Wednesday, February 19, 2014

E.W. King Worlds Foremost Authority on UFO's

Eric King now claims to be the worlds foremost authority on UFO's.  He knows all, just like Bob Thiel knows all concerning prophecy.

The Science of it all

So what have we here at SOCT learned in our studies regarding the physical manifestations of this UFO phenomenon?

1-Intelligently Controlled Craft are visiting our planet.-

2-These craft are using a special type of nuclear power (perhaps nuclear fusion) and are using Hydrogen and Helium propulsion systems.-

3-They can travel 0-600 miles an hour in less than a second putting them at 30 G’s.-

4-Any being can survive any ‘G’ as long as the duration is extremely short.-

5-Most all of these craft are inhabited and are using electro magnetic charge systems.-

6-These craft adjust ionized air plasma using magneto propulsion systems.-

7-Craft have been witnessed traveling 1800 miles an hour and making up to 2200 mile an hour turns.-

8-Some of the fastest speeds are around 7000 and then able to “stop on a dime”. Extremely fascinating….to say the least.-

9-After 1950 an increase in craft numbers and bolder appearances of the crafts began.-

10-President Ronald Reagan was concerned about the beings being hostile.-

11-True Christians have to deal with the fact of their existence.-

12-True Christians are aware that some of these beings are seeking worship and are the source of all false religion.-

This information written by and released into the public on February 12th, 2014 by;-
Mr. Eric William King [founder of COGSR & SOCT]

Get Over It! " Your ugliness, your unforgiving, your hatred, your self-centered pity parties ..."

A reader here responds to the demolition of the Academic Center on the former Ambassador Campus in Pasadena and the angry bitter people he thinks reside here.
As an outsider, who followed the WCG for over a decade in the 80s, I am shocked at all this. I guess the one major proof above all others, that this whole endeavor was a fraud, is simply by just looking at you people - its fruit. Your ugliness, your unforgiving, your hatred, your self-centered pity parties and your disdain for anything that may be good out in the world - is rock solid proof, to me, of a false prophet that HWA may have been (I do not know). Still, you are the product of your own choices, yet you never say this - your focus, to this DAY, is still on a flawed human (who is now dead). You JUST WILL NOT LET GO OF HIM will you? Move away from all this and find peace if you can. You are in charge of your life. Forgive yourself and start finding peace with God. Although, many blame God more than they do HWA, so be it; time may even heal that wound as well. Ambassador College Campus Demolition

Philadelphia Church of God Single Ladies Get To Ask Men Out Once A Year

Looking all pretty for Friday night bible study.

Woo Hoo!  Single PCG women have a great opportunity coming up this Friday, February 21.  They get to ask men out and they have to PAY for it!

This tradition dates back to Ambassador College and gives women the opportunity to “take on the responsibility of planning for and asking men on dates,” as the Herbert W. Armstrong College Student Handbook states.

Ladies, this is your opportunity to pack a weekend full of dates! Women typically ask a different date for each of the three days: one for Friday night, one for Sabbath, and another for Sunday. The women plan, ask and pay for the dates on the weekend. Spring Turnabout

Only in Armstrognism would one seek to include this relic from WCG's past as deserving of discussion in a "college" handbook.  Are any of these buffons capable of doing ANYTHING original?

E.W. King: I Can Open The Portal of the Fallen Matrix You Live In

In Eric's own words:

To enter true Christian reality and see the light on the other side of this current fallen matrix you must keep the feasts and the true Sabbath. You must be in God's time...not pagan time. Let Mr. E.W. King give and intro to this topic:

You must understand that God's time works together like perfect gears in motion. When we begin to keep God's time and live in God's time a "door way" or "portal" is open up to us. Our spiritual clarity increases. Feast Portals

Who in their right mind would want to live in a world dominated by King or other COG splinter cult leaders as guides to spirituality?