Sunday, July 22, 2012

Idiots In The Pulpit: Non Christian Aurora Killings Victims Damned to Hell

It is amazing to see and hear the stuff that comes out of Christan leaders mouths and pens anytime there is a huge tragedy.  Liberals, gays, feminists, etc get blamed for any tragedy.  Of course this should not come as too much of a shock to anyone connected with Armstrong, because our leaders spouted the same bullshit and still do to this day.

It's all a huge blame game.  It is always someone else's fault, particularly if they do not measure up to your own standards.  According to Armstrongism, 99.99% of the world is in anathema against God and therefore deserves to be punished.

Rod Meredith, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack and many other Armstrongist's get off on the fire and destruction that they want to see poured out on the world.  They want billions of people to die from famine, disease, and war.  To see all that happen legitimizes their beliefs.  Flurry, Meredith and others are already screeching about the Aurora killings.  God is punishing the country and nonbelievers.  "It's all their fault.  Kill the sinners God!  Let those of us who are soooooooooooo righteous live so we can spank the world for you."

This is the same mentality exhibited today by a top Evangelical leader who proclaimed that anyone killed in Aurora will be sent to hell if they are not Christian.

Jerry Newcombe, Evangelical Leader, Says Only Christian Victims Of Colorado Shooting Going To Heaven 

If a Christian dies early, if a Christian dies young, it seems tragic, but really it is not tragic because they are going to a wonderful place.. on the other hand, if a person doesn’t know Jesus Christ.. if they knowingly rejected Jesus Christ, then, basically, they are going to a terrible place. 

So sure is Newcombe of his vengeful god that he declares that future killers should stop and take into consideration the unbelief of their victims.  Could they be damning them to hell?

I know in my natural state I am worthy of Hell before a holy God, who doesn't grade on the curve. I am eternally grateful that on the cross Jesus went to Hell for me, so I don't have to. The next time someone wants to take out their frustrations on others by killing innocent victims, they ought to consider the eternal consequences of their evil actions.

Newcombe's article is here:  A Dark Night Indeed

Apostle Malm: Is It Better To Keep the Feast In A Local Barn Than A Resort?

The apostle has been telling his followers that they need to be taking off two days for the Feast of Trumpets.  The reasoning behind that is that if the new moon is not sighted on the scheduled day, that it will happen on the next day and since you will already have it off, you will be safe in God's sight and not horribly embarrassed.

He also is trying to wean is followers away from resort Feast sites because of all the temptation to stray from God's path during those eight days.  There too, he is encouraging an extra day to be added on to the Feast.  Your boss is really going to love that!

He writes:

The seventh month begins with the NM which is also a High Day. When the NM is seen that High Day begins, not before. The concept is simple: If it doesn’t happen today, it will happen tomorrow!

It is only prudent to take two days off work to avoid any embarrassment, just in case Trumpets is not on the day calculated; that does NOT mean that Trumpets is two days as teh Rabbins say. trumpets is only One day!

There is then plenty of time to set the other Festival dates; an din any case there would at the max be only a one day difference between calculated and observed and in the vast majority of case the NM would be seen as calculated.

The real issue is around today’s resort non Feasts which are vacations with the excuse of a biblical Feast. If we all camped on a local farm and met in the barn and truly kept the Feast rejoicing together; what would it matter if we stayed a day beyond what we calculated?

Today people rush home, even travelling on the Eighth Day; what a shame! I would expect that if someone declared the feasts not necessary a very large number would not attend. Most people are doing what they are told and not because they love pleasing God, or because these festival messages are so inspiring. James

Saturday, July 21, 2012

What If The End Isn't Near?

Pam Dewey has had an excellent series on Are You Prepared for.... the Unthinkable? The latest entry had this:

The blog entries in this series have been building up a case for the possibility that Christians have been “preparing” in recent times … physically and emotionally … for the wrong thing. So many have been absolutely sure that we are living in the very End Times, often because of “conditions” they see around them like those above.  Their idea of getting physically ready for what they have believed is “imminent and inevitable” in biblical prophecy has sometimes included stockpiling survival supplies for The Great Tribulation, which many are sure could start this year, or next year, or by the latest, five or seven years from now.

And their idea of being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared for what they expect to happen has often been to just hunker down, study prophecy under some favorite prophecy guru, and wait for The End.

This blog has suggested you just MIGHT want to consider … WHAT IF the “unthinkable” happens? If you’ve been thinking that The End is at Hand, WHAT IF it isn’t?

What if you find yourself just growing old and gray ten or twenty or thirty years from now? Have you made ANY actual preparations to deal with the reality that this unexpected scenario would bring?

The Apostle Is Preparing For New Reeducation Camp In Petra

The apostle has been preaching a lot lately about the synagogue in the history of the Jews and how it served as a place of learning.  Because Malm and so many COGers are pretend Jews, he is embracing the teaching techniques used in synagogues as God's divinely inspired way of learning.

The apostle goes on to tell how he will be setting up groups in Petra where he will be torturing people with the law big time.

With this weeks posts I am trying to introduce people to a plan for education and preparation for the Kingdom in the wilderness. Giving people time to think on these things to digest them and to get used to some organized education and preparation for the priesthood.

If I am there and I expect I will be; and if people listen to me, I would impliment a plan like this for a more formal study in the refuge not only through Moses but all the scriptures. if for some reason I am not there I have done my best to provide what has been missing in the COG teachings through the five years I have been working on this effort.

Plan B is that if the abominatioon is not set up this year; I want to set up the same organized training program after the Feast, not just through Moses but through all the scriptures, and to set up Feast sites as well. Part of the FB idea is to find out where people may be concentrated in order to find the most suitable locations for Festivals and potential Sabbath meetings.