Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Alien Resistance in the Church of God

Here is a former Church of God member who is providing vital information about aliens and how to rebuke them.  So the next time those pesky aliens try abduct you for experimentation just rebuke them in the name of Jesus and you will be OK.

FACT: Based on polls, over 60% of the population believes that there is likely alien life in outer space. Around 48% of the population believes that aliens from outer space may be visiting the Earth in UFOs, and 12% claim to have seen a UFO.
 FACT: A 1991 Roper poll estimated that 4 million people in the US may have had an "alien abduction" experience (2% of the population). This does not even take into account the number of abductees worldwide, which based on the Roper poll, could be estimated to be 129 million people. This is a number of pandemic proportions.
Christian research in this field has shown that these are spiritually dangerous false beliefs, which can open a spiritual door to the occult, resulting in having dark paranormal experiences.

These experiences destroy people's lives and relationships with family and friends, and changes their worldview.

It is very important for Christians to learn about this topic and get more involved in this field of ministry.

The need is very great, as the belief that alien life is visiting humanity is steadily growing in popularity.

FACT: Alien abduction experiences can be terminated in the name of Jesus Christ.

FACT: Documented messages of "aliens" to contactees and abductees reveal an undeniably unbiblical spiritual agenda.

FACT: Modern documented reports of alien's activities and abilities parallel the abilities of (fallen) angels as seen in the Bible.

CONCLUSION: Deceptive spiritual entities are posing as modern day "aliens", bringing tormenting experiences into the lives of individuals, and offering a false gospel message, in opposition to the true message of Jesus Christ. I Saw The Light Ministries

Monday, January 9, 2012

Picture Story On How A COG Brain Works

Here's a fine example on what Armstrongism will do to your brain:

Bull standing by covered wagon and not a sin to have as it's not in a place of worship.

Same Bull but with quite a different background and is what God stated was sin.
God Himself stated that we should destroy those that are in the worship place...So!

I took a hammer and destroyed that Pagan Bull as God commanded.

Here is a Pagan symbol and is what God stated was sin.
God Himself stated that we should destroy those that are in the worship place...So!

I took a hammer and destroyed that Pagan symbol as God commanded and if this offends you and the destruction of the bull did not then that means you do worship it!

Anti-Christian Movies In Works To Make COG Members Look Out of Touch and Crazy

Armstrongism always has to have a bogeyman to blame for something.  Thiel is spitting saliva over evil Victoria's Secret and the guy below is  blaming Hollywood for an upcoming series of anti-Christian movies that the conquering beast will be using to make Christians and COG members out to be weird cult members.  Apparently Hollywood has/will use aliens and UFO's to deceive COG brethren and to make them look out of touch with reality.

Sorry dude, you COG's have already done that yourselves.  There is no need now for Hollywood to do it!  You've got Flurry, Pack, Wienland, Cox, Thiel, Meredith and others to thank for that. 

Armstrongites are such a fearful group.  They are always on guard for some evil entity to come along and steal their little minds.

Anti Christian Blockbuster Movies Coming Soon!

Coming soon to a theater near you! My prediction is that the “anti-Christ” power will soon come out with movies that will make Christians out to be “cult members”. This will be a 'sign of the times'. You must understand, media is the main weapon of fallen apostate Christendom and the anti-Christ power. Through movies and false media this evil power will make anybody who believes in God to be seen as crazy, strange, weird, violent, deranged, etc. How else can Satan attack the masses save through computers and television?

All news programs today have Satanic forces working in them. You will never hear the TRUE GOSPEL preached or promoted on any of these programs. My prediction is that television and media will be used, including up and coming movies, to break down Christians in a powerful way. We must realize that almost all people in the United States watch TV and listen to or watch media and movies. The true Church of God will be promoted as a cult or strange fringe Christian movements. There are many movies which have tried this approach before but not like the deception which is coming.

Hollow Wood” [or Hollywood] will be involved along with rich actors and actresses that will be trying to promote the New Age ["god" of Science] movement. They are preaching Satan's gospel. They will come in full force! True Christians who are in the true Church of God will stand fast even if it means death. These evil forces have already tried indirectly to attack the true gospel through their insistent urge to promote UFO's and extraterrestrials. When they find that this has not worked they will result to producing movies that make all Christians look crazy and out of touch with reality.

Remember, you heard it here first. May you truly KNOW GOD'S WORD. May you be a true Christian. Hold tight! Here it comes.

Note: Also, I used to have a friend that just parted with me because he claimed that true Worldwide Church of God believers no longer exist and called me a liar. Well, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t force him to drink. Be on guard! Attacks are coming!    -E.W.King