Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Gerald Flurry: We Are Here To Be Imperialists! The Two Top Nations In The World Tomorrow Will Be the US and England

Gerald Flurry was lecturing to his 73 students at the most important college ever built in the world recently.  It was the opening session for his new class year of Herbert W Armstrong "college". For some reason Flurry now seems to think he is an authority William Shakespeare.  If it wasn't for Shakespeare the world would not know about Imperialism and British Israelism..........say what?

During Mr. Flurry’s orientation lecture on Monday, he encouraged students to continue watching world events, and to think deeply about them. He focused on William Shakespeare as an example of one of history’s deepest thinkers.
Gerald Flurry cannot talk about Jesus Christ or anything he actually taught, but will now use William Shakespeare as an inspiring addition to his Old Testament prophets and heros.
Shakespeare was a perfectionist, Mr. Flurry said, and he lived in the era when the British Empire was beginning to rise. Mr. Flurry said he believed God influenced Shakespeare to enhance the education and vocabulary of the British people, emphasizing that students can learn a lot from this poet who was heavily influenced by the Bible.

“We are not confined to Oklahoma,” Mr. Flurry said. “God has commissioned us to go to the whole world. ‘Our island is too small.’ This is about the whole world, the whole universe, and the whole Family of God.”

The Chancellor On the Bard

After his orientation lecture on poet William Shakespeare, Herbert W. Armstrong College chancellor Gerald Flurry shared more of his thoughts:

On how he hoped the students would be impacted by the lecture:
“What I was hoping for the students to take from it is: You’ve got the greatest scholar who ever lived, and he really was an empire-builder. I think God influenced his development so it would give the British people every opportunity to deliver the message about David’s throne. It’s not just about education. It’s about building an empire. If you want to be in that business, you need a great education in vocabulary and communication.”

On Shakespeare’s impact:
“Everyone knows Shakespeare. We can tie it in to when Britain was a superpower. If you were talking about the Bible and empire, it wouldn’t mean nearly as much to the British people. They can relate to Shakespeare.”

On America and Britain:
“The two chief nations in the World Tomorrow will be Britain and America. What’s coming isn’t bad news when you think about that.”

On imperialism:
“The students need to think, We’re here to be imperialist. How do we do that? We need to get educated. That’s critical.”

On the importance of education:
“I was hoping this would make them realize how important this education is. If they want to fulfill their goals and ambitions, they have to be serious about education.”

Once again American exceptionalism is trumpeted as the cure all for the worlds problems.  It is only through the US and Britian that godly knowledge flows forth (from Edmond Oklahoma and a future UK campus)  All rulers in the world tomorrow will be PCG members from these two countries. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Apocalyptic Views of Armstrongism

The Late Great Planet Earth had its apocalyptic predecessors, but with a big-name evangelical publisher behind the book, its breezy novel-like writing style, and the instability of world events, American Christians were ready for an end-time scenario that would offer some hopeful sign of what the future might bring for them before 1988.

Herbert W. Armstrong’s 1975 in Prophecy!, written in 1956 and illustrated by Basil Wolverton, who also did work for MAD Magazine, is almost indistinguishable from Lindsey’s foray into prophetic sensationalism. Monte Wolverton offers this brief perspective on the apocalyptic views of Armstrong, the Worldwide Church of God, and his late father:

Armstrong thought he had discovered the heretofore lost key to all biblical prophecy, and that the Tribulation spoken of in the book of Revelation would shortly fall on the United States and the nations of the British Commonwealth. Not unlike many evangelical preachers of the early 1930’s, Armstrong adopted a dispensationalist paradigm, with a pre-millennialist, literal interpretation of the apocalyptic sections of scripture — albeit with his own particular spin. The Bible, he taught, predicted imminent worldwide calamities, followed by the return of Christ and a happy Millennium, followed by the destruction of the wicked, followed by the advent of new heavens and earth. . . . As Armstrong’s following grew, so did the threat of a second world war. He believed this was it—the Beast, the Antichrist, and the whole end-time enchilada. Armstrong, of course, was wrong — and this would not be the last time.[5]

Similar to Armstrong, who miscalculated the timing of the “Great Tribulation,” Lindsey was wrong about his prediction that a “rapture of the church” would occur 40 years after the 1948 founding of the modern state of Israel with a near certain claim that the end would take place by the year 2000.[6] Unlike the Worldwide Church of God which abandoned its end-time speculative theology, Lindsey is as convinced as ever that the rapture is just around the corner. Even after most of his predictions did not come to pass as they were outlined in The Late Great Planet Earth, this has not stopped him from creating his own prophecy empire that includes books, articles, CDs, DVDs, and a weekly prophecy update.

Read more at:  Is It Time For Doomsday or for Building A City on a Hill?