Sunday, July 8, 2012

Has the Church of God Ever Had An Original Thought?

For well over seventy years various Churches of God have declared that it's beliefs and understanding were products of restored truths that had been lost for over 1,900 years.  Herbert Armstrong declared that his understanding was all sent from God after his yes were opened.  The question that needs to be asked is just what is it that he taught that was original and his own?

British Israelism was around hundreds of years before HWA ever touched the subject.  Then he has to go and copy word for word out of "Judah's Scepter and Jacob's Birthright."

Then the Church of God 7th Day revealed that HWA had copied word for word one of it's own booklets that he called "Has Time Been Lost."

The teaching that we were all to become gods, was taken from the Mormons.  The Jehovahs Witnesses provided plenty of resources for prophecy and end times malarkey that HWA used.  His basement safe was filled with JW books.

Now to add to that list, is an entry that James has on the Painful Truth blog about soon coming world dictator (Beast Power/European Union) soon to arise.  HWA started writing about the soon to emerge European Union that would be the Beast of Revelation around 1934.  Was this something new that God had revealed to HWA?  Don't count on it.  There were numerous articles in newspapers and magazines as far back as 1929 detailing the upcoming European Union.  For more article clippings fromteh1930's click here:  "Stolen Ideas" Using Newspapers to Invent Prophecy

Using newspaper articles to fit you end of the world theories is typical Armstrongism.  The research departments at Pasadena worked overtime in trying to find anything that fit the prophecy scenario that HWA was trying to establish.  Prophecy prediction was just as reliable as the proof-texting that the church employed when it came to scriptures.  As we all now know, the Church of GOd has failed miserably in both of these areas.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The True WCG Says: Nations Fear the U.S. Because We Have Special UFO Contacts

Just when you think the looney farm that makes up the Churches of God could not get any weirder, along comes E. W. King with more stupidity.

Did you know that the nations of the world are in awe and fear of the United States because of the special relationship we have with UFO's?  UFO's seem to prefer Americans to study, probe and have sex with over other humans around the world.. 

According to King, the US military has hoards of documentation UFO sightings by American test pilots and others.

But what do we see now? People from ancient past have talked about strange objects in the sky. Before there was any flight technology these sighting must have seemed super strange. Now that man has flight technology many things have been seen in the sky? Should this surprise us? No. During the 1940’s humans were experimenting with all sorts of new military craft. Commercial pilots reported seeing all sorts of things. The US Air Force started “Project Blue Book” to find out just who saw what and to create cover stories to protect the Top Secret experimental air craft’s.

King, like all good Armstrongites has to interject "sex" into the mix.  Spanky must be proud!

Now it is true that other anomalies have been spotted that are not manmade objects flying through the sky. What of these? Many are simply things occurring naturally that man does not yet understand. But there is a very small percentage that seems to be guided or “intelligent” objects. What are these? Many claim that they are little-gray bug type aliens that are flying around. Thousands of people have come forth with stories claiming that they have been abducted by these ET’s. Their stories are simply horrifying. They claim that these little gray-bug type aliens have done numerous operations on their bodies. Many of these stories involve strange sexual activity.

Here is his astounding wisdom on how nations fear us because of our UFO contacts:

Before I talk further about this phenomenon let me here say that these stories in some ways help America because the other countries now think that we are favored with extraterrestrial technology and private “special” contact. This adds fear to the nations. We can now say that we have the best ‘extraterrestrial technology’. In some ways the US Government feeds into these stories and even helps invent and promote them. We can now turn our TV’s on and watch National Geographic and or Discovery Channel only to learn that we have been created by these aliens. This false propaganda has even a darker side to it.

Of course that darker side is that big, bad, old meanie Satan. Armstrongism, for some reason, lives in fear of it's created creature they call satan.  They give their satan far more power than there actually may be.  They also talk about him way more than they do Jesus Christ.

You can read his entire post here:  Top Secret – Fire from the Sky

UCG Begging For One Million Dollars

Beyond Today TV Studio is Really, Really SMALL!

United Church of God wants all it's members to know just how incredibly small their TV studio is.  Just look at those three men all crammed on to one pathetic little stage.  Poor little guys! One desk cannot serve them all properly.

After the membership initially balked at the the proposal for  new studios earlier in the year, now the UCG brass are trying to ramrod it through again.

I would like to ask for your prayers regarding the need for a larger and improved television studio so that we can produce even better and higher quality programs. We have a great team working together, and they do an amazing job considering the small size of the studio and the equipment available. And please pray for our three TV presenters, Darris McNeely, Steve Myers and Gary Petty, that God will continue to inspire and strengthen them and help them grow stronger and wiser in preaching and teaching His truth! They need our prayers and support even more with the expansion of our Beyond Today TV program into many more countries around the world.

Then UCG takes a page right out of the Paul and Jan Crouch fund raising book.
And one final matter that I would like to share with you and ask you to pray about. God has blessed the United Church of God with a good, steady income because of your faithfulness in tithes and offerings, and we are doing well considering the church split we went through about 18 months ago. But now we are growing and expanding our efforts to preach the gospel and prepare a people.

So what am I asking you to pray about? It is this: that God will provide the “faith line,” an extra one million dollars income that we have included in our new budget, on faith, in order to keep growing and moving forward. Our treasurer, Aaron Dean, included this same amount in last year’s fiscal budget as a faith line—trusting God to provide the extra income that we would need to balance our budget—and God did provide it!

Oh, and we are just one big happy lovey-dovey family!  The reality is, you are only loved as long as you toe the line.  Deviate anyway off the path and you will experience true Church of God love rather swiftly.

Here at the home office in Cincinnati, Ohio, we are working together in peace and unity to accomplish God’s work. We all love one another and enjoy working together. As a result, God is opening many doors and blessing us with new opportunities to do His work and serve others.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Dave Pack Strikes GOLD! Oh, Sorry! Make that ROCKS!

A most miraculous event happened in Wadsworth this past week. Dave Pack, the second biggest prophetic failure in the Church of God, made a mind boggling announcement on how God has richly blessed the Restored Church of God.

Dave breathlessly writes to his several hundred followers:

Finally, a massive 12-foot-deep hole for the foundation of the Administration Building footprint is near completion, leading to the next major step-pouring concrete and footers for the foundation of the building. (An interesting sidepoint is that while preparing the foundation last week, we accidentally tapped into and dug up very large sandstone rocks that can later be used for landscaping and other needs. We literally stumbled on 500 to 1,000 tons-one to two million pounds!-of rock.) Brethren, please pray that God blesses us in all elements of the construction.

A house built upon sandstone weathers and blows away over time.  Is this a prophetic indication of the soon coming  collapse of the Restored Church of God?

Dave's member letter:  RCG Member/Co Worker Letter