Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ron Weinland: Day of God's Vengeance is April 4th Between 12:00 and 3:00 P.M.

Ron Weinland, Armstrongism's favorite convicted felon, continues to send out his letters from prison.  I can't figure out if he is trying to imitate Paul or Martin Luther King.

Today, the failed false prophet writes to his members who obviously are failures in all aspects of their life. He starts his letter off by admonishing his members.  No "thank-you's" for supporting him while still in prison, no "thank-you's" for supporting his second witness wife. Nothing like that.  He lays into the membership for being slackards

That post was given as an admonishment to God’s Church to remember the importance of being spiritually on guard and ready. It was also given to encourage a greater measure of soberness about the reality that horrific end-time events can truly happen at any moment. Capturing and holding onto such an awareness is not easily accomplished, but it is necessary.

Apparently Satan is on such a rampage against God's anointed felon that some members are starting to drift away and not send in their money.  Ron can't have that.  Laura still must maintain her spa treatments and shopping sprees.

Having such purpose of focus along with being constant in belief can only be accomplished with God’s spirit. This becomes all that much more urgent upon us when you add to this that there is an evil spirit world that is highly agitated and its objective is to fully distract you from having such a spiritual focus. Anything that can be used to turn your focus inward on self is now being intensified.

Satan has declared war and it rages all around us:

Their time is growing very short and they know it. You need to “see” this reality as a war in progress in the midst of a great battlefield. It must be treated in such a manner, as the greatest spiritual battle in which you will ever be engaged in life.

Satan is raging against them just as he did with Jesus Christ on the cross.  Since we are approaching Armstrongism Passover the convicted felon uses that to prepare his members for the Day of Vengeance that he says will strike the earth on April 4th, between 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m. - give or take a few hours either direction.

We are rapidly approaching the observance of Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. It is from this season that the final count to the Pentecost that ushers in the Passover as King of kings will occur. Let’s consider some of those verses relating to our Passover who first came as a Lamb and is soon coming as a Lion. God’s execution of judgment upon Israel and the world has much to do with their rejection of His Son.

This is the account of the death of the Son of God. “Now from the sixth hour (noon) there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour (3 pm). At about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?’ That is to say, ‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?’” (Mat. 27:45-46). “Jesus, when he had cried out again in a loud voice, yielded up the spirit. Then behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom, and the earth shook and rocks shattered” (Mat. 27:50-51).

From noon until 3 pm on that Passover day, Jesus Christ entered the final stage of his agonizing torture that was finally brought to a close after a soldier had pierced his side with a spear (Jn. 19:34) and out came water and blood, and then he died. Christ’s Father marked that period by darkness over all the land as His only Son was dying a cruel and hideously unjust death. The world has always been cruel to those whom God has sent.

Would it not be most just indeed for the Day of the Eternal, also called the Day of God’s Vengeance, to also include God’s response to the world following the “time” of His Son’s death?

In this Day of the Eternal, 3 pm will arrive on April 4th, however the accounts of Christ’s death gives a time that is about or near 3 pm. It could be a little while before or after that exact time. In all this, God’s Church continues to “watch” (physically and spiritually) with eager anticipation as we look to God to begin executing His righteous judgment upon the world so that the pride and evil in this world can be brought down and humility of spirit raised up.

Monday, March 4, 2013

UCG: UPDATE From Dennis Luker: Not True That Robin Webber New Temporary UCG President

Robin Webber is the new temporary President until July 1, 2013 when new elections will be held.

Dennis Luker's health situation is far worse than originally thought. He is now unable to function as President of the UCG. He and his wife are returning to Seattle to figure out what course of action to now take.  The cancer was far more widespread that they had imagined.

Dear ministers and home office staff,

As you might expect, when organizations experience what the United Church of God is going through right now with my serious illness, rumors often start flying. This has already begun to happen and various inaccurate reports are circulating online—including that our Council of Elders chairman, Robin Webber, has taken over as UCG president.

Robin and I can assure you that he has not taken over as president. However, LeeAnn and I do plan to return to our home in the state of Washington to pursue treatment for my health condition. This will also enable us be close to our family during that time. Should things change with me health-wise, please remember that in our bylaws we have a tried and true, established process to provide a smooth transition of leadership. Otherwise and God willing, I anticipate continuing as president as my health permits until my term expires on June 30. 

We appreciate your prayers and concern beyond words and will swiftly communicate any major news or changes to you. Thank you to each of you for your faithful service to Jesus Christ and His brethren! It gives us great comfort during this very difficult health trial to know that you are there keeping up the good fight of faith.

With love in Christ,
Dennis Luker