Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Joel Hilliker Thankful for His Life of Privilege

Joel's home on the PCG compound.

The Philadelphia Church of God recently ran the following article on its web site as if it was something of importance:  Thankful   Its a story by Joel Hilliker on how much he appreciates  his two decades of privileged lifestyle in the Philadelphia Church of God.

He starts of with a rather odd comment on how God pays close attention to anniversaries, memorials and reminders...though birthdays are not part of that scenario.  Joel apparently does not see the hypocrisy in his comment.  God loves anniversaries but hates birthdays. That's why Joel's god apparently is well pleased that Joel joined Gerald Flurry's cult in 1994 though.
God pays close attention to many anniversaries, memorials and annual reminders. The Sabbath after Thanksgiving is one date I remember each year. It was on this day in 1994 that my family attended services with the Philadelphia Church of God for the first time.
 He then goes on about all of HIS accomplishments:
I can survey more than 19 years of being baptized—possessing and growing in the Holy Spirit, the source of spiritual understanding, power, love. Over 17 years of working at headquarters in Edmond, directly contributing to God’s Work. Nearly 16 years of marriage, building memories and absorbing all the lessons it offers. Over 14 years in God’s ministry, and 14 years teaching at God’s college, helping others’ spiritual growth. Over 13 years as a father, and seven as a father of three, working in partnership with God and my wife at shaping future God beings.
There's one common thread in all Armstrongite splinter cults.  Its always about THEM instead of Jesus.  They never can seem to mention the guy.

Then Joel writes:
What a marvelous education. When God begets someone with His Spirit and brings him into His Family, He is so generous with opportunities to learn and grow.
Joel has apparently been elevated above the lowly church members who have never experienced generosity or received numerous opportunities to learn and grow at church expenses.  While they suffer and are forced to kick their children to the curb and are forced to send in more and more money, Joel  lives a life of privileged luxury with all of the ministerial perks that go with his job.  Free travel to Feast sites, free lodging, free (or highly discounted) schooling for his children, meals payed for, many personal expenses paid for, a fancy home, corporate cars, access to the upper leadership of the cult and much much more.

He then writes this:
Developing a relationship with Him through daily prayer, continually striving to make it more Spirit-minded, godlier, more vigorous and robust. Learning the skills, the workmanship, of productive Bible study; coming to accept the piercing of God’s spiritual sword into the joints and marrow; learning to convert words, stories, abstractions, into redirected thoughts, words and deeds; seeking biblical guidance to answer life’s questions, to speak to one’s own needs and the needs of the family. Building relationships within the body of Christ, being sharpened by the iron of Christian fellowship, learning to serve and sacrifice and love. Developing a relationship with Christ’s ministry, recognizing direction, seeking counsel, accepting correction. These are the courses of a character-building curriculum. These are true blessings.

Armstrongism thrives on the warrior god that is constantly battling the world around them.  They cannot focus up on the grace filled message of Jesus, but sure do love the swords and mayhem of their Old Testament god they follow.

All credit to the Husbandman. He truly is relentless in His effort to produce fruit within His children. Within the heart of every last begotten son who will yield to Him, He never ceases to work away—pressing, prodding, softening, molding, toiling, hammering, healing. And because of His pity, persistence, perseverance and unending patience, over time—over decades—His efforts repay. He keeps incrementally gaining ground in His supreme feat of creative accomplishment.

If they actually knew the Jesus they claim to follow then they would not feel the need to be ceaselessly prodded, constantly being remolded, toiling away, being hammered at, or following a god that is only incrementally is able to gain ground in its creatures.  Jesus says his yoke is Easy, His burden is light.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
For my yoke is pleasant and my burden is light.

There's nothing pleasant about being constantly prodded, being hammered and toiling away hoping that somehow you have appeased the deity into granting you a few crumbs at the table.

The decades of abuse that Gerald Flurry has abused his members with stains the very hands of privileged Joel.  He is part of the problem and is culpable for all the misdeeds of the Philadelphia Church of God due to his status as a minister.  That's noting to be thankful for.

You can also read Redfox's take on this article here: Joel Hilliker's Rise in the Ranks of PCG's Leadership

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Imprisoned Church of God Felon Demotes All of His Elder's

Imprisoned Church of God felon Ron Weinland has sent out a missive to all of his ministers telling them they have all been demoted.  Weinland's personality cult has lost numerous members and elders since his imprisonment and because of his failed prophecies which have lead to a drop in income and continuing exodus of members.  His glut of ministers and elders is no longer needed. Many elders and ministers have already left and others are ticked that Weinland has placed his batty wife Laura and his money-laundering daughter Audra in a higher rank than all the other ministers of the cult.  In those lofty positions all the elders were instructed that Laura and Audra had to approve their sermons prior to preaching at the feast and at other times.

Like all the other filth that comes from Wienland's mouth, his god supposedly is speaking these things to  his cult.  His god sees a need to get rid of the chaff so money can be diverted to Audra and Laura - the Anointed Ones.  Money being spent on these ministers is now needed to take care of Laura and Audra's trips around the world preaching the message of Jesus and grace felon Big Daddy.

This letter is being sent to you to inform you that you are being moved from the role of an elder to that of an associate elder. This is rather new for the Church, since our history coming from Worldwide has been different. During those days, an ordination, or specific office in the ministry, was viewed as a life-long placement. However, in this time that is now before us, there is a different design and purpose in what God is working, and we are simply to learn from it and support it. God has specific reasons for these changes and the streamlining that is taking place in the ministry. Some of that will be mentioned here, but other matters will be learned as you go forward.
At this point, there are right at 40 ministers being directly affected by these changes and reorganization, with the likelihood of a few more that will follow. So we are sending most all of you this same letter concerning this specific change, although there are a lot of others who are now being fully removed/retired from the ministry.
Weinerdude choking his chicken

Weinland and his band of Merry Women are weeding out the chaff so that those few loyal men and women left can be placed in positions of leadership over the ENTIRE world when their thing they call Jesus Christ returns to whip the world into shape. Those advance in years are being relegated to the gutter because they will not be able to cope in Weinland's world to come.
As a whole, God is now preparing and training a group within the ministry who will become quite active as we go into the final stages of this end-time and they are primarily being readied for responsibilities once the Millennium is established. Many of you have issues with health and/or age that simply restrict you from carrying out certain duties. This may also restrict you from being able to serve in what is coming.

In other words, all of that pandering you did to the Weinland's in order to establish your position in the church and thte kingdom to come was worthless.
In a few cases, it is simply a matter that the need for your service as a minister does not or will not exist where you are located. This also means that the need for some roles within the ministry are not now needed for the same purpose that existed several years ago and for what God was teaching and molding within the Church. Many things have changed since this process of a widely expanded ministry began.
Some the people Weinland had in positions of leadership are being removed because they are bringing embarrassment to Audra and Laura for not being submissive.  This will be a time to now reflect on their grievous sins against the Anointed Ones.
Yet for a few of you, this is a matter of your need to more deeply examine yourself and the example you have been living that reflects upon the ministry. Ministers are indeed held to a higher standard of responsibility and example in what is reflected in our life to others around us. It is a matter of striving to be on greater guard in all that we do, say, and administer in our responsibilities toward the world around us, toward the Church, and also our personal families. Over the next year, this will be the time to make the necessary changes that have been put off or ignored for too long now.
No matter how hard or diligent a minister was in  Weinland's cult makes no difference now.  People like his son Jeremy can kick you to the gutter so they can hove the power and prestige.  You are all nothing more than worthless chattel for the Anointed Ones.
In other cases, the change in one’s role may simply be a matter for the need of stepping aside so that others can be inserted who need the experiences that can only be gleaned, learned, and molded into a person by serving for a period of time in the ministry. This is God’s work in us and it is by His design.

Some of the extra rebellions elders will be getting MORE than this letter from the Witless Witness.  A stern rebuke is coming from the Anointed Ones striking down the rebellious sinning men and women who will not bow in the presence of Audra, Laura and Weinerdude himself.

 Everyone being moved from the role of an elder to that of an associate elder will be receiving this “form letter”, although, some few of you are being given more than this letter. For those receiving more direct correction where it is needed, you know some of the primary matters that must be addressed and changed in your life. Others will need to genuinely examine yourself before God to see it there are things that you need to address and change. Although there are still some of you who have consistently been moving forward and growing spiritually and the change for your role in the ministry is simply a matter of some of the other reasons listed, and not primarily of a matter of correction.
Even though we are treating you all like shit at this time we want you to know WE LOVE YOU and APPRECIATE YOU!
Lastly, is a matter of great importance to Laura and myself. We have loved working in a more direct manner with you due to your being in the ministry. In a short time, we have been through much together. We are so thankful for all the support and service you have given to us and God’s Church. That does not change simply because you are no longer in the role of an elder, but that of an associate elder. You are in God’s ministry and yet have much before you concerning service you can render to the Church. So again, thank you!

We continue to move forward together as a family. As there is still so much that is before us as a Church, and for Laura and myself, we need and are requesting your continued prayers and support for us and the Body of Christ.