Friday, May 1, 2015

UCG's New Dung Brown "We Are Embarrassed By Our Core Message" Web Site

After United Church of God's expensive epic campaign failure at the end of last year, the UCG is struggling to make themselves more relevant to the world around them.  They had assumed that their "Why were you born?" tag line was going to draw in scores of interested new people bringing money with them.  It didn't happen.  Tens of thousands of dollars were spent on bringing in 1 single solitary person.  No one was interested in that message.  That question is not something that people in the 21st century care about or are worried about.

Recently UCG unveiled a new and improved web page.  The striking thing about this page was the "dung brown" new mast head and the fact that they admitted that they moved all information relating to beliefs and practices to other areas of the site.  UCG thinks with this new "dung colored" site that they will appeal to the younger more progressive crowd and hook them in.  Its not going to happen.  Even if they do score one or two new devotee's, once they found out how absurd some of UCG's foundational beliefs are - i.e. British Israelism - they will exit rather quickly.

Given the continuing rumors floating around on various web sites and FB pages, United Church of God is on the brink of another break up.  Various UCG ministers think that the UCG is too legalistic and that certain doctrines need to be changed.  The diehard legalists are having major butt-hurt over this and are plotting in the background to possibly form another splinter group. When COGWA split off from UCG they took  1/3 of UCG's ministry.  Of course UCG claimed this was a good thing because the useless whiny chaff were now gone.  Will this new split also rip UCG asunder leading it into an even more useless ministry?  Time will tell. In the meantime please buy some Charmine and clean up that masthead!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Family In Desperate Need To Find Out Name of Abusive Philadelphia Church of God Minister

A family is asking for any help possible in find out out the last name of the man described below.  He is attempting to take money and vehicles from the family.  The wife is still part of PCG and the husband is not.  He is constantly taking money from the wife unbeknownst to her husband.  They are also attempting to stop him from getting proper medical treatment.

Need your help. There is a man named Todd who attends the Austin, TX congregation of the PCG. He is about 40 and a car salesman. I need his last name so he can be blocked from helping the PCG steal money from a friend's dying father.

What the Current Churches of God Are Really Like

from the Naked Pastor blog