Saturday, June 8, 2013

Dave Pack: I will Be Shutting Down All The Phoney COG "Colleges" and "Universities"

Those kids at UCG, LCG and PCG "colleges" and "universities" had better beware.  You will soon be attending the most amazing COG college ever to exist in the woods of Wadsworth where you will be taught by the worlds most incredible man who sits beside Jesus Christ on his throne.

Most will not admit this, but the academic institutions in the splinters are basically 80% world and 20% Ambassador College—classic mixtures of knowledge coming from the tree of good and evil. These phony colleges will soon come to an end, but many of their students will want to continue, knowing that the true Ambassador spirit and way is now available to them. No longer will there be competing educational programs, teaching truth and error to students. Separate resources currently being invested in multiple “colleges” will soon be combined into one. Ambassador Center, the modern true continuation of Ambassador College, will come to more closely mirror its predecessor in size and function, the latter largely being already the case. Combining elements of the Pasadena, Big Sandy and Bricket Wood campuses in their prime, “AC” will continue to teach men and women how to live, but also how to make a living. Only the numbers of students and qualified, experienced faculty (some from the past) will grow. Candidates for the ministry and Headquarters staff will acquire a foundation for success through academics, clubs and extracurricular activities. The old college motto of “Recapturing True Values” will be further established.

Dave Pack: Returning COG Brethren Can Be Expected To Attend EVERYTHING in The RCG.

Life in Dave's cult will soon be one series of church activities after another.  By keeping them occupied and worn-out they are less rebellious.

Then there are the socials. Many will recall the wonderful, usually annual gatherings of years past—campouts, dances, talent shows, local socials, picnics, regional sporting events, singles weekends, and so many more. In my pastorates, these activities were always carefully and repeatedly emphasized, and everyone wanted to attend. Today, splinters have occasional socials, but see generally limited participation with the energy level mostly “flat.” In God’s Church today, virtually EVERYONE comes to EVERYTHING. Difficult for people in the splinters to appreciate, this is no exaggeration. In fact, when we are all back together you will see and hear this yourself and know it to be true. We can ALL again look forward to regularly coming together in beautiful social settings, in unity and like mind, enjoying one another in fellowship as in “the old days.” I remember when brethren looked forward to each upcoming activity with eager anticipation. What a joy to know this will again be the case.

HWA and L Ron Hubbard

Dave Pack: I Am Better Than Any Of The JUNK In The Various COG's

Never one to boast, Dave Packs says:

This is a good place to add an inset explaining WHY the elements of this announcement can happen quickly—as advancements do now in God’s Church. Brethren will again be unified under one leader. The Government of God that Christ administers in His Church is more efficient and effective by far than the humanly contrived “junk” masquerading as “government” in the splinters. We also have God’s blessing in our efforts. They do not, but rather just think they do. Like so many other elements explained in this series, these governments will be miraculously CLOSED DOWN—and SOON!

Good bye UCG!
Good bye LCG!
Good bye PCG!
Good bye COGWA!

There's a new man in town and its Dave!