Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bob Thiel Disgusted Over "Son of God" Movie Poster and Edits It So His Delicate Followers Will Not Be Offended

Poor Bob. There is no other person on this planet that understands God as he does.  Bob knows his god's mind and knows that his god would be sorely offended at a movie poster, so much so that he had to edit it so that his followers would likewise not be offended.  As we all know COG people get offended at EVERYTHING!

Prophet Thiel writes:

The above movie is to be released 2/28/2014 in the USA.  From what I have seen related to its promotion, I do not believe this film truly portrays Jesus and His ministry.  Yes, it may give some quotes and portray some events correctly, but it does not portray Him correctly (He did not look like how the actor portrays Him, which is why I cut that part of the promotional poster out), and I doubt it will properly portray His message.

This is how he edited the poster:

Bob then lists the things that he says the movie will not portray about the Jesus Christ he claims to know

But I do not believe it will properly answer questions such as:
Who was Jesus? Why did He come to earth? What message did He bring? Did Jesus teach and keep the Ten Commandments? Why is the kingdom of God mystery? Why did Jesus speak in parables? Is there evidence outside the Bible that He existed? What did Josephus, Tactitus, and Suetonius write? How will Jesus return? Could the Beast be a ‘false christ’?
 Bobs list above proves to everyone that he does not know the man himself!

Living Church of God Says God Is Punishing the United States With Snow But Had 129 Visitors in Texas! Woo Hoo!

LCG's angry god is at it again.  This time their god is using snow storms to punish the country.  Using that logic it is also plain to see that LCG is also being punished and has to suffer along with everyone else.  They had to shut their offices down because of five inches of snow. Five inches of snow shuts them down?  Five inches?????? In the Western States kids go to school in 2-3 feet of snow and LCG can't work in 5 inches????  LCG has become soft.  God's work apparently is not as important as they let on.

Extreme weather continues to make news with rains and flooding in southern England, snow and ice blanketing eastern portions of the United States and soaring temperatures in Australia—countries once blessed by God that are turning more and more away from Him and His ways!  Mr. Meredith spoke this past Sabbath in Houston, Texas and on Sunday; he and Pastor Rick Stafford saw 129 visitors attend their Tomorrow's World Presentation in Houston.  This coming Sabbath, Mr. Meredith will speak to the congregation in Austin, Texas where he will also be visiting with family.  Here in Charlotte, we have about 5-6 inches of snow that closed the office for several days.  I will be in Phoenix this coming weekend for the Sabbath and a conference on Sunday.

Living Church of God: Charlemagnes Bones May Be What Unites Europe!

From those fun folks at Living Church of God.  They things they dredge up to make their "prophecy" beliefs seem real area astonishing. 

There are news stories out about how they "pretty sure" that the bones in the Aachen Cathedral in Germany are those of Charlemagne.  The Aachen Cathedral also has the throne of Charlemagne in it. They are fascinating stories to read.

Then you move into Church of God land and the story takes on a whole new meaning.

In Church of God land when you put two and two together you will see that because the cathedral is in Germany and since we all know that the Germans will rise up and destroy the United States, England, Australia, New Zealand, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, and Canada, we then then know that these bones and his throne will be used by the beast power Germany to unite Europe.

Given the recent display of the “supposed” bones of Peter in Rome (Reuters, November 24, 2013), and Catholic Europe’s proclivity to venerate relics, the bones of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne could be displayed to generate support for a United Europe and to foster the emergence of the long-prophesied King of the North (Daniel 11:40)! This leader is known as the Beast (Revelation 13:1-8). The Bones of Charlemagne

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

COG Bullshit Meter Is Bouncing Away Over Latest COG Split

Below is a quote from the Preaching the Gospel blog concerning the split of the Church of God Father's Call which split from David Hulme's personality cult in December 2013.

Since when has the majority of ministers in the Church of God "glorified" God's name?  They cant even talk about the guy they claim to follow let alone discuss what he accomplished.  Its all about  the law and British Israelism.  The rest of humanity be damned as long as the U.S., England and Canada are preached to.  Its no wonder that ever single one of the COG's are now "do nothing" churches.  None of them have any impact despite imitating HWA per-1986.

But if those who are on fire for the gospel separate and form a new group, or go with Living Church of God which is already preaching the gospel effectively, they will start to preach the gospel, not to please men and hold on to their tithes, but to glorify God's name and to show their love and compassion for the American, Canadian, and British peoples. And then, if they start their own group, they will start small, because all things must start small, but they will not remain small. The work of preaching the gospel may grow and grow as it never did with Mr. Hulme and as it never will with those COGFC leaders who made the decision in the beginning of the year to postpone preaching the gospel indefinitely. And if they go with LCG, they will be joining a work that is already preaching the gospel more effectively than any other major Church of God organization.

Are Bob Rodzaj and Peter Nathan "Hirelings of the Most Shamelss Kind?"

Qualities that the Church of God discarded decades ago.

Do any of the ministers in the Church of God have any integrity?  For the last twenty some years were have seen hundreds and hundreds of them jump ship from one group to another.  Very few seem to be able to stop and take stock of what is going on and  say, "What the hell am I doing?  I am a better man than this. This is bullshit" and walk away from it all.  They just jump from one group to the next expecting there to be money and open arms waiting for them.  Integrity never seems to follow them.

A reader here writes:

Bob Rodzaj has given outstanding sermons outlining the kind of loving government the Church needs to practice... and now he is going into the autocratic LCG, where Meredith's cruelty and arbitrary nepotistic rule go far beyond any excesses David Hulme has ever been accused of.

Peter Nathan just last month was telling COGaic brethren that there isn't any existing Church of God group practicing proper government. And now he is supporting LCG's form of government, which again makes Hulme's rule look benevolent by comparison. Just ask the COGaic members who came to COGaic from Global and Living.

Either these ministers have been deceived by Rod Meredith and his henchmen, or else they are hirelings of the most shameless kind.

A warning to these men: Meredith's pattern is to flatter new recruits by promising them great access or freedom or authority, or simply by making them feel like they are his special trusted advisors. But once you are in, just another slave on the payroll, the view changes from inside the prison. If you have any common sense left, please step away before you are trapped!