Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Knockers Church of God Tells You EXACTLY How Things Were When The Israelites Fled Egypt

The Knockers Church of God wants you to know that they know EXACTLY how things went down when the Israelites fled from Egypt.  This is from their latest article THE REAL ACCOUNT and ROUTE OF ISRAEL COMING OUT OF EGYPT
"Moses married one of Jethro’s daughters, Zipporah. Many claim Moses married an Ethiopian woman which is false. We can be sure that Moses never married a Negro or a Nuba. It’s true, he had married a non-Israelite, but she was a descendant of Abraham, therefore was white, and closely related (Acts 7:29)."

God forbid if Moses had married a black woman! 

"Please take note of Psalms 105:37 There was not one feeble to be found amongst the 12 tribes of Israel fleeing Egypt. Also they tended to live longer in those days, e.g. Moses was 120 years old.

Imagine being slaves for over 400 years with generations being born and dying.  Yet, through it all there are absolutely NO feeble men and women.  No elderly that need assistance.  No small children who cannot walk for miles on end every day.  All strong, healthy, virile macho men and amazon women.

At his death his sight had not dimmed Deut. 34:7. Remember this was just 900 years after Noah’s Great Flood. The Israelites were very fit, and marched, having greater vitality and strength. Wish I could say that of Israel’s descendants today."

"Exodus13:18—“. . . the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt.”
The term harnessed indicates that they went out, not as an unruly mob of fleeing fugitives, but as a well organised body. The Hebrew word “Chamushim” is translated “harnessed” and means “in ranks.” Therefore Israel marched with military precision in ranks of five.

Have they ever wondered how 3,000,000 people could be gathered together on short notice, load up all their belongings, gather their spoils of  the Egyptians, march out of Egypt with all their animals, elderly, and children in a matter of hours so they can set up camp to keep the first  day of Unleavened Bread?  They seem to assume that the second the first person started walking away from Egypt that every single other person started moving at the same time.  That is an impossibility.  Most Armstrongites never think about that.

"The Egyptians had watch posts all through the Sinai Peninsula. It is documented that they flashed messages from tower to tower by day and night, using reflected light. Perhaps this is how Pharaoh knew exactly where the escaped slaves had gone."

"The crossing site is 12 miles long, and miraculously, by the Great God’s design, has an underwater bridge dividing the two deeps. The crossing site is 800–900 metres or 866-975 yards wide, and it descends and ascends on the Saudi side with a 6-7 degree slope. One km further along the coast, the descending approaches 40 degrees. British hydrographic maps illustrate this.
The British Admiralty charts show that the Gulf of Aqaba is like a deep trench, and across that deep trench is a raised area—at the very place the remains"

Did you know that the Red Sea Gulf of Aqaba actually FROZE solid on both sides of the Israelites?

"I have been soundly ridiculed by ministers in God’s Church in the past, for suggesting that Almighty God actually froze the waters of the Red Sea. The evidence is there; for God plainly says, He congealed the waters. Now how does one congeal water? What happens? How could you congeal water (salt water at that)?
The Dictionary defines CONGEALED as “to change from a fluid to a solid or rigid state.”
Strongs Concordance says CONGEAL “to shrink, thicken as in curdled milk or frozen water.”
When the waters were parted by a wind from the East; the Bible says that they were congealed. This word congealed"
"4. These walls of water (ice) stood firm for hours until every Hebrew was safely on the opposite shore, and then crashed down when every Egyptian pursuer was on the sea bed.
5. The sand was also frozen hard to assist wheels of heavily laden, Israelite carts to move along the sea floor. It must have been like concrete. Pharaoh started his pursuit in the morning watch (6-9 am). By 10 am the hot sun was melting the walls and sand on the sea floor; so that the Egyptian chariot wheels would break through the melting, sand floor into ruts and fall off, slowing them down."

"On the sea floor there are two lines of stones with a wide, stone-cleared pathway between them, extending into the crystal clear water! They were dead straight along the edge on both sides. Could it be that Moses had a large team of strong, tough ex-slaves (his “rock group”) going on ahead, tossing the stones out of the way to smooth the pathway for the multitude?"

What this Knockers minister is doing is quoting the material from Seventh Day Adventist Ron Wyatt.  Wyatt was a wanna-be archaeologist that claimed to have found Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant and the remains of the Egyptians  that pursued the Israelites out of Egypt and more.   If I have the correct person, he even came and spoke in the Auditorium in Pasadena and brought wood that he claimed was from the ark   Armstrongism bought into his lunacy lock stock and barrel. His so called research had been debunked for decades.

His work has been debunked thoroughly by professional archaeologists and respected biblical scholars. On August 8, 1996, Joe Zias, Curator of Anthropology/Archaeology with the Israel Antiquities Authority (Jerusalem), issued the following statement:
“Mr. Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. We are aware of his claims which border on the absurd as they have no scientific basis whatsoever nor have they ever been published in a professional journal. They fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National Enquirer, Sun, etc. It’s amazing that anyone would believe them…” (
 Ron Wyatt, the “Indiana Jones” of the SDA Church

Ron Wyatt: Colossal Fraud

A Great Christian Scam

ARCHEOLOGY WITH RON WYATT: a personal account

Amateur archeologist Ron Wyatt is known for making sensational claims regarding alleged discoveries of Biblical sites and artifacts.

Here are just a few of his most amazing discoveries: The true site of the crucifixion; the Ark of the Covenant; the true Mount Sinai (with a plaque announcing it as such); the site of Korah's earthquake; the true site of the Israelites' Red Sea crossing also with a marker 'built by King Solomon' as a memorial; Chariot wheels from Pharaoh's drowned army; the actual rock Moses struck to release water; the ashen remains of Sodom and Gomorrah; Noah's Ark; Noah's grave; Noah's house; Mrs. Noah's grave; Moses' stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments, held together with golden hinges.

Wyatt claims were so fanciful and plentiful, it would seem logical to ask Ron if he had yet unearthed Jesus' High School diploma. Wyatt most bizarre discovery has to be when he claimed to have found the blood of Christ, and a DNA analysis of that blood indicates Christ was born of a virgin.

Although it took several years for reality to set in, most Christian ministries have finally come to disavow Wyatt's work. About the only true believers remaining are ones that continue to financially benefit from promoting his videos.

Ron was either a fabricator or he was delusional, but whatever the case may be, he was clearly one of the greatest frauds the field of Bible prophecy has ever seen. Wyatt's years of research may amount to nothing more than garbage, however, he did help prove that some Christians are limitless in their gullibility. Ron Wyatt

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Apostle Malm: Today's Topic - Whores and Sexy Trees

Apostle Malm wants you to know what a whore is.  Apparently the Churches of God are filled to the brim with whores and whore mongers who are out cavorting under the groves of trees.
What is a whore?
What is a Whore?  Let us look beyond the sexual and we shall see that a whore is a mercenary who has NO loyalties and will sell herself to whoever will pay her price.  A whore is a woman who’s loyalty of for sale!

While whoredoms is the act of selling that loyalty.

We espoused ourselves to a Husband at our baptism; we committed ourselves to be ONE with him!  To be of the same mind and spirit, to live by the same principles and laws, to internalize the very mind of our Lord and to become completely ONE mind and spirit with HIM!

If we then follow any other, we have betrayed the loyalty we vowed to our Husband!  In the emotional and spiritual sense we have become Adulterers and have committed whoredom!

If we idolize anyone or anything above the law of our God and above his will; we are apostates and rebellious adulterous wives UNFIT for entering the marriage of the lamb as his bride!

 What are sexy trees?

In ancient Israel it was common to sacrifice to strange gods at high places [hill tops], and in the shadows of trees;  this is because like today these false religions were covertly if not overtly sexual; and the trees had their sexual meaning, while the idea of a high place was to be closer to the gods [stars] of the heavens.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Weinerdude Cannot Die!

The Two Witless Witnesses

Armstrongisms' biggest fool has opened his mouth and made an ass of himself yet again.  According to Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid) Weinerdude claims that the two witnesses cannot die.

Apparently the two witless witnesses have been living through great persecution over the last 3 1/2 years.  With the coming of Christ at the end of May this year, the two witless witnesses will have fulfilled their commission.  Mr and Mrs. Weinerdude will be come god like God is now.

Weineerdude writes:
The two witnesses will not be killed in the literal city of Jerusalem.  And their dead bodies will not lie in the streets for 3 1/2 days.  God’s two witnesses will live right up to the coming of Jesus Christ, coming to this earth as the king of kings.  This 3 1/2 days spoken of here about the two witnesses is fully about the past nearly 3 1/2 years, what we have been living.

That kind of flies in the face of what Weinerdude wrote in his comedic book on prophecy 2008 God's Final Witness.

It is now with boldness, confidence and great clarity that I give to you what God has given me. I am to announce, through God's direct revelation, that I am one of those two witnesses. The other witness will be revealed to the world during the time of the great tribulation—within the final three and one-half years of man’s era. During that period of time, we will, together, completely fulfill all that God has given us to witness to this whole earth. Then, at the end, we will die in the streets of Jeruslaem; and finally, exactly three and one-half days later, we will be resurrected (Revelation 11). The world will see this resurrection via television. At this same time Jesus Christ will appear in the heavens above the earth as He is returning to take the reigns of man’s government on earth. (Weinland R. 2008: God’s Final Witness, p. 16)

Weinerdude later names Mrs. Weinerdude as the second witless witness. Do they die or not die, that is the question.  With any luck Weinderdude will be imprisoned by the IRS before that time.

Dave Pack Names His Persecutors

Mike (Don't Drink The Flavor Aid) did what I had no desire to do; he listened to Dave Pack's mind boggling sermon that was posted today on where Dave reveals who the "synagogue of Satan" is.

Dave writes (in the first person):

What is the Synagogue of Satan? Who are they? Do its members meet as a group? Is it a particular organization? Was it the WCG apostates? Is it false Christianity? Or something else? Can we know—conclusively? How do its members “blaspheme”? What does it mean “say they are Jews”?—and how do they “lie”? These imposters are shown to persecute Philadelphia at the end. How do they do this? And how do their actions relate to you?
Mr. Pack states, “I cannot think of a more important sermon for God’s people at the end of the age. Every member in LCG, UCG, COGwa, PCG and COGaic—but also those in every splinter and sliver!—should hear it, and probably more than once. The listener will almost certainly want to do this.”

 So who did Davey name as those vile, filthy, apostate tools of Satan?

Mike writes:

Clarion Call Dave posted his latest sermon, naming those in the Synagogue of Satan. (Starting around 1:55 into the file) Named Meredith, Flurry, & a bunch of Misters in UCG/CoGWA. And a couple of bloggers. But none of us made the cut -- he named Thielogical Bob and Pharisee James. We'll have to try harder :-D

I find it funny that those named are the COGgers who think they know all, and not those of us that mock and ridicule Dave's stupid teachings. We are getting the opportunity to sit back and watch the COG's devour their own.

Vidal: Big Bad Meanies Are Persecuting The Restored Church of God

Brother Vidal is back from Dave Packs reeducation camp with more tales of woe and persecution.  The persecution of the Restored Church of God seems to be particularly horrendous at this point in time.  Even though they live in nice homes, have plenty of food on their tables, travel freely around the country in the latest model of car, have tens of thousands of dollars in the bank, they are being persecuted for their beliefs. Really!  I have not read about their Masonic Lodges getting blown up for having church there, or the Elks Lodges, or the high school gyms. I haven't read about any car bombs going off in front of RCG's church services or gunmen  storming their meeting halls and killing their members.

I've got news for Vidal and Davey; THIS is what religious persecution looks like for REAL Christians:

So what kind of terrible persecution is Vidal and his cronies going through at the Restored Church of God at this time?

 This is the big bad meanie persecution they are suffering from:

It is not surprising that after this website was launched, haters of God started attacking every minister posting here. The spate of attacks vividly brought to my remembrance a foundational scripture: “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death” (Phil. 4:10). This verse has truly come alive!

This is particularly galling to hear coming from Vidal when he comes from Africa where Christians are being killed at a horrendous rates in some nations. But then COG logic dictates that these "so-called Christans" are not real Christians because they are not sabbath keepers, followers of Dave Pack or Herbert Armstrong.  It is disgusting for this moron to even assume he is being persecuted!

He continues:

But contrary to what these enemies of God may be thinking, we are utterly grateful to God for giving us the wonderful and exceptional opportunity to share in a tiny fraction of Jesus’ sufferings. For us, it is a great pleasure to gladly submit ourselves to this situation rather than receive the vain attention and praises or commendations of men. 

I can guarantee that if real persecution came to the Restored Church of God, Dave Pack would be the first one high-tailing it down the freeway as he leaves his staff to bear the brunt of the persecution.  HWA did it when he fled to Tuscon and Dave will do it too.

These are what Vidal and Davey see as great persecutors of the Restored Church of God:

If Vidal and Davey think that this blog and others are agents of persecution then they certainly follow a weak, impotent little god.

Blogs and web sites filled with snarky little comments is persecution!  Who knew!

By all of us being snarky and making fun of their stupid assumptions; they see this as PROOF they are God's greatest gift to the universe.

...the evil reports that have been circulated about us since we started this site validate us. If haters had commended or agreed with us, then something would have been wrong. Christ has made it clear that any such commendation would be to our shame. But the fact that they do not speak well of us is as it should be. Again, it is such evil reports that validate true ministers! “Blessed are you, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake” (Luke 6:22).
That we are detested gives us comfort that we are doing the right thing and are in the right place. In reality, we are better off when they defame, rail at, chide, taunt and try to represent us as evil.

Then Vidal take a giant leap into absurdness.  He equates their persecution with Jesus being tortured an killed:

Being offered the opportunity to taste a tiny sliver of what Christ went through, what His apostles and true servants have gone through over the millennia, what Mr. Armstrong went through in His 52-year ministry, what His 21st century apostle has been going through, and what other faithful ministers of His are currently passing through is a unique privilege, and we are thankful to the Father for having us go through this process, and making it possible for us to truly count it all joy (I Pet. 4:13).

Their own words damn them.  Stupid little people.

You can read Vidal's silliness here:  Evil Reports Validate True Ministers