Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Feast Parking Stickers For Everyone from Lay Member to Prophets

Check out the great post today on All About Armstrongism today. He has up all the various Feast bumper stickers that will be required for this years Feast, particularly if you are attending the humongous, superfantabulous, earth shattering, Restored Church of God's, Great Reunification feast of booze.  Tavernacles Is Coming!

The self-righteous ones get pissed at us for mocking the COG leaders, 
but they open their mouths and make dumbass comments that play right into our hands.  
This is all tooooooooooooooooooo fun!

James Malm: Head Coverings For Women Required and Tassels For Men...Maybe...But I Highly Recommend It If You Really Love God

James Malm, the offical legalistic bullshitter of Armstrongsim is back today telling men in his cult that while it is not required they perhaps should be wearing blue and white tassels on their garments as they pray.

A modern example of a Karaite Tzitzit

God commanded only a ribbon of blue on the corners of the garments; this intricate braid is conceived by men.

Because people in the west no longer wear the same kind of clothes as were worn in the ancient Middle East; this is a kind of belt worn around the trousers instead of a blue ribbon at each of the four corners of a square mantle.

To our great sorrow and the great sorrow of Israel; they still continually turned and rebelled against God and did not look to tis reminder of the law of their God.  All the history of their many rebellions and overspreading if iniquities has been recorded for our instruction, that we might learn from their example to seek out and learn the whole word of God to keep it in enthusiastic zeal.

Yet we, in spite of having this record for our enlightenment and in spite of having the holy spirit of God; have also rebelled and turned away form zeal to learn and keep the commandments of God.  We shall therefore be corrected in bitter tribulation that we might learn to follow the Lamb withersoever he goeth and not to follow our idols of men away from zeal to learn and keep the word of God.

After the man forgot the Sabbath and gathered firewood polluting the Sabbath that he must be killed; God then gave the people a reminder that if they looked upon it they would be reminded of the commandments of God and if they do them they should live in them.

Today the Called Out  have been given a different reminder, which is the holy spirit of Christ; and the completed whole word of God.

This is commanded of all Israel, which includes BOTH men and women.  It is a commandment to be observed throughout their generations [as long as the Mosaic Covenant lasted].  The Mosaic Covenant ended with the death of the Husband of Israel, Jesus Christ.

Yes, Jesus wore the Tzitzit  even though he was filled with the holy spirit, in order to keep the Mosaic Covenant  perfectly; because he had not yet died ending the Mosaic Covenant, and had not yet been resurrected to become the High Priest of a New and better Covenant.

The fringe represents the gift of the holy spirit, and  I would not insist that the blue fringe is essential today, if we are already in the New Covenant and already have God’s spirit. 

However the fringe is certainly lawful and desirable.  It is highly likely that this will be required like circumcision, in the coming Kingdom of God and  I would never object to anyone who choses to wear one.

James Malm: My 'god' Might Love You If You Do Not Sin After You Are Baptized

James Malm is acting just like Rod Meredith and Dave Pack.  Both of these fools believe they have committed no major sin since they were baptized. 

Malm assumes that once a person is baptized and IF they do not sin then his god will be pleased with them.  There is no IF in the factor.  If you are a Christian you will sin, there is no way around it.  The difference between a person tied to the Old Testament laws and a new covenant Christan is that righteousness is already imputed upon us.  That is the entire point of justification by faith. 

We are told in the scriptures that those who the Father calls to the Son, may enter a New Covenant through wholehearted repentance form sin [rebelling against the word of God] and a baptismal washing away of past sin and a commitment to sin no more. 

If we have been Called Out by the Father and have responded positively to that call with sincere repentance of breaking the word of God and if we commit to sin no more in baptism; then the Eternal will write his law on our hearts and in our minds.

The Father has indeed been Calling Out many over the past six thousand years, and will yet extend this New Covenant to all Israel and to all flesh by grafting all flesh into a spiritual Israel.

Secretary of State John Kerry and Church of God Leaders Say: "this little thing called the Internet ... makes it much harder to govern."

I had to laugh at the comment made by Secretary of State John Kerry yesterday while in Brazil.  He claims that "...the Internet has made it difficult to govern."

( - Speaking to State Department personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil, on Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry said that "this little thing called the Internet ... makes it much harder to govern." He also said that "ever since the end of the Cold War, forces have been unleashed that were tamped down for centuries by dictators."

 "Well, folks," he said, "ever since the end of the Cold War, forces have been unleashed that were tamped down for centuries by dictators, and that was complicated further by this little thing called the internet and the ability of people everywhere to communicate instantaneously and to have more information coming at them in one day than most people can process in months or a year." John Kerry: 'This Little Thing Called the Internet ... Makes It Much Harder to Govern'
This is the exact same thing that we have been saying for years here.  The Internet is what helped bring down the Church of God.  The Church of God has never recovered and never will.  Now  being held accountable, it struggles to survive.  Hundreds of COG members are leaving COG's every year.  The membership drain cannot be stopped.

It wasn't long after HWA's death that various newsgroups and chats started discussing the changes creeping into the Worldwide Church of God.  As computers began to proliferated by the early 1990's the stream of information could not be stopped.

Church leaders no longer had a strangle hold on its members.  The WCG effectively used the Internet to get the word out about the changes coming down the line.  The Good News Grapevine was filled with those who appreciated the changes. Other Internet sites and private mailings helped the Global Church of God and UCG form.

For several years the WCG AOL chat room was a great disseminator of change and accountability, until one snarky woman who worships HWA and all things Armstrong kept complaining to AOL that everyone posting there were liars.  AOL finally shut it down and eventually AOL shut down the other COG as well.  But even she was not able to stop the juggernaut steam rolling ahead.

Other groups and message boards quickly popped up.  The Ambassador Report went online.  The Painful Truth started to tear down the facade of a perfect Church of God.  Gavin Rumney's Ambassador Watch made mincemeat of the Church of God's.  The list of Internet sites now critical of the COG's continues to grow daily.

This is not something unique to Armstrongite groups.  The Jehovah's Witnesses are also facing huge problems in controlling the information stream against them. Why the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses FEARS the Internet!  The Mormons too, Mormon Church Admitting the Internet is Hurting Retention of Members

Yes, the Internet has made it more difficult for oppressive governments to govern and the Internet has made it hard for oppressive Church of God's to function.  And the people said, "AMEN!"

When Your Minister is Goodfellow Joe Pesci

GoodFellas Movie Review & Film Summary (1990) | Roger Ebert

I believe we have all learned much over the years about the bullies of narcissism in high places.  Most people don't have the time and don't run across such personality disorders in their lives but they infest the office, the government and religious organizations.  Narcissists, defined below and it should give members and ministers in some of the more bizzaro Church of God Slivers pause if you have never considered just what may actually be going on over your head.  While it is not our or my place to diagnose a clinical narcissist, one can observe and compare the common traits and draw their own conclusions about what exactly may be the fuel driving the engine of ministry gone amuck.

10 Screenwriting Tips You Can Learn From Goodfellas! - ScriptShadow

Joe Pesci in his Goodfellows role is an extreme example of the problem.  Truly one of the more tension filled movie characters ever created.  When he entered the room, he was the room.  When he spoke, everyone listened or else,. When he got angry, someone died.

Main/Hair-Trigger Temper - Television Tropes & Idioms

Here is what some splinters are dealing with and it is goes all the way back to WCG and some of the men who also rose to the "top" of ministry and never could either take counsel or resist dis-membering those who got in their way.  It is also very possible that some of our more energetic and not to be toyed with Biblical characters also suffered from such personality disorders which was viewed back then as both a form of better contact with God and obedience to the voices in their heads. I personally believe the Apostle Paul suffered from some form of personality disorder or mental illness such as schizophrenia or temporal lobe epilepsy depending on who you read.  It is possible as well he was a repressed gay man in a culture where you simply never let on and did not practice it. Many of Paul's self deprecating statements and confessions of not being able to do what he should and stop doing what he should not do, along with an undefined thorn in the flesh could lead to this kind of conclusion.  He wants to say something but never quite does.

While not unknown qualities listed from time to time on the Banned HWA site, here is another reminder of the behaviors common to bullying adults and narcissists.

The following is the most comprehensive list of narcissistic and bullying traits available and covers just about everything one would run into when dealing with this type of human being.  Of course there are reasons why people become this way but our first concern here is that when they become adults and when they place themselves, usually at the expense of others and climbing on the bodies of those who got in their way, YOU need to know it when you see it to protect yourself and your loved ones.  These men and women can hide VERY WELL in MINISTRY.  Where in a business or government setting these folk are openly known as people not to be toyed with in their lofty positions, in MINISTRY their quirky and bullying ways SEEM like a form of OBEDIENCE to the "Laws of God" and a DRIVE that is Spirit lead by that God to to the WORK of a God. 
Frankly they seem like a lot of Biblical characters and that has to be good right?

I know these traits will sound very familiar in their reality in some of the more drama ridden and one man run Churches of God Slivers.

✦    A sense of superiority places them above others
✦    Must be the center of attention, constantly seeking approval, acknowledgment, kudos, accolades, praise
✦    Act like they are the lead character in all things in life
✦    Dominate conversations because they believe they have the only worthwhile things to say
✦    Want others to give into their demands, request for favors, and put their needs first
✦    Have inflated egos, inflated sense of entitlement, inflated sense of importance, inflated need to be center stage
✦    Envious of other people’s accomplishments and will steal, lie, or sabotage others to get attention back to them
✦    Envious of other people’s possessions, they will put such ownership down or minimize it to make themselves look more noble
✦    Search for constant approval and praise to reinforce their false grandiose sense of self, they’re “on- stage,” dominating the conversation, often exaggerating their importance
✦    (Since the self is so fragile — an ever crumbling construction of their ego) — use power, money, status, looks, supposed past glories (or supposed future glories) to boost their image
✦    See criticism as baseless attacks or betrayal and countered with cold-shoulder anger or rage or chilly stares or verbal attack.
✦    Can never accept blame. Others are always to blame.
✦    Feel being center of attention is good, right, and proper
✦    Have a grandiose sense of self-importance
✦   Think they are special, God-touched, or privileged
✦    Think they can only be understood by other special or high-status people
✦    Have unreasonable expectation of favorable treatment
✦    Believe they are beyond the rules. Laws do not apply to them and remorse is only felt when someone catches and confronts them.

However they are upset over any inconveniences they suffer as a result of being busted. They believe they have the right to do what ever it takes to get short term gratification without suffering any consequences.” ~Lynne Namka

TYPICAL WAYS OPERATING OR REACTIONS (blaming, drama storms, etc.)

High maintenance because they need your attention, praise, and deference
✦    Fake sweetness, honor, and good intentions, but deprive them of something they want and look out as they reveal their true selves.
✦    Express grand, exciting plans, but rarely can make them happen
✦    Blame others rather than take personal responsibility
✦    Lack of empathy colors everything they do.
✦    May say, “How are you?” when you meet, but they are not interested
✦    Their blame-shifting creates defensiveness. Then they belittle the defensiveness: “Why are you so angry?”
✦    Since they shift blame so well & seamlessly, your guilt/insecurity issues stay raw and over-sensitive.
✦    Lend you a hand up, then subtlety cut off at the knees to keep you indebted & coming back.
Where Are They? Wednesdays: Joe Pesci :

✦    If you point out an error they made, they go into defensive mode counter any such notion with anger, venting, rage, cold-shoulder, or withdraw
✦    Give you a metaphorical rug & then keep pulling it out from under you
✦    They are: blowhards, braggarts, blusterers, brow-beaters, bullies, big-headed, and ultimately bogus.
✦    Help you gain certain skills/info/connections, but then forever make you feel beholden to them.
✦    Extremely skilled at making anyone under their influence crave their approval.
✦    Make you feel special & then emotional distance themselves in ways that keep you unsure of yourself.
✦    Use a judgmental “you’re OK”/”you’re not OK” yo-yoing to keep you off-balance & “blameworthy.”
✦    Groom people via manipulation (charm/rage combo) to sell their reality/rationalizations to others.
✦    Virtually all of their ideas or ways of behaving in a given situation are taken from others, people they know and perhaps think of as an authority.
✦    Their sense of self-importance and lack of empathy means that they will often interrupt the conversations of others.
✦    Expect others to do mundane things, since they feel too important to do them
✦    Constantly use of “I”, “me,” and “my” when they talk.
✦    Very rarely talk about their inner life, memories and dreams, for example.
✦    Lie, using subterfuge and deception as tools
✦    Are stuck in one level of maturity where growth is not an option
✦    Only have eyes for “me, myself, and I” instead of “we”
✦    Don’t understand empathy, except to fake it as a tool
✦    Play “Give to get” by being nice or helpful only to expect reciprocation
✦    Put on the air of “having it all together” and will not readily admit failure or weakness
✦    Jump to defensive mode readily and frequently
✦    May apologize, but it doesn’t mean a real change in behavior
✦    Run from their own problems rather than tackling them
✦    Demand your trust rather than being transparent and earning it
✦    See you as extensions of themselves and resist your freedom
✦    Create stories, euphemisms, sayings, definitions, rules they hold up as Truth. Their world is false.
✦    Must talk about themselves & be in control. They want you to just be an ego-stroking entity for them.
✦    Find personality weaknesses & exploit them as easily as you & I ride a bicycle.
✦    Will rarely listen to or respect your “No”
✦    Take advantage of others to reach his or her own goals
✦    Appear tough-minded or unemotional
✦    React to criticism with anger, blame-shifting, shaming or humiliating others
✦    Fail to recognize people’s emotions and feelings
✦    Exaggerate achievements, personal history or talents
✦    Are unpredictable in mood and behavior
✦    Become aggressive, hostile, verbally vicious, or withdraws when threatened
✦    Can vocalize regret for a short time when found out, but soon rationalizes it away
✦    Appearance is important, so primping or fastidiousness is common
✦    Withdraw or a cold shoulder is used as a tool to make you do what they want
✦    Rationalize everything to make sure they always come out on top
✦    Will steal an idea, quote, lesson plan, piece of wisdom — call it their own
✦    Groom underlings and create organizational or business environments to suit their need for ego stroking
“Crazymakers thrive on drama, and melodrama requires a sense of impending doom. Everything is an emergency, a deadline, a matter of life and death, or something they will get to eventually. Read ‘never’ … Nearly any situation can be cast as melodrama to support a crazymaker’s plot lines …
  • “A crazymaker is someone who makes you crazy by constantly stirring up storms.
  • “‘Normal’ doesn’t serve their need for power.
  • “Everything is always their problem, but nothing is their fault.”

This is serious stuff folks and it IS a problem with in the personalities of the few who are the most decried for their strange, weird and ridiculous rules and behaviors for those who seem bent on sitting before them every Sabbath believing every word they can come up with and every title they can bless themselves with.

So what can YOU do?  What steps can you take to protect yourself and family from such people and their behaviors?  Realize it is much more difficult to resist, confront and put up boundaries between you and a minister type because it seems the minister has the weight and backing of the entire BIBLE behind him.  He can show you dozens of scriptures where the "Men of God" were exactly the same way and thus imply that his behaviors are GOD behaviors or being just like Abraham, Moses or Paul.  He may be right but not for the reasons he thinks.   Resist anyway.

A couple examples of Diehl family ministerial resistance.  A certain not to be named current COG minister of the Joshua type was my family pastor for a few short years.  In Spokesman Club this minister was chiding the men for not learning their scripture cards and knowing them well.  My dad raised his hand and pointed out that the men generally had five day a week jobs and family and did not have the time the minister may have had to devote to memorizing scripture cards.  Uh oh....the Joshua like minister told my dad he would talk to him outside during the break.  My dad said "no you won't."   LOL.  Love ya dad!

On another occasion, this Joshua type minister was informing my recently Deacon ordained brother in law , done so by the new minister that replaced the Joshua type minister, that had he thought my brother in law was deacon material HE would have ordained him when he was his pastor.  Get brother in law looked at the Josh and said..."well ___________, (Josh), if I didn't think you had shit for brains, I'd care what you thought."   Excellent!   Josh went to the new minister but got nowhere.  The new minister was Leslie Schmedes whom everyone just loved and was a kind and gentle spirit.

If you are going to stay, pay, pray and obey with such a man as this at the helm of your version of the One True Church at least take some advice on dealing with such men in your church lives.

  •  Assess the relationship
If “the bully” is someone you call a friend, you must reassess the relationship and why you are in it.   If you are being bullied by anyone within your definition of family or friends, seek help to remove yourself from the relationship
  • Ignore “the bully”
Remember, you will not change another’s actions, only your reactions to them.  Keep in mind you are able to be empathic.  Understand that “the bully” is acting out of their own insecurities, fear and pain.  It is not about you.  It is about them.
  • Do not enable “the bully”
Set those boundaries and limits.  Be clear, calm and firm.  State the behavior you do not like and state what is expected instead.  Remember, “the bully” will typically target people who do not stand up to him/her.
  • Be careful
Be sure to monitor “the bully’ once you have defined boundaries.  Often, this setting such limits and stating your disapproval can escalate the bully.  Think about the young child who has a cookie each day after school.  Suddenly you give him a carrot.  What happens?  Tantrums.  Whenever we set boundaries with any dysfunctional relationship in our lives, the person may react badly.  If “the bully” physically threatens you in any manner, seek help and report this to the authorities immediately.  Remember, you are dealing with an emotionally challenged person who lacks social skills and impulse control.
              Oh No You Didn’t Say That To Me…Dealing with the Adult Bully

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