Monday, April 21, 2014

Bob Thiel Has Another Crooked Video In Which He Is Relegated To The Corner Of The Room Ro Preach

Poor Bob.  No matter how hard he tries he cannot get things straight.  He left his crooked bookcases, door knobs and his Hobbit chair for a new "set."

This one is state of the art!  I am  in awe!!!!!!

It is the corner of a room with curtains to his left, light switches by his shoulder and a crooked picture on the wall behind him stuck in his head.  The great stage lighting is a lamp on a table.

He obviously has some audience members in the room with him as he looks at them occasionally while quotes from the book The Passover Plot 1965, while he mocks Muslims, his so-called Christians and Jews. He chortles and chuckles with his great knowledge around the 17-20 minute mark.

He and he alone knows all Bible truth. 

Isn't it so wonderful to be blessed with his mind boggling knowledge?

Friday, April 18, 2014

Churches and Religions Destroy Individuality

Like it or not, religions cause human beings to become non-persons.   Religion is God to those who stand in pulpits and those who sit in pews.   Individuality is foreign to the concept of religion and churches.   The church world does not want anyone who thinks or asks questions, they only want those who comply and are willing to shut-up.

Even though ever human being on earth has a unique personality and should have the God given right to express that personality, the church world only wants group-think, group molding, group compliance, group obedience, group followers and no independent thinkers.

Anyone who attends church is stripped of being a person, because once anyone becomes a member of a particular branch of church theology, that person is no longer an individual, but a piece of clay, molded together with others, and they all become clones of their leader.

Church is group theology, group think, group worship, group tithing, group doctrines and group bowing before the pastor, elder, bishop or priest.    On the other hand, for those who find a way to break free from the chains and bondage of this group mentality, they become FREE IN CHRIST, and Jesus came to set the captives free.

Jesus does not require group worship, group tithing, group bowing before preachers, group indoctrination by pastors, group religious festivals, group church going, group this and group that, where everyone is no longer a person, just a part of a religious program, called "church."

The clergy/laity system of the church world is a box, where those involved travel within that box and never outside of it.    The laity of course are the pawns and the "professional" clergy are the benefactors of the free $cash that flows like a river into their bank vaults.   All of course in the name of Jesus Christ, as if those who preach are always preaching the Gospel to the world.

So then, if you are a church goer, you have lost your individuality and have become a group with others,  and you are no longer a person, you are a group.    Strange indeed, because Jesus Christ taught that individuals follow Him, and groups have nothing to do with it.

Van Robison

Staggering Self Importance in the Pulpits

Normal human beings have no desire to have power or control over other human beings.   Why then do those in pulpits and those in politics have such an inordinate lust for power?    The staggering self-importance of pulpit masters is really very embarrassing.   In fact those who stand in pulpits and pretend to speak for God, are very immature human beings, whose low-self-esteem is more than evident to any discerning thinker.

God in fact does not need preachers or pastors.   Virtually anyone can convey Jesus Christ to another human being and it does not require a fake religious degree from some bible college.    The idea that those who accept and believe in Jesus, must be treated as school children for life, is the stuff of silliness.

Why must a preacher or pastor stand before a crowd of people, with an open "Bible" and read to them and expound to them, as if they are morons, incapable of understanding without being told what to think?   This is of course the world of man-made CHURCHIANITY.

If you belong to a church, then you are a religious slave to the pastor, priest, bishop, elder or overlord of that church. Never mind that we read where Jesus said "call no man master (which is the same as calling a man pastor or elder or shepherd). "

At least for those who do believe in God, there is no master aside from God, so then pastors of churches are usurpers, who feign that they represent God, when in fact they do not.    The hidden motive for churches and their overlords is always the same, and that is the free $cash.

Van Robison

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ex Weinland Elder Asks: "Who Wants To See Laura Weinland and Her Band of Merry Women?"

  Jeremy, Audra, Laura, Felonious, and Convictus

Since Ron has been languishing in Club Fed as a felon over the last year, he has had to send out his wife Laura, his divorced daughter Audra and a couple other women to keep the rapidly dwindling sheeple in line.  The more Laura and Audra speak the more that leave.

On Mike's  False Prophet Ronald Weinland: Don't Drink the Flavor Aid Served by False Prophets  there was this comment by one of Ron Weinlands's ex-elders. 

Regarding Wayne, he is one to watch for this reason. Laura and her band of merry women are beginning to realize that they cannot be the face and voice of pkg. Who really wants to see laura, audra, or Jeremy?

Wayne has the personality and voice to attract the attention of the remaining membership. Wayne is sociable and friendly. Laura is all about character assassination and demonizing all who oppose her.

“IF” Wayne becomes the saving face and voice of pkg, this will become a very real threat to ronnie and company. “IF” this popularity grows it would give Wayne the ability to take it all away from the false and fake prophets and witnesses. However, pkg is in decline and on its way to becoming extinct. The question is, “will the weinlands run the risk of this”? In this game, winner takes all!!

Johnny does not have the sociability aspect and lacks in charismatic speaking. Let’s face it; Johnny is riding the “yankee” gravy train for as long as he can. When pkg implodes, he will still have a following in Georgia and he knows this. However, he has learned about corporations and the collecting of tithes. Johnny gains, Ronnie looses!

This is something that should be watch for further development. Read other comments here.