Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rod Meredith and His Angry God

I was reading one of Rod Meredith's letters to his members and co-workers today and it was like reading something from 50 years ago. Its the same old story.  One angry pissed off god who is just itching to reign fire and brimstone down upon his wasted creation called humanity.  Of course a few of the frozen chosen will escape, but only by the skin of their teeth because God is pissed at them too.

Thirteen paragraphs and not one thing about Jesus, the example he set, the parables he taught, the things he did, nothing about grace, nothing about love.  Just lots and lots of typical crap about a pissed off god, what an amazing church we are, and how Rod is setting the example.  It's all works based and graceless.  They complain their message does not get heard by most, is it any wonder??????????????  Who in their right mind would buy into this crap?  They claim to follow Jesus but are embarrassed to even mention his name.

From his June 12 letter these are the highlights.

Paragraph 1:
  • really bad weather is just ahead!
  • dangerous hurricanes are predicted
  • They may do huge damage. 
 Paragraph 2
  •  increasing drought
  • massive wildfires   
  • growing “dust bowl” conditions in much of the Southwest
  • thousands of farmers to suffer heavily
  • many to consider leaving the farming profession for good

Paragraph 3

  • same-sex “marriage” is growing
  • distribution of the “morning-after pill”
  • young girls and boys can go ahead with their fornication with more peace of mind
  • young men will probably not feel the need to take protective measures
  • increasing the incidence of venereal disease and AIDS!   

Paragraph 4

  • lawsuits and investigations are mounting as countless instances of governmental and corporate corruption are being exposed.
  • liars and thieves are at the highest levels of our society
  • growing mistrust of governmental and corporate leaders

Paragraph 5

  • these seemingly different problems are all part of a Big Picture described by the real GOD of the Bible
  • He alone—actually controls the weather.
  • lying, the thievery and the massive corruption of our entire society
  • growing sins
  • God will intervene in the weather to punish our nations unless we repent. 
  • easy to forget how involved our Creator is in both our national and personal lives.
  • How involved He is in causing bad weather.
  • soon-coming enormous earthquakes 
  • horrifying disease epidemics soon to come
  • God will be in the ultimate destruction of our rebellious society
  • We in this Work of the great God are continuing to reveal to increasing millions of people the reality of that true God and the totality of His awesome power.  

Paragraph 6

Matthew 24:7-8
“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences [disease epidemics], and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows”
Paragraph 7

Leviticus 26:14-16
But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all these commandments, and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant, I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror [terrorism] over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it” 

Paragraph 8

  • as a nation “despise” God’s statutes and His laws.  
  • turning away from almost every vestige of biblical Christianity!
  • national power and prestige of the British-descended and American peoples go down and down
  • once-powerful British Empire...dissolved  
  • It is all part of God’s prophesied warnings 
  • bad weather, fires, earthquakes and disease epidemics—plus other catastrophes—would all begin to occur and bring them down
  • as genuine Christians, must learn to “connect the dots.” 

Paragraph 9

  • God’s supreme purpose to teach humanity that our own ways and the fruits of our human reasoning will be broken
  • obey His laws and ways will we be blessed with good weather, world peace and prosperity
  • know that God is real, know that your Creator is in charge and that it is He that is bringing about all this because of His specific promises to do so
  • His desire to “shake” our peoples to an awareness of our own sins
  • bring us to genuine repentance for our own good. 

Paragraph 10

  • There is one Work on this earth which is proclaiming this inspired warning  
  • This is that Work!
  • God has continued to bless the Living Church of God
  • some self-appointed “prophets” or “apostles” who make big claims and, at the same time, throw around erroneous accusations.
  • Brethren, as the senior evangelist remaining in the true Church of God,
  • God is continuing to greatly bless this Work. 
  • Tomorrow’s World magazine circulation surpassing 400,000,
  • television program is aired on more than 220 stations,
  • new Russian satellite network which is comprised of four separate satellites giving us worldwide coverage in the Russian language!
  • thousands of literature requests and inquiries every single week—often 5,000 or 6,000 or more! 

Paragraph 11

  • English, French and Spanish-language Tomorrow’s World Web sites reach multiple millions
  • major new Web site upgrades planned for later this year
  • Social Media efforts continue to experience explosive growth
  • Twitter account is increasingly active and is followed by more than 31,000 people
  • Tomorrow’s World Facebook page posts and ads have a total reach of more than 26 million unique people!
  • Facebook page currently supports more than 53,000 unique Facebook fans
  • weekly views to the page topping over 1 million on any single day!

Paragraph 12

  • as we approach the termination of this present society
  • do everything we can to “reach out” to our fellow man and warn our peoples before it is too late. 

Paragraph 13

  • how much are you, personally, sacrificing in order to get His final warning message to our peoples? 
  • How zealous are you to do all you can to support the very Work which the living Christ is using to preach the full message of His coming Kingdom and His way of life to this world?
  • your tithes and offerings are being put to very good use in preaching the Gospel
  • we do need to “stir ourselves,” and be able to get on more stations and preach this message with ever greater power
  • mixed-up world begins to feel the real impact of this Work of God before it is too late.
  • May God help every one of you do his or her part. 
  • At age 83, I am trying to “go all out,” myself, to give of myself 
  • each one of us demonstrate our zeal for our Creator by getting fully involved in the Work of the living Christ right now!                  


New Poll: Which COG Is Bat Shit Crazy

There is a new poll in the right hand column so you can vote on which is the craziest COG out there. 

Gerald Flurry: Threatens Members With Expulsion If They Have More Children, Men Instructed to Stop Having Sex If Necessary

Why do the members of PCG put up with their disgusting pig that pretends to be an agent of God and his equally disgusting lies and teachings?  When they fail to flee, how many will sit there on their asses and make excuses for him this time around.  They deserve everything that's going to happen to them.  I no longer have sympathy because of their stupidity!

From Exit and Support:

June 29, 2013
The sermon Flurry sent out to "all the churches" stated that the members "must not" have any more children under threat of being put out. He said if it means not having any more relations with the wives then it will just have to be that way. He told them it's time to go--at any moment--so having children is forbidden. --Former WCG & PCG member

Ron Weinland Sends Letter To Only Those In Good Standing In His Cult.

Weinerdude writes to his few remaining LOYAL members while still locket up in prison.  He talks about his prison work days and how if he and Laura did not face trials then they and his church would be Laodicean.  Having trials apparently makes you a Philadelphian or whatever the hell he thinks he is.   From Don't Droink The Flavor Aid :  A Personal Letter from God’s Most Formidable Prophet

Hello to everyone,

It has been a while since I’ve written to the ministry. I thought this would be a good time to do so since I will not be writing a post this week. This past series on an “Extraordinary 4 1/2 Years” contains an incredible depth of knowledge and understanding that God has poured out upon us since Pentecost. We have experienced something that God planned (designed, layered out) for His end-time Church long, long ago.

Although you have read the four-part post in its entirety, the magnitude of it in its full scope has not fully been received yet. It is something that will grow more within you as you are able to build upon it over time. It is for this reason that I encourage you to go back to occasionally read it again, coupling that with prayer and asking for help to more fully grasp it all. This series is of such importance that we are going to combine the four parts into a single article and put it on the Church website publications page as we did with the “57 Truths of God.”

As I wrote this series, there are several things that I have come to far more deeply appreciate and understand (as you will as well). One of these concerns the importance of the truths God has given us that set us apart in such a powerful way as His true Church. I’ve often encouraged the Church to review the 57 Truths. Reviewing these truths and becoming more fully grounded in them cannot be emphasized enough. God has laid them out for His Church, even in order, count, and timing, let alone for the purpose they serve and teach. God did not just randomly reveal these truths, just as He did not randomly create the galaxies. Everything is for a purpose and time – by design.

As I have just started writing this letter to all of you, God has just revealed to me what some of the next post is about, as it ties in with what was just mentioned. I’ll explain all this in that post, which will not come out until next week.

Additionally, as with one of the letters I sent to you, I mentioned that it would be good to share it with all the brethren. Since there is no post this week, I think it would be good to again share this letter with the brethren. What I am addressing here is not the kind of thing that would be proper for a post, but is more of a “personal” to all of you. For this reason (of not posting this), this should only be handed to or sent to those who are in good standing in God’s Church. It should not be sent out in a mass mailing of any kind and should only be given to others by the ministry.  If someone has not been in communication or fellowship for some time, then they do not need this.

Oops, cats out of the bag of your loyal members let the entire world see it.

Wienerdudes god is apparently playing one big cosmic joke after another on the COGPK members.  God let Weinerdude and the church make asses of themselves with all their false dates.

You dumb ignorant morons that follow me have NO RIGHT to question me of the wrong dates.  God has deliberately planned it to happen this way.  You are owed NOTHING!  
Concerning where we specifically are in this end-time, God is not revealing the Pentecost that His Son will be coming. Our focus on dates in the past has been part of our refining and maturing in faithfulness. There are times when some may feel that it isn’t fair for God to allow such a thing upon His Church. God not only allows it, but He purposes, designs, plans, and executes those various things that help refine, test, and mature His people – to those who yield themselves to the process. The clay has no right whatsoever to question the master potter. What is fair is death for our sins. We are owed nothing! Yet God, in His incredible love and mercy toward us, wants to give us inheritance into everything.

If we are void of financial trials, family problems, trials of health, and other struggles in life, then we will become “Laodicean” in spirit and lukewarm spiritually to the point God cannot work with us to develop Elohim “in” us. You carry much of what you have because of something unique to you that God has prepared in order to mold a specific place for you in His Family.

Do I relish being in prison and separated from everyone in this manner? Absolutely not! But there has never been a struggle, suffering, heartache, or battle that I would trade for each of these events that I have experienced which has helped to transform me. Indeed, I am truly thankful and rejoice inwardly (as Paul expressed) for what I have gone through in order to make me who I am now and what I am yet to become. There are literally millions upon millions of people in the world who would love to trade places with me in this prison camp. They would have daily food (much more and far better than they now have), shelter with electricity and running water, and a measure of healthcare (yet inferior in this country) that is far superior to anything they have ever had in life. But above all (of all that is physical) there is a mighty purpose being worked through all this that is in God’s molding power to benefit me, the Church, and the future for what I am experiencing.

Do you grasp the importance of your sufferings “in” Christ? It is through being “in” the Body of Christ and the sufferings we experience that God can transform us and mold His character in us. Without those things in this present age, we could not be molded into what we are to become. So what is it all worth to you? Have you come to where you are thankful and can rejoice inwardly (spiritually) for what you suffer? To rejoice inwardly (spiritually) does not mean you are always able to rejoice physically (though we should strive to do so) because by nature suffering is not an enjoyable experience. But how we “carry” the suffering “is” important–for our own inner being along with the example and encouragement it can “give” to others.

I would not have the joy and pleasure of the fellowship of so many of you if you were not carrying suffering of some sort in your life. If you weren’t, then you wouldn’t be here, as you would have become lukewarm and unworkable. When we spiritually embrace whatever state we are in, God will work in us as we yield to and even seek His changing power to work in us.

On more of a personal note, I’ve felt badly that I simply cannot write in response to letters and cards I’ve received, and I know everyone understands. So this will serve as the best means that I have to respond. Some of you have asked specific questions, but I will only be addressing some general things in this letter.
Weinerdude is finally facing the fact that he is going to sit in jail for a prophetic time, times, and a time and half till he is released.
As for being here in a prison, my mind is set for the long haul, yet I certainly hope it will not be for the whole period of time. But if it is, the Church will continue to be blessed with spiritual food and spiritual growth as we continue to move forward. I’m not nearly as concerned about myself being here for the full time as I am that this whole world will soon be freed from such sick and oppressive bondage that exists on every front and the desire that God’s new age be ushered in with sound government and one truth throughout the world.

As far as my health, I feel stronger than I have in a long time. I’ve lost over 20 pounds as my diet has changed a lot. I’m eating a lot of oatmeal with some granola, dried fruit, and nuts that I am able to purchase here. Then there is the quick fix of a peanut butter and honey sandwich that replaces many of the meals (called “food”, as it is rally poor in quality and is sometimes downright sickening) that is served here. In addition, I’m getting a lot of exercise in my work.

By the sound of some letters I’ve received here, some seem to think of this prison as being like those commonly seen on TV, but this is a unique one that is classified as a “camp.” It reminds me more of what the setup is in a boot (training) camp for the army. There are no prison bars. The complex is more like a barracks with private showers and toilets. The sleeping rooms in my section are small units that house up to eight people per unit. I’m blessed to be in a room with seven others who truly function quite well together. I personally believe it is the best of the units where around a total of 400 people live.

There is a small library across the street where I do most of my writing with the initial draft being written out by hand with my trusty supply of #2 yellow pencils. Once written, I go to an archaic computer system to transfer my writing to an email.  There is a rough outside track that I do use a great deal to walk and often pray, as it is easier to get away from the noise (vile language) and constant distractions in the living units. I had started to do some weight training, but that didn’t last too long as I began to work outside at about the same time for the carpentry shop and ended up getting far more of a workout, and therefore, did not need additional weight lifting/exercises. I’ve worked at repairing some fencing and another man and I just finished building a pole barn to house a waste lift station. It is a rough wood framed building with a sheet metal roof and walls. It was about 60 feet by 15 feet in size. The location was great as it was off to the side of grounds that are next to a river and an adjoining boarder of large trees. It was quite tranquil compared to other areas on the grounds that have three different prison systems, which include a very large maximum-security area, a medium security area, and then our camp with very low security. I’ve even been issued authorization to check out vehicles (trucks, pickups, and even a car on occasion) to drive on the compound to and from the jobsites. We do have to be back in the building four times a day for an official count of the inmates. The last count is at 3am when they come around the room and shine a flashlight in your face.
My work time here in prison is HARD work but being the martyr I am it is OK for me.   The best part of this is that I think they are making Weinerdude work on Saturdays!

At the end of this past week, we had to mix and pour concrete into molds used for steam line covers. That was a real workout! Next week, we will be re-shingling a building. It is hard work for a “young” man as myself, but I do like it (seriously).

There isn’t much more to say about this place and my routine, but the days have gotten easier and God has been giving me much help, inspiration, and favor here.

Once again, as you come to more fully grasp and more deeply appreciate all that is written in the last series of posts, you will come to be far more thankful and uplifted to “see” the important role each of you have been part of as you have stood fast in very difficult times. God is well pleased with the faithfulness of His people as we seek to live this way of life in spirit and in truth. Keep up the great fight because it is not over until Christ has returned.

Our love to each of you in the Body of Christ,

Ron & Laura