Sunday, December 8, 2013

E. W. King Predicts Ungodly Atheists, Inspired By John Lennon, Will Kill Off God This Coming Year

Apparently, the fresh mountaintop air does not do much in clearing the mind of a confused wanna-be Church of God leader.

John Lennon's satanic song, "Imagine,"  according to King, is the new rallying cry for the atheist God-killers out there.
I predict that we will see new organizations of people who will promote atheism like never before in 2014. They have been brain washed by John Lennon’s moronic song “Imagine”. These are Communists right here in America! These are Socialists and Progressive Conservatives. We will see more like Thomas J.J. Altizer who wrote “The Gospel of Christian Atheism”. We will witness strange souls like William Hamilton who wrote in 1966, “Radical Theology and the Death of God”. Liberal parents will give this type of information to their children thinking that this will some how bring them enlightenment.-

Evil mad scientists are not using the "sound doctrine" of Eric King cult and are therefore turning themselves over to paganism.

While all this begins to happen more aggressively you will see Fundamentalist Christians fight for survival. They will feel that annihilation is imminent. New scientific discoveries have not been properly approached with sound Biblical doctrine by the lost denominations. We have seen people run to paganism because of this. Because the denominations refuse to bow to true Christian Reality as found in Scripture and taught by the one true church [Church of God] they will continue to fail. The modern apostate churches have let so much entertainment into their worship services just to keep attendance that they have lost the entire true Gospel of the Kingdom message. Because the ‘fundamentalists’ feel under threat they will get even more radical with error to keep their people.-

Because King and his little cult are speaking such a forceful message to the world they are being persecuted like the Jews were.  The hatred that Hitler had for the Jews is the same hatred that King an his cult are experiencing.  The attack is coming from Christians who  mock him. LaLaLaLaLa

While all this is going on is there a real concern for God’s true Church, the Worldwide Church of God [COGSR]? Yes. Look what Adolph Hitler did to the Jews. That same hatred is coming toward those who serve the true God. Doubt it not; this attack will come in the form of some sort of fake Christianity who holds hands with paganism and atheism.-

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bad Religion In The Churches of God

Our illustrious mountain man and true prophet, revelator and God's most might witness, E. W. King, talks today about "Bad Religion" using a letter by Herbert W Armstrong.

King seems to feel that by using this letter that he is exposing the world of non-COG Christianity, something he and Bob Thiel love to mock.

He quotes this letter by HWA:

What Has Religion Contributed?

Well, surely we should expect to find, at long last, in religion the knowledge of life's purpose, the true values, and the right ways that should make this world a better world — a happy world — a peaceful world.
Here, at last, we must surely find a stabilizing and uplifting influence for society.

Yet, shocking though it be — incredible though it is — if we put the searchlight on the facts, and view them realistically with an open mind, we find here the most sickening disillusionment of all. 
Yes, that sounds exactly like the current state of affairs in the Church of God.  Disillusionment reigns supreme.  Closed mindedness has stifled the growth of the splinter groups, and there is no longer a search for facts.  If it did not happen prior to 1986 it is not worth listening to, reading about or preaching about.

Reluctant though we are to recognize it, we find the established religious organizations which profess the name of Jesus Christ teaching the diametric opposite of His teachings —  condemning the customs He practiced — following, instead, the pagan customs He condemned! 

The churches of the Western world are divided and in confusion. They have not converted, saved, and reformed the whole world as they profess to have been commissioned to do. If that be their mission, they have failed miserably. 
The Churches of God are divided and in confusion.  There is absolutely ZERO unity between any of the groups.  Even exchanging preachers during this past Feast of Tabernacles has produced no unification.

Methodist Bishop Hazen G. Werner once said: "We have been dried out by the hot winds of secularism. We who are to overcome the world have been overcome by the world." 
Armstrongism has been overcome by greed and avarice.  Greedy little men have set themselves up as Popes of their little empires where they deliberately destroy lives to further their goals.  The power and greed of the world has overtaken 

"The Church," said Harvard Divinity School's Dean Miller, "simply does not have a cutting edge [it has thrown away the 'two- edged sword' — the Bible]. It has taken the culture of our time and absorbed it." 

To this, Yale's Chaplain Coffin agrees, "We church men are gifted at changing wine into water — watering down religion." 

This world's so-called Christianity has taken the name of Christ — has proclaimed to the world that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ — has preached the name of Christ with a Message about His Person — but they have rejected His Gospel — the Gospel God sent for all mankind by Him — the Gospel He taught. 
Armstrongism can't even advance to the point of using the name of Jesus Christ.  If it is about the law or some Old Testament patriarch or leader, then they know everything, but Jesus - not so much.  they cannot even talk about what Jesus did or accomplished.  They claim they are the only ones to talk about the "kingdom", but most every church I know talks about the kingdom an dhow to make it tangible for the downtrodden today.   The Kingdom of Armstrongism is about ruling with "iron rod's", wielding "swords" of power, and whipping people into submission.  Who wants any of that?

Look at the other religions of the world — Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism, Confucianism, Moslemism, Hinduism, and the others. In most countries where these religions are embraced, we find illiteracy, poverty, degeneration, misery, suffering, despair — general unhappiness. None of them has produced a happy world. They have spawned communal wars, hatreds, and violence.
By Mr. H.W.Armstrong
In the countries and cities where Armstrongism is embraced, we find illiteracy, degeneration, misery, suffering, despair and general unhappiness.  What has the Church of God done to help alleviate that?  NOTHING!  Not one damn thing!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Geoff Neilson: HWA and GTA To Be Reanimated Back To "Life" In January 2014

The other day the news story was all about the bones of St. Peter. 
Peter is now passe. 
Now it is the reanimation of the bones of HWA and GTA 
who will be returning as zombies 
in January 2014 to finish the mighty work.

Geoff Neilson, that wild and crazy guy from South Africa, who credits one year's worth of Ambassador College "education" as his standard of excellence, writes:

Who is The 7th Messenger 
God sends to His Church?

God said He'd 7 Messengers send 
To the 7 Churches before they end 

We know the 6th Apostle came and went 
But who's the 7th of these special men? 

Sent by Heaven they're all Apostles 
So is the last Elijah by definition 
His work God regards so colossal 
It saves Earth from utter destruction 

Jesus said Elijah would restore all things 
Meaning the first to last crucial doctrine 
So that prophet's time had to begin 
With the first endtime Philadelphian 

Asked if he was Elijah the 6th said “No” 
Meaning not the first one, as meant John 
Who was also quite dead when Christ foretold 
Of final Elijah's future Restoration 

For him or Two Witnesses to first come 
In the Beast's Terrible Tribulation 
Is too late to warn Israel's wayward sons  
To escape the penalty of their sin 

Do you remember HWA foresaw? 
'The Temple in 2 Thess 2 is spiritual'  
Then a Man of Sin defiled its ritual 
Thought himself God by 'changing' His Law 

But prophecy is dual it's now clear 
Since the False Prophet must still appear 
And show the world--not himself--untruths 
Camouflaged by 'miracles' the Devil brews 

Did HWA forget the day
--In 1974, that May-- 
When he passed his mantle to GTA? 

Was that the real passing of the baton? 
Christ separating Sixth from Seven?

Ted garnered more Members before his sin
Other than those his father deleavened

After disfellowshipped in 1978
They never spoke or met again 

“To restore all things” means from first to last.
Elijah decides what's to be “held fast” 
That's not the 7th's legal domain 
Ruling out any imposter's false claim 

“The hands of [the endtime] Zerubbabel
have laid the foundation of God's Temple. 
His hands shall also finish it.  Then you, 
will know the LORD sent him too” 

Bible arithmetic doubt overturns 
One man can be the 6th Apostle,  
The First Witness, and Elijah returned 
With God all things are possible 

“Rise from your earthly grave and measure 
the condition of God's Spiritual Temple: 
and the Ministers and Members who worship there” 
Seems to be the Revelation from John's quill 

Something similar happened once before 
After Christ was resurrected from the dead 
Many rose from their graves who kept God's Law 
Then witnessed in Jerusalem, Matthew said 

The Two Witnesses represent 
The last two eras--Christ clearly disclosed 
So who's the 7th Messenger then? 
Surely the Joshua needing clean clothes 

God said He would send only 7. 
6 Messengers + 2 Witnesses = 8. 
So at least one must return hints Heaven 
More likely it's both Armstrong's future fate 

GTA couldn't speak 'til he was three 
His father anointed him and God healed 
His speech was a miracle heard by us all 
The gifts of God are without recall.

If God forgave the sins of this 'Joshua' 
That great act of mercy would signal to all 
No matter how poor or posh they are 
Laodiceans can rise from their fall 

The Two Witnesses 1260-day ministry 
Will be miraculous from start to end 
Rising from the dead would show you and me 
They are both prophets--if again sent 
Sealing their place in Church of God history 

Herbert Armstrong prophesied far more 
Than all the Bible prophets combined 
Of God's World To Come and of things before 
So how could he not be one of their kind? 

As the men Jesus trained were His disciples 
As the prophet's books are God's not their's 
So the Work of Elijah's disciples 
Is first accrued to his account not their's. 

He's the Philadelphia Apostle 
The final Elijah, the start-to-finish- 
Temple-building Zerubbabel 
The Voice Crying in the Wilderness: 
“Prepare the way of the Eternal” 

Who else in the Church is so well known 
By top people in Jerusalem? 
What other ministers Royal Lineage own? 
Which from esteemed King David stems 

Is that why it says: “When this comes to pass, 
You'll know a prophet has been among you”? 
Meaning you knew him sometime in the past 
When he made plain and restored God's Truth 

No-one since has kept the Church united 
Though some claim to be Heaven's sole earthly voice 
Are they failing the test in Scripture cited? 
Echoing the Fallen Angel's wrong choice 

As the Joseph Tribes increasingly fall 
As Assyria spreads her eagle wings.

Remember when and how you were called 
And who first prophesied all these things 

Jan 2014 may the answer provide 
One Sun Cycle after HWA died 
Will he return with his son at his side? 
Turn the hearts of many a Jew and Gentile 
Lead the way to the Christ they denied 

What if this is the final test of your heart and mine? 
Would we follow Elijah-who's-come a second time? 
Would our new loyalties seem more sublime? 
Or would we be Philadelphians? 
Measured by Zerubbabel's plumbline 

The first and last words are the LORD's: 

“He that receives a prophet 
in the name of a prophet, 
shall receive a prophet’s reward” 

“He that receives whomsoever I send 
receives me; 
and he that receives me
receives Him that sent me”

 Geoffrey R. Neilson 
Cape Town 20 November 2013

Back In Print: The Edges of Seventh-day Adventism Separatist Groups

For those interested:

The Edges of Seventh-Day Adventism: A Study of Separatist Groups Emerging from the Seventh-Day Adventist Church (1844-1980) Including the Worldwide Church of God, the Ford and Brinsmead Controversies, as Well as the Massacre of David Koresh & His Follower

Amazon has this to say:

Lowell Tarling wrote ‘Edges’ for that most wonderful of all author incentives – insatiable curiosity. Combined with a quest for enlightenment, he undertook a subject few would have chosen—the history of those people and groups that separated from the Seventh-day Adventist church. Of necessity, this also includes touching on the history of the mainstream Seventh-day Adventist church. Lowell’s education and early adult experiences were deeply entwined with the Seventh-day Adventist church. However, it would be a mistake to assume that his writing on the subject suffers from any degree of bias. There is a sense that he took on the role of bystander, and this essentially gave him a valuable degree of separation and objectivity. Methodical in his approach and relentless with regard to research, Lowell delivers a surprising, connective, inside view of a divisive period in the growth and emergence of the separatist groups that were spawned within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Sparing nothing, he pares back the layers of doctrine, dogma and the heated nature of the schisms in the church. He deftly reveals the angst, divergence and egotism; but also humanity, desire for truth and humility. For all of these were present in the interchanges that shaped not only those movements that separated, but also the Seventh-day Adventist church. The first edition of ‘Edges’ was published in 1981. Reprinted now to a generation who did not share the past struggles is indeed worthwhile. It is because of the conflict and debate of those times that they now sit in the pews of churches of their choice, where ‘saved by grace alone’ is integral and unchallenged. Essentially, emergence from dissension is a human experience. It occurs with every doctrine, creed or organisation. There is a wider view - this is not only the history and narrative of one church’s crises. It touches wherever we are in life. Ultimately, it is impossible to ignore the authenticity of Lowell’s search. We sense that it means more than a disengaged treatise on a topic of interest. In the end it matters less whether he found viable answers to a religious dilemma. It is significant that he had the courage to ask questions. Above all, it is notable that at the close of the book he chose the words spoken by Christ, ‘Whosoever will, may come’.

Buy it here:  The Edges of Seventh-day Adventism Separatist Groups

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Crazy Church of God Beliefs: Peter Buried on Bricket Wood Campus?

Every once in a while a new story will pop up that tells of another Church of God legend that is completely bonkers in reality.

The other day this was sent to me:

Many years ago there was an article in the PT or possibly the Good News that stated that the Vatican way way back  sent what they said were the remains of Peter to England. The article claimed that they were buried on what became the AC campus at Bricket Wood. Does anyone else remember this?  This was a long time ago so I don't remember the details of how this took place.

I have never heard this and I have to say this is the stupidest thing I have heard in ages.  They lengths people go to to try and legitimize the beliefs of Armstrongism is amazing.  I guess this was to further solidify the British Israelism malarkey that the church used to believe.

Its no wonder people fall for the lies of David C. Pack, Gerald Flurry and others. If they believe these kind of stupid stories they will believe anything these fraudulent "ministers" tell them.

Will Gerald Six-Pack Flurry now uses this to try and buy the Bricket Wood campus?  So far he has failed to buy anything. Will he now lie to his members and tell them that he is seeking to preserve the burial place of Peter?