Friday, April 20, 2012

Van Robison on: "Penetrating the Heart and Soul"

Penetrating the Heart and Soul

Is there ever a magic bullet that will penetrate the mind and thinking of all humans?    Is there anything that will ever prevent people from becoming victims of religious cults?  Young people are obviously targeted as pawns. Youth has not lived long enough to know better.  Many are drawn magnetically to persuasive public speakers.  There is something magical about those who vocalize their concepts of what "truth" is.  The reason for "religious" colleges and universities is to clone parrots to go forth and parade the belief system of the particular school.    Religious schools exist by cloning their own kind.  Young people may be totally sincere, but they become products of their "education."  Ambassador College certainly did not turn out Roman Catholics or Baptists, but rather, clones of the thinking of Herbert W. Armstrong and those who influenced Herbert.

Piercing the mind, heart and inner being of a human being is not often easy.  Many are the minds that are stuck in religious glue.  Until a human being questions their own comfort zone, it is impossible to be free from preconceived ideas of what truth is.  What Roman Catholic questions his or her own upbringing?  What Baptist questions his or her own upbringing?  What Worldwide Church of God splinter group questions their own belief values?  Some obviously do, because the Internet reveals many websites by EX-members of many different groups.

The sad reality of man-made religion is that their purpose is to penetrate the heart and soul for an endless supply of $money, to fill the bank vaults of those who stand in pulpits.  As Jesus stated "you will know them by their fruits", and the fruit of deceivers is material wealth at the expense of the gullible and naive.  MONEY is not only God of the secular world, but is the God of the church world and those who promote themselves as "pastors" and rulers of those who go to church.  Should the gullible and the naive ever come to their senses, the churches would all collapse.

Van Robison

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Are You One of Gerald Flurry's 'Elite"?

Gerald Six Pack Flurry is jumping on the Titanic band wagon hoping that when people type in the word "Titanic" they will be directed to his comedy or errors page.

Lord Six Pack is spouting on and on about how special he is and the message he and God have to deliver.

Did you know that God is sending out "ice fields" to "wake" people up.  What an impotent little god Six Pack follows that it has to resort to such deadly tactics.

God is sending out the “ice field” warnings. But it is “a voice crying in the wilderness” (Isa. 40:1-10). That doesn’t mean the voice is out on a barren desert. But for most people it might as well be.
I would like to know WHERE there is a "voice crying in the wilderness?"  It certainly is not parked in Edmond Oklahoma!  Old Six Pack is not happy that he and his message are being ignored:

The voice is ignored or ridiculed by most people. They somehow think America and Britain are “unsinkable.” Like the captain of the Titanic, they ignore the warnings. They continue steaming ahead into the darkness.
He wants you to know what an incredible prophet he is:

God and His watchman see the iceberg hidden in the black, dark night—and warn and warn and warn. But it continues to be a voice crying in the wilderness. 
He then wants you to know just how special his message is and how "elite"  those that listen to him are.  According to Lord Six Pack, Jesus will NEVER again accomplish what he is doing in the Philadelphia Church of God.  What an f-ing moron!  To think that people actually believe this filthy drivel!

The greatest rewards ever to be given throughout eternity are being qualified for now. A small group is becoming God’s very elite because they hear God’s voice crying in the wilderness today. They get the glorious opportunity to be the one and only bride of Christ forever. There will never, ever be such a reward offered again.

More Books By Ex Armstrongites or About Armstrongism

February 23, 2010
What if God suddenly spoke to you? What if He told you to go and give specific messages to people from Him? Would you do it even if it cost you everything? What if it cost you your reputation, your business, your marriage, your family, and your friends? Join Eric Wheeler on his incredible true-life journey of what it really means to serve God and His people. Discover what Jesus truly meant when He said 'take up your cross and follow Me.' In His Service: The Memoirs of a Modern-Day Messenger of God gives you a first-hand intimate and honest look into what it literally means to know God and to hear from Him regularly and to serve Him faithfully in our modern, antagonistic, and disbelieving world.

This guy feels that God speaks directly to him, so this may not appeal to many who have left Armstrongism.  I hold anyone like this at arms length that say that God regularly speaks to him and they hear his voice. I guess it is too many years of hearing the kooks and nuts in Armstrongism claim the same thing. You can read more excerpts from his book about life in Armstrongism at the Amazon link above.


This book will sure get hard line Armstrongites tongues wagging!

From Kirkus Reviews

The memoirs of a '70s punk/drag sub-icon whose unique trajectory across the counterculture has supplied her with great troves of decadent gossip as well as novel insights into life as a transsexual. County, n‚e Wayne Rogers, grew up a ``sissy boy'' in small-town Georgia and adopted flamboyant habits of makeup and dress while still in his teens, in the mid-'60s. Moving to New York City, County established a niche on the hippie edge of the gay community--in the summer of 1969 County both rioted at the Stonewall and grooved at Woodstock. While working menial day jobs, he was soon sharing an apartment with Warhol drag superstars Holly Woodlawn and Jackie Curtis, whose outrageous personalities and talents are the subject of some delightful, seamy anecdotes. Under Curtis's influence County adopted an extravagant, absurdist approach to cross-dressing that would be an important vehicle in an ongoing transformation from ``him'' to ``her.'' County acted in surrealist theatrical farces like the Warhol-sponsored Pork and DJ'ed at Max's Kansas City, where she began performing with a rock band in 1972. When punk exploded, County started making records, performing, and rubbing shoulders with Sid Vicious and the Clash. But strained by her amphetamine use and tensions within her band, County's odd career in rock had largely collapsed by the end of the '70s (after a hiatus, she has returned today to recording and performing). County discusses with disarming forthrightness the ambiguities of gender and her decision to forgo sex-change surgery (she does take female hormones). And she avoids both self-pity and backbiting, recalling frankly even her stint as a prostitute in '80s Berlin and London. County's lively memoir illuminates the original intermingling of gay and punk subcultures that's experiencing an energetic resurgence today. (2 b&w photo inserts) -- Copyright ©1996, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.


Mike Feazell's father has written a book about being in the movie industry. He also comments on how the Church broke up his marriage.


October 21, 2011
Cheryl Waiters was born the same year as Michael Jackson, and she became a product of that same era. In this memoir, Waiters narrates the story of her life against the backdrop of the political and social activities of the time. She focuses on her journey as an African American female electrician in that male-dominated trade. Blood, Sweat, and High Heels presents a recap of Waiters's life-her birth in 1958 to teenage parents; her first job, begun at age eleven; her service in the U.S. Air Force; her graduation at age twenty-eight from a community college with an associate's degree in mechanical engineering; her attendance at Cleveland University; and her career as an electrician. Waiters describes how she overcame racial and gender bias to gain historic and international recognition as the only female who worked on both Jacobs Field and Gund Arena. Blood, Sweat, and High Heels shows Waiters's tenacity as she continually struggles for dignity, respect, and equality in treatment and pay on the construction job site.


This book is not by an ex member, but goes into detail using the case history of a woman abused Armstrongism.

June 1, 2010
"Lynne Baker shows her compassion and determination to wake the religious and secular communities to action and care. " — Len Matthews, Salvation Army
This book takes a very real look into the lives of Christian women who cope with domestic abuse on a daily basis. It explores their experiences of physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, financial, and spiritual abuse at the hands of their perpetrator husbands who claim themselves to be good Christians. Through extensive interviews combined with academic research, the reader comes face to face with the complexity of issues surrounding such domestic abuse and how counselling can be effective through the encouragement of a variety of religious and non-religious coping strategies. Of interest to victims of domestic abuse, as well as to the members of the clergy, psychologists, and counsellors, this book shows there is a place in the Christian church for women to separate and to be divorced without losing their faith.


July 19, 2011
Who are we, then, to tell God that he cannot suspend or abolish laws that he has enacted previously? Who are we to decide that we can tell God what laws are binding or not binding on us as Christians? Who are we to say that law and grace must go hand-in-hand under the New Covenant and that we cannot commend ourselves to God unless we mix the two? What sort of arrogance is it that says to God, despite clear evidence to the contrary in scripture, 'You cannot possibly have suspended the Old Covenant Law in order to bring in the New Covenant of grace?' So you want to be under the Law? Do you think that the Law of Moses (the Old Covenant) should be binding for Christians today? Do you believe that Christians should be slaves to the legalism fostered largely by Sabbatarians and observe the festivals, new moons, kosher food laws, sabbaths and tithing outlined in Leviticus and Deuteronomy? If you want to discover the truth, read Old Covenant-New Covenant: The Case Against Legalism. Author Jesse Acuff shows that the Old Covenant rules and regulations were only shadows of the good things to come, which pointed to Christ and his redeeming grace. He further demonstrates that Christ abrogated the Old Covenant by his death on the cross and instituted a new and better covenant. Join Jesse as he demonstrates beyond doubt that it makes far more sense to accept the New Covenant teachings originally delivered by Jesus and the Apostles than adhering to the rules and regulations of the Old Covenant, which places one in bondage and does nothing toward attaining salvation. After reading Old Covenant-New Covenant: The Case Against Legalism, you will never again come down on the side of legalism!


May 24, 2011
It seemed every time I tried to sit down and read the Bible I couldn't do it because it was so dry and boring. I knew I was supposed to read it, but every time I would practically fall asleep. Little did I know the beautiful treasures in the Bible would someday bring me into a world of trust, faith, and joy that I had never known possible. In the aftermath of rape, betrayal, and bullying, Krystal Kroh longed to have someone save her. A string of broken relationships did nothing to alleviate her constant anxiety and panic attacks. It was not until she gave her life over to God that she was able to let go of her past and find hope for her future. Her relationship with God gave her a sense of freedom and security that paved the way for healing in her other relationships as well. In this inspiring memoir, Krystal shows how she was delivered and led through Freedom's Journey.

August 4, 2008
"The Invisible Warrior" The Invisible Warrior is the narrative of one conscientious objector's journey through the Vietnam Era. Many Vietnam Era stories chronicle the story of soldiers and their trauma and "glory." The Invisible Warrior invites us inside the inner journey of a state-side CO and his resistance to the military. Christopher Bear Beam's story gives us a glimpse into his spiritual self-reflection and consequential healing from the military hierarchy's abuse. The Invisible Warrior is a narrative of hope and transformation.

Editorial Reviews

About the Author

Christopher Bear Beam, MA is a Buddhist, a mystic and a seeker of universal truths. He has been on an inner spiritual path of self-awareness for the last eleven years. His work has been in the social services and pastoral counseling field for the past thirty years. It's his hope that The Invisible Warrior may offer a transformational and integrative narrative of healing for the Vietnam Era generation, Veterans, and others who are looking for healing from trauma.


Dealing with Armstrongism

September 5, 2006
The Strange World of Man is that rarest of things, a book that, more than entertain or even inform, challenges us to think about the world, examine our history and ourselves. Though first and foremost a spiritual guide, this is no New Age primer, no self-help guide in the conventional sense. Partly an analysis of belief systems, world events, religion and politics, part esoteric philosophy, it covers a lot of ground. Author Greg Stephen is an uncompromising writer with a very different take on the dominant experiences of 20th/21st century man. Peering beneath the veil of spin and subterfuge, bent on exploding myths at every turn, Stephen ultimately calls into question the very premises that underlie social order, our view of humanity and ultimately of life and death. A compelling, sometimes extraordinary read, engrossing and confounding in equal measure, ultimately disturbing in its implications, The Strange World of Man shows us to be a complacent lot. Highly recommended.

Debunking British Israelism, the Pet Doctrine of Armstrongism

Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People

I am certain the Lost Tribes of Israel are alive and well.  I know, for example, the the exiled tribe of Dan sojourned across Europe and named many rivers, towns, and countries during it's travels, such as the Danube River, Donegal, and Denmark.  The tribe of Ephraim settled in Britain; the word "British" is of course derived from the ancient Hebrew word beriyth, which means "{covenant."  The Israelites, "Issac's sons," naturally became known as Saxons. And Queen Elizabeth and her linage are direct descendants of King David and the legitimate heirs to the Israelite throne. It's all clear.

How do I know this?  Because the Worldwide Church of God tells me so, or at least it used to.  That's the Pasadena, California sect founded by an ex-advertising agent, Herbert W. Armstrong, in the early 1930's.

Armstrong was a devout believer in what is called British Israelism or Anglo-Israelism,  a movement originating centuries ago and still alive today that maintains that most Britons are descendants of ancient Israelites.  Armstrong got his start in 1931, when he launched the hit program The World Today on the Radio Church of God.  His message mixed elements of Judaism with a dash of Seventh-day Adventism and a sprinkling of pagan mysticism.  He cooked up quite a stew.  He preached that the Bible was a "coded message not allowed to be revealed"-that is, until he cracked the secrets.  He was willing to share its hidden wisdom with anyone and everyone, particularly those who would cough up 25 percent or more of their income to help spread the "the word."  When Armstrong died in 1986, the WWCG claimed more than 150,000 members and an annual budget of $130 million.  His successors ultimately abandoned Anglo-Israelism for an evangelical Protestantism,, although numerous Armstrong family members and friends founded sects that preserve some of the zanier claims of the elder sage.

The search for the missing Lost Tribes ranks right up there in biblical mythology with the quest for the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail.  The mystery of their whereabouts has encouraged a motley crew of true believers, mystics, zealots, troubadours, and out-and-out fakers.  It is so alluring and central to questions of Western identity than an equally unusual assortment of truth seekers has more recently joined in the quest: anthropologists and geneticists.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

HWA Banishment Letter To Rod Meredith 1980

This is in addition to the information that Apostle Malm is posting right now about Rod Meredith and how he was being picked on by the big meanies above him.

In reading HWA's letter to Meredith you quickly see where Meredith got his prideful, boastful and condescending attitude from.  HWA had to get in important information about himself and how humble he was while lambasting Meredith.  Meredith was  following the lead of his leader. 



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG                                 Tucson, March 14, 1980
President and Pastor

Dear Rod:

Your letters of February 1 and March 7 show, I am sorry to say, that either you still cannot understand WHY the living Head of God's Church, Jesus Christ, had you sent to Hawaii, or you are unwilling to see or admit — and I prefer to believe the former.

There is no point in telling you this letter is written in LOVE for YOU — for you ought to know that without my saying it. But out of love for you, and DESIRE to see you back as PART OF GOD'S TEAM, working in full co-operation and right attitude with the rest o[f] us; I shall take time and space to make it clear once for all this time.

I have tried to hold the mirror up for you to see yourself as others see you. But still you don't see in that mirror the same YOU that others see-or are unwilling — I hope not the latter. But now I must be SURE! I shall speak plainly, candidly. If this letter hurts, I quote from a letter the Apostle Paul sent to brethren at Corinth: "For though I made you angry with a letter, I do not repent... for I perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry, though it were but for a season. Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance, for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing.

"For godly sorry worketh repentance to salvation ... but the sorrow of the world worketh death." (II Cor. 7:8-10).

Now I'm going to come with plainness of speech as Paul said — in I Corinthians 2.

To overseas audiences, and to Kings, Emperors, Presidents and Prime Ministers, I simmer down the WAY OF GOD and the WAY OF THE WORLD in two very small words — "GET" and "GIVE." This world is geared to the way of "GET." That is the way of VANITY, SELF-centeredness, coveting, lust and greed, jealousy and envy, rebellion against authority, competition which leads to strife, violence and war. The way of "GIVE" is OUT-flowing LOVE, harmonious co-operation, serving, helping, sharing, giving.

In spiritual PRINCIPLE, the latter is the way of God's Law, the Ten Commandments-the former the way of Satan. I tell them that ALL the Unsolvable problems, troubles and evils in the world are caused by the fact the world lives by the "GET" principle.

Rod, WHY have so many who have worked [with you] said that you rub the fur the [w]rong way? You are DOCTRINALLY correct., But in II Corinthians Paul says we are not to live by the strict letter of the Law, but by the SPIRIT or obvious INTENT — the basic PRINCIPLE of it (II Cor. 3:6). You are a model of doctrinal correctness according to the LETTER — the strictness of the letter — but you do overlook the SPIRIT from the heart. You won the mile in a state high-school meet, You had know[n,] as Satan injects into us all from childhood, the spirit of competition. You b[e]came a COMPETITOR. In conversion you learned and accepted the strictness of the letter of God's Commandments. You wrote a good booklet on the Ten Commandments. But now I hold the mirror up for you to see in yourself what SO MANY who know you well see in you — the SPIRIT of COMPETITION is still there!

You are not going to like this, Rod. Members of your family will resent it. But I am the chosen apostle of Jesus Christ and in His name, I have to say these things to you, for I want to have you with us IN GOD'S KINGDOM — and there will be no contentions — no spirit of competition there! No one is going to be there who strives for himself to take over the CHIEF SEAT!

Jesus Christ through me elevated you to the chief seat (which you had come to me suggestin[g] over the ministry of God's Church in what we then called CAD, you were a harsh task-master over the ministers. You, yourself, find it difficult and perhaps impossible to TAKE what you dished out. Dozens of ministers would testify to that. You rubbed the fur the wrong way! That has been your life-style!

In a sense, though I approved it at the time, you came to me [(]when Raymond Cole was trying to administer CAD from Eugene,[)] to jerk the rug out from under Raymond-and he feels that to this day. I knew, as did you, that CAD could not be handled from Eugene, and I approved your suggestion and put you in the driver's seat over the ministers of the Church when it was not yet so big.

When you were made second Vice President, it became a standing joke among leaders at Pasadena, the saying, "Well, after all, I am the second Vice President."

Jesus said, "And whosoever of you will be chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even th[e] Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister" (Mark 10:44-45). Jesus said further, "Beware of the scribes which wear long robes, ...and [love] the highest seats in the synagogue, and the chief rooms (offices-ranks-positions), at feasts" (Luke 20:46). Rod, am I qualified to call to your attention, these things? I came into the ministry more than fifty years ago, back in Oregon. I was never a member of the Church of God, Seventh Day, headquartered at Stanberry, Missouri. The church of Dugger and Dodd at Salem, W. Virginia, was an off-shoot, and, like Ted's present "church". Ray Cole's, and other's, NOT the true Church of God. However, I never became a member of the Salem offshoot. Half of the Oregon brethren (while all were in Stanberry) had incorporated as a separate church, "The Oregon Conference." I was ordained by them. Twice I was paid by them-about four months at $20 a week, and 15 mon[n]ths later, from February to July, 1933, at $3 per week.

But I did CO-OPERATE with the Stanberry people, from 1927 until ordained by the Oregon Conference, June, 1931-without salary, I co-operated with the Salem people after the start of the present Worldwide Church Of God (then called the Radio Church of God), and WITHOUT RECEIVING FROM THEM A PENNY OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT in any way, from 1934 (after both the World [T]omorrow radio program was going, and The PLAIN TRUTH was being published) until August, 1937. And after that, while building the present Church of God, Philadelphia era, I co-operated at my own expense with the Stanberry (Sardis era) people until October, 1945.

I DID NOT, as Ted claims (he was 5 years old when I ceased the co-operation with them because of the pressure of the Work in the present Church of God). I did not leave them to start something of my own. I continued working with them-GIVING, not getting-at my own exp[e]nse co-operating — GIVING — as long as my time allowed.

But the point I want to make is this: I SERVED — I HELPED — I co-operated. And I did not have or seek any high position. I always considered myself, just as the Sardis ministers did, that I was the LEAST of the ministers-the TAIL-ENDER!

When I conducted the campaign in the Firbute school house (36 seats) in 1933, I stopped receiving even the $3 per week salary from the Oregon Conference.

As the tail-end LEAST of the ministers, Christ started me in that little 36-seat school house, I constantly suffered persecution-first from Stanberry ministers, then again from Salem, W. Va.-ministers, then again from Stanberry. The 19 members we had from that Firbutte campaign was the START of the present Worldwide Church of God. The brethren at the start were my own converts-my own children in the Lord. NEVER in all my ministerial experience, I once sought a higher position.

Jesus Christ gave me the Pastor position at the start. The Church grew, as I held other campaigns in Eugen[e] and in Alvadore. Finally I appointed and ordained two other elders, one a preaching elder and one a local elder, at Eugene, beside two deacons. In those early years of this, our present Church, I served as pastor of a Stanberry church near Jefferson, Oregon. There I appoin[t]ed and ordained two elders, and two deacons — for THEIR church. All the time I "GAVE" — I did not "GET." Before that I had learned how Paul says, in II Corinthians 3:6, that we must obey the SPIRIT or obvious INTENT of the Law, not the letter. I had dedicated my life to "GIVE" and not to "GET." As the Work grew, Christ used me in founding Ambassador College. After their graduation I ordained m[y] son Dick, Raymond Cole, Herman Hoeh, Raymon[d] Mc Nair and his brother. From there you know the history, Your uncle and yourself came along about next, then others. I ne[v]er sought or moved up to a higher rank or office. Jesus Christ raised up the Church through me. I came to the position I hold as the simple result of what the living Head of this Church raised up through me.

But others have sought higher Position. There has been, it seems, NO END of worldly POLITICS at Pasadena Headquarters. As Christ blessed and prospered God's Church and Work, and we came to have better than $100,000,000 of net worth, and a near $80 million a year income, there devel[o]ped a mad scramble for ever higher and higher rank. Sure, I made some mistakes. I naively TRUSTED men like Al Portune, David Antion, my own son, Wayne Cole, many others no longer with us. But now, f[o]r the first time since about 1967, there is HARMONY and a spirit of Co-oper[a]tion at Pasadena. AND I AM DETERMINED TO KEEP IT THAT WAY!

Now back to you.

You have demonstrated, as seen clearly by many others, a spirit of rank-consciousness. In plain language that is coveting higher authority. I do not think you have coveted more money. I do not think more money is what Ted, Al Portune, Dave Antion, Ray Cole, Wayne or others really coveted. They coveted POWER — more authority — like a 15-year old boy coveting the POWER of a steering wheel and a throttle. We have gone through a House CLEANING. We now have PEACE and CO-OPERATION at Pasadena. And eight to ten others on the executive level there have voiced to me their fears and convictions that if you now come back to Pasadena, that PEACE, and HARMONY, and CO-OPERATION will be turned once again into constant contention, irritation, and HARM TO GOD'S WORK! I do not like to tell you this. I haven't mentioned this to all, but to those I mentioned your return, that is the unanimous feeling.

If I have you come back as Dean of the Faculty, several say you would delegate most or the real duties of the Dean, and devote yourself to trying to make yourself the LEADER and boss of the College, and even of the Chur[ch.] You have — and all are aware of it — been possessed with the idea that I will not live much longer, and that YOU are the "FIRST among equals" to take my place.

Rod, in frankest candor, JESUS CHRIST will NEVER put any one at the head of His Work on earth who is competitive, covetous of power and status, and [self-righteous]. In brutal frankness, you lack the charisma to lead God's work You do not attract-as I said before, you REP[EL-] people. You are a harsh taskmaster over those under you. THAT IS YOUR RECORD!

When I wr[o]te you [<uncertain>] that a change of ATTITUDE is needed, perhaps I have at last made myself clear.

You have said that you only said a few statements you probably should not have made, but you didn't think you had said enough to warrant this six months' leave of absence. Rod, I'm very well aware of the amount of words you said against Christ's chosen apostle. But Jesus said, "of the abundance of the heart (attitude) the mouth speaketh." What you did say, affirmed to me by two witnesses, was sufficient, coupled with many other things, to show me the [a]ttitude back of those words. You try to c[o]nvince me of how glowingly and how numerous were the times you have shown loyalty by the things you have said "hundreds" or "thousands of times". But in this regard your attitude reflected [<uncertain>] OMISSION rather than the sparse and sparing things you did say. Ted was leading a conspiracy to destroy my credibility before the ministers and the brethren by saying nothing about me — as if the human leader did not exist — and blowing himself up. Radio and TV programs went under his name-no longer The World [T}omorrow. He even started correspondence under HIS OWN [Letter head] NAME, rather than that of the Church or College. Now I do not want any of our ministers flattering me, or trying to see how often they can mention my name.

But neither do I want it deliberately AVOIDED in both speaking and writing, as if I did not exist. Jesus Christ — NOT MAN — has made me the human leader under Christ. A leader cannot be a leader if all under him IGNORE his very existence. I never did want anyone to go out of his way deliberately to mention me — as you profess to have done. That is not what I mean. But I do not want the other extreme, caused by a competitive feeling, and deliberate non-mention.

Now another thing you cover in your letters. You imply that in what few things you did say, you were FOLLOWING MY ORDERS. Rod, that is hypocrisy. It is not a matter that I CHANGED MY MIND. Let me tell you how it [ac]tually was. When I told you and Raymond, and perhaps another or two, that IF I were no longer among the living, I wanted you to be su[re] Ted did not slip in and take over. At that time, I had heard SO MUCH talk about my dying right away, perhaps started by Ted, that for a while I was overly conscious of it.

It is not that later I changed my mind. But as time went on I began to realize very deeply that God has not prepared ANYONE to take my place. You, Rod, could never take it. I know that is 100% contrary to your own estimate of yourse[l]f. You have a WILL to lead, but not the qualifications. I came to realize that God raise[d] me [from the dead-f]rom total heart failure-in August, 1977, FOR A PURPOSE.

I have felt like the Apostle Paul, when he said earlier in life it would be more profitable for him to depart this life — and in the next split-second of consciousness, be with Christ in the resurrection, but it was more needful that he stay.

I did not CHANGE my mind. I did come to realize, as God caused me to realize, that He had raised me up as His instrument to raise up His present Church and Work — and that Work is not finished. So after my heart had completely stopped, my breath — no pulse — no blood-pressure — by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation I was br[o]ught back. I have not said I now believe God will keep me alive until Christ comes. I have said and I say now again, I do believe He will keep me alive AS LONG AS HE NEEDS ME!
You have taken the attitude that "some one GOT [you]." No one did but your own self.

I have tried here to make clear what I mean by a CHANGE OF ATTITUDE. I sincerely hope you "get the message" this time. Self-pity is not your need. A change of ATTITUDE from "GET" to "GIVE" is! If this letter does not get through to you, I shall not try again. So far you have not admitted a wrong attitude. Your RIGHTEOUSNESS you have maintained! But it has been only so much "filthy rags" to GOD! God said-rather, Christ to His disciples, that he who would seek the top seat should be the SERVANT of all. We should be as a little child.

So far, four months or more of your leave of absence has profited you NOTHING! Rod, in a candor, HAVE YOU EVER REALY REPENTED? To repent means much more than being sorry, or remorseful. It means a CHANGE OF HEART — a CHANGE OF ATTITUDE — a CHANGE FROM "GET" TO "GIVE." From competition, vanity, coveting power and position, to harmonious co-operation. BELIEVE ME, there is PEACE, and HARMONY at Pasadena now. Our men there do not want it disturbed. I have held up the mirror with BRUTAL frankness-in LOVE not only for you but also for GOD'S WORK! The Work is getting along wonderfully well now-without you. It can go on growing and pleasing Jesus Chris[t] an[d] prospering under His blessing WITHOUT YOU. I have written you are not coming back until I am CONVINCED BY THE FRUITS of a real REPENTANCE, and CHANGE OF ATTITUDE. I hope at last I have MADE IT PLAIN.

In deep LOVE as a father to a son,

In Jesus' name.
HWA signature
Herbert W. Armstrong

Aaron Dean, Herbert Armstrong’s Personal Aide, Confirms Accuracy of Above Letter on the alt.religion.w-w-church-god Forum, January 8, 1999:

I have nothing to hide and don't mind if people ask what HWA thought. Some have asked and I have answered these same questions before. People should not be allowed to rewrite their own histories to their own ends.
What happened in GCG is precisely why I couldn't join Global. I wish I had been wrong. If it will help people find God and Christ instead of men, feel free to use my post. It will probably bring some hate mail, but I have gotten use to it as I am sure some of you are. I wish people could become zealous instead of zealots. I have found you can become zealous for God, but only zealots for men.


— Aaron

ps. I edited my note a bit for clarity. It is below.

That is the letter that was in Mr. Armstrong's files. HWA did talk to not only RCM [Roderick C. Meredith], but others about how he was wrong about Stan [Rader]. Mr. A didn't apologize to people, and had other ways of apologizing—some of which could be misinterpreted. His discussion with Rod about SRR [Stanley R. Rader], I imagine Rod took to be an apology. Of course he wanted to see it this way. To RCM it seemed either he was right or SRR was right. Since SRR turned out to be a 'bad guy' RCM assumed he was vindicated. This helps to justify why he maintains he should be in charge. He never understood the issue was not about him and SRR, but him seeing himself as next in line.
It did not change RCM's problem, as you can see from the letter RCM's problems stemmed from well before SRR. The fact that HWA never reappointed RCM to a position of power shows that he knew RCM still had the problem. The COE [Council of Elders] was never a power body, although many seemed to see it as that.
RCM took the fact that those he disliked (and it is interesting to note they were always the ones between him and the top) turned out to have problems, so it seemed a vindication of his problem. Mr. Armstrong still felt the same way about RCM up until his death.
One thing HWA did say, was that "Rod will be personally loyal to me" (HWA). Of course RCM wanted that same loyalty to himself, never realizing that what HWA really wanted was loyalty to GOD. That is why HWA, amid the confusion of the receivership did appoint RCM over Church Administration in '79.
Unfortunately RCM began immediately to try to solidify his position as heir to the church, and had to be removed within the year, and was never reappointed to a high administrative position. It was RCM's own words that caused him to be sent to Hawaii, not anyone else. I pray that he eventually can come to see himself, just as I pray for so many other self appointed leaders.

— Aaron Dean