grievous sinners would DARE to eat out or fix food now that they know the truth!

I have not cooked on Sabbath or Holy Days since the early 80s and with a little thought and adjustment of habits, it works out very well. There is simply no need to cook etc on any High Day if one is properly prepared. We need to break free of our addiction to big food and a party style good time; and make God our passion. Just relaxing and discussing scripture with a loaf of bread, cheese, a salad, piece of fruit etc and something to drink would make for an excellent High day repast. We usually have a grand dinner before Sabbath or High Day making sure of some good leftovers for the next day. Often I enjoy a tea and ban muffin with marmalade for breakfast, a salad, pear and cheese, with bread and even sometimes warmed soup for lunch; and for late afternoon some of those leftovers. Its just that easy.