Sunday, March 1, 2015

David Passover Pack Breathlessly Announces That He Is The Messenger Sent Before Jesus Returns

Passover Pack is back with a long list of sermons filled with more points on why he is the most superfantabulous Church of God minister to ever walk the blue green hills of earth.  No other human in recorded history is as magnificent, as educated or powerful as he is.  Only HE is capable of unraveling the mysteries of the Bible and bringing them to the Church of God with the CORRECT interpretation.  All of the other lazy cretins in the other COG's have no idea what they are talking about.

From Passover Dave's miraculous birth and divine childhood, after being conceived by the worlds most perfect parents, to the training he personally received from Herbert Armstrong, Passover Dave is able to accept the mantle placed upon him by Jesus Christ himself in order to prepare the way of his coming.  However, Passover Dave is not too concerned about the return of the inconvenient man that exposes Passover Dave as a fraud.  Passover Dave is only concerned about HIS coming, HIS place in the world and HIS place in the Church of God kingdom.

Passover Dave is such a mind boggling man that his message is the most STUNNING thing you will ever hear.

The Old Testament’s closing book, Malachi, is for our time—NOW!—and it is written DIRECTLY to those with God’s Spirit in every WCG splinter. It foretells an intense trial of “fire” to come on all God’s people—possibly soon—and WHY!

Not what you have thought, Malachi carries a meaning previously impossible for the Church to have understood. It is recorded by a prophet whose very name means “messenger.” He speaks of Christ sending another messenger (3:1)—“MY messenger” (Elijah)—to announce the book’s meaning, ahead of “THE Messenger” (Christ).

Elijah is now revealed. So is the absolutely STUNNING message he is to bring! Easy to grasp, thousands have already found this detailed, eye-opening prophecy fascinating.  All Important Sermons