Thursday, January 9, 2014

Eric King's 2014 Predictions Claim White House May Need To Be Moved

Eric is out with his new prophecies for 2014.

Among the many things he predicts is the following:

On the world scene we will witness many assassination attempts and assassinations in the year 2014. This is all due to major global power shifts which will begin to occur in 2014 due to how the world economy is being affected by population, weather changes, and natural disasters. Record heat temperatures in 2014 all around the globe to be expected. I have warned about earth shaking events…including literal earthquakes. As our weather continues to do funny things so will the surface of our planet. A major volcano incident is likely occurring in 2014 as we watch our earth shift. The animals in our oceans will exhibit strange behavior.

I will continue to share more as God directs throughout the year 2014. I would like to share one more issue with you: The White House will face new security issues and we will perhaps see talk of relocating the White House. These are just some of the sad facts due to the result of the fallen human condition as we approach the Second Coming of Jesus Christ our LORD.

Spilling The Family Secrets On Grandfathers Religion He Started

Biblical Literalism as Handy Ammunition

One of Armstrongism's biggest issues is that it takes the Bible as 100% literal in all aspects.  Every single story actually happened.  Most also fail to realize that almost every single story in the Bible is from an oral tradition.  Stories passed on from generation to generation to tell the story of the people and bring meaning to their existence.  It is the same with American folktales.  Stories we know to not be true, but ultimately have great meaning to us as we grew as a nation.  They are stories of identity that convey a message.   

Since so many in the COG know so little about Jesus, they automatically jump to the conclusion that every parable or story he told was of an actual event.  They weren't and never were meant to be. The entire point of the parables of Jesus was to illustrate a point.

Richard Rohr, one of my favorite writers, has this to say:

Jewish midrash extrapolated from the mere story to find its actual spiritual message. We all do the same when we read anyway, but Jesus and his Jewish people were much more honest and up front about this. Fundamentalists pretend they are giving the text total and literal authority, but then it always ends up looking like what people in that culture would want to believe anyway. (Remember, good Bible Christians in the U.S. Confederacy and in South Africa were quite sure the Scriptures justified oppression and enslavement of black people.)
To take the Scriptures seriously is not to take them literally. Literalism is invariably the lowest and least level of meaning. Serious reading of Scripture will allow you to find an ever-new spiritual meaning for the liberation of history, the liberation of the soul, and the liberation of God in every generation. Then the text is true on many levels, instead of trying to prove it is true on just the one simple, factual level. Sacred texts always maximize your possibilities for life and love, which is why we call them sacred. I am afraid we have for too long used the Bible merely to prove various church positions, which largely narrows their range and depth. Instead of transforming people, the Biblical texts became utilitarian and handy ammunition.