Thursday, July 18, 2013

Daniel Cohran: Make Up Is NOT A Minor Doctrine!

The self serving hypocritical men of Armstrongism have always sought to beat women down to be submissive baby producers or house cleaners. Make up was one way of stopping women from being attractive.  It was OK for men to wear wigs and toupees, but a little paint on a woman's face was the ultimate sign of vanity.

Danile Cohran from the Hold Fast To All Things splinter cult has this to say about makeup.

Is MAKEUP really just a “minor” doctrine?  Do we not realize that there are NO “minor” doctrines in the Church of God?  Indeed ALL the doctrines placed into God’s Church are MAJOR, and ALL equally important, and are placed there for a reason!
Mr. Armstrong felt it was important enough to preach on it frequently when God was using him to put the Church back on track doctrinally in the early 1980’s.  In the article posted below, Mr. Armstrong shows how Satan used this doctrine to get the Church OFF TRACK!  So it must be more than just a “minor” or insignificant doctrine.  And it’s evident that God Himself feels that it is important because He inspired His apostle to set the doctrine straight once and for all.  Remember only God’s apostles have the AUTHORITY to change or place doctrine into God’s Church. And God BINDS that decision in heaven! THEN it is up to us as members of God’s Church to remain faithful to that doctrine, or not.

So a bunch of women wearing makeup got the church off track instead of the whoring, lying, money grubbing, power hungry church leaders?   These spiritual deviates ran the church in the ground with excess and greed, but that was OK because they were God's anointed.  Yet some paint on a woman's face was a grievous sin?  What is wrong with this picture?????????????

Part of the problem that this "doctrine" is still in force today in many of the splinter cults is because the Church of God taught that Herbert had the authority to bind and and loose any doctrine on earth as in heaven.  If he said it, God did it.

Christ teaches us through His Word, and Mr. Armstrong taught us through his writings and sermons, that only APOSTLES have the authority to bind and loosen doctrine within God's Church.  More is covered on this subject elsewhere in this website.

...there IS NO EXCUSE! God Almighty placed this doctrine, ALL the doctrines into His Church through His apostles, and they are STILL BINDING TODAY!

Cohran quotes Herbert's silly logic:

Again look at HOW SIN BEGAN--with LUCIFER. God had created him perfect, and he was in all his ways, TILL he SINNED. HOW? His heart was lifted up IN VANITY because of his BEAUTY (Ezek. 28:15- 17). Being BEAUTIFUL or the desire for it led to VANITY. SELF- glorification! His mind went to his BEAUTY, in VANITY. Of course he would have denied having vanity just as mortals today.

Satan introduced SIN into humanity through a woman, mother EVE. She was MISLED, deceived. She didn't deliberately WILL to do wrong--to lead her husband into the first SIN! She was deceived, as our women have been today. Go back and read the beginning paragraphs of this article. It is precisely the way Satan has been getting to our women today.
Because sin entered humans through Eve, sin entered the COG through its women with makeup on their faces!  Talk about proof-texting!  Talk about asinine stupidity!

Madman? or Prophet? Another COG Mind Destroyed By Armstrongism

J.W. Brakebill of Francisco stands with the trailer he lives in when he goes on teaching trips. Brakebill said after a long winter trip, he realized that God would bring people to him instead. He plans to use the trailer for upcoming trips in the area. He’ll sit inside it and if someone wants to come and talk to him, they can, he said. But the message is always the same—in essence, “repent or burn,” he said.

The head line is, "...Madman? or Prophet?"

No, they are not talking about Dave Pack or Gerald Flurry.  They are talking about another normal COG member who claims to have secret knowledge that God has revealed to him through Herbert Armstrong.  This guys actions are reminiscent of Jules Dervaes, the crazy COG member who parked his van by the Pasadena campus with signs plastered all over it for a year or so.  He forced his wife and kids to stand there picketing with him.  People thought he was crazy as hell, just as the public thinks this guy is off his rocker.

Brakebill’s question: Madman? or Prophet?

Curious folks in Francisco gawk at his trailer covered in Bible verses. It sits near an RV next to the blue house on Green Street. The front of his camper reads “Madman? or Prophet?”

“I don’t know a whole lot of people,” he said. “I don’t bother people and they don’t bother me. Even my kids, they know better than to bother me,” he laughed. “Most people don’t want to hear what I have to say.” He said he’s found a few kindred spirits even though they may not agree on every single thing.

Later in the article ther eis this:

When Brakebill was in his 20s he pondered what he knew about Christianity and returned to the faith, eventually was baptized as a Pentecostal and later left that denomination to become involved with the Worldwide Church of God.

It was in this time that Brakebill experienced what he calls  the “most inspiring” spiritual moment of his life.  During a special meeting time, the church worshiped with fellow members in other countries via video communication.  “I thought that was extremely inspiring.”

Brakebill said he found things in denominational churches that conflicted with what he read in the Bible, such as whether the church should worship on Sunday or Saturday, the same day as the Jewish Sabbath Day—and he found he believed that the Sabbath should still be kept.

But after the Worldwide Church of God “fell apart” he said he couldn’t find an anchored, “true” church. “So I gave up looking for the true church,” he said.
It is sad to see the minds of people who let Armstrongism take over their lives and lead them down these sad, sick paths.  I feel more sorry for this guy, who seems to be genuinely wanting to follow God compared to these people at PCG that knowingly follow a deviate who has made their lives miserable yet will not leave.