Sunday, February 7, 2016

Dave Pack: Rejecting me will lead to your utter destruction!

God's most awesome leader of the most superfantabulous Church of God EVVVVVVVVVER, has produced a set of video sermons lately that claim to tell who he is according to the Bible.

Dave now thinks he is "that prophet" mentioned in Acts 3:22-26.  Some in the Churches of God and much of Christianity understand this verse to be referring to Jesus Christ.  However, in Armstrongism we have those even claim this verse is written to specifically describe them.  Gerald Flurry claims this and now Dave Pack.

The Bible foretells the arrival of Elijah and That Prophet just before Christ’s Return. Many Christians believe That Prophet is Christ. Jews believe he and Elijah are different men. Are they correct?
22 For Moses truly said to the fathers, 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear in all things, whatever He says to you. 23 And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people. 24 Yes, and all the prophets, from Samuel and those who follow, as many as have spoken, have also foretold these days. 25 You are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, 'And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.' 26 To you first, God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from your iniquities." (Acts 3:22-26)
Just how many biblical mantles of leadership can Dave take on?  The title of being Elijah and Joshua apparently was not been enough for him.  What's left?  Being Jesus Christ on earth? Is Dave Pack now subconsciously claiming he is Jesus Christ? He is narcissistic enough to do so. Either way, he is claiming the rejection of him as a minister will result in a person being utterly destroyed.

Thankfully salvation does not rest in Dave Pack's hands or Gerald Flurry's.  It doesn't rest in keeping the sabbath or eating "clean" meats or being part of numerous quibbling groups ending up in Petra for "final training."  Salvation does not rest in the hands of "doubly blessed" prophets, Canadian Pharisees, or in the hands of "sinless" COG leaders. Of that we can all be assured of!

The "Loose Brick Theology" of Armstrongism

Here us an interesting excerpt from an article in the Baptist Press about a former Church of God International minister's journey out of Armstrongism. One of the first things he debunked was the British Israelism myth. After that the house of cards quickly fell.  This tends to be the path of many out of Armstrongism.  Once a person debunks the British Israelism myth, things start collapsing quickly.

Theology and doctrinal study by church members is not something many did.  If it wasn't printed in a booklet for them most never studied theology or doctrinal history.  The Correspondence Course was the end-all when it came to established belief. Theology classes at the various campuses were never taught be well rounded theologians, but by men trained at the feet of Rod Meredith, Herman Hoeh and others. We all know now that these men were theologically bankrupt.

Once in cult, student now sees importance of knowing theology

“Armstrongists have a ‘loose brick’ approach to theology,” Bell said. “They look at doctrine as a complete whole or as nothing at all. That’s why they refer to their system of belief as ‘The Truth.’ person any one doctrine falls then the whole system falls.”  
Bell had been a member of the movement for three years when he began to question its teachings. In 1995 he founded the Owensboro church but soon began to examine central Armstrongist teachings under the microscope of Scripture and history.  
For Bell, the first brick to crumble from the wall of Armstrongism was the sect’s doctrine of “Anglo-Israelism.” Influenced by a book called “Judah’s Scepter and Joseph’s Birthright” by J.H. Allen, Herbert Armstrong taught that Anglo-Saxons are direct descendants of the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Armstrongists see this teaching as the key that unlocks a true understanding of biblical prophecy.  
Bell read “Judah’s Scepter” and was incredulous at his findings. 
“When I got finished with it, I thought, ‘There are some interesting ideas here, but this is historical fantasy,’” he said. “... I began to research it in more depth and quickly tossed it out.”  
Though spooked by this revelation, Bell nevertheless dismissed the doctrinal aberration as a peculiarity of Herbert Armstrong’s system of belief. 
The next doctrine to tumble down was the Trinity -- Armstrongists are strongly anti-Trinitarian. The final Armstrongist brick that Bell dislodged was the group’s teaching on God. Armstrongists believe that man eventually accomplishes ‘god-status,’ a qualitative equality with God. 
It didn’t take a seminary education for Bell to realize that was blasphemy. 
 “When I was first getting into the Armstrongist movement, I read a booklet that said the resurrection (of the dead at Christ’s return) would be the most momentous event in the history of the world because it would be the birth of gods,” Bell said. “When I read that, I said ... ‘that’s blasphemy.’”
Still, Bell decided to ignore the booklet because Garner Ted Armstrong had not written it. He remained in the movement. 
“I chose [to believe] that everything else I was hearing was so good, I was going to shove that aside,” he said. 
Under the leadership of Joseph Tkach, who succeeded Herbert Armstrong as leader of the Worldwide Church of God upon his death in 1986, the sect experienced a massive doctrinal shift in the mid-90s toward biblical orthodoxy.  
The group’s website trumpets this radical transformation as a “Damascus Road experience.” The Worldwide Church of God was admitted as a member of the National Association of Evangelicals in 1997.  
As an Armstrongist devotee, Bell saw the change as a great apostasy. Other true Armstrongists agreed and the Worldwide Church of God lost more than half its members and ministers because of the shift. True Armstrongists still hold fast to the teachings of Herbert Armstrong and have churches scattered about the country, Bell said.  
It wasn’t until the spring of 1998, after a series of sexual misconduct allegations were lodged against Garner Ted Armstrong, that Bell’s foray into Armstrongism came to an end.  
The allegations turned the Church of God International on its head and struck Bell with sledgehammer force. Due in large part to the accusations, Bell eventually resigned the pastorate and began the journey back to Christian orthodoxy.  
Bell enrolled at Southern in the fall of 1998. It was a revolutionary experience and within one year, his view of theology underwent a profound metamorphosis. 
That first year, Bell studied Baptist and church history, theology, and hermeneutics. Soon, he had embraced fully historic evangelical Christianity.  
“By the end of my first full year at Southern Seminary, I had my theological world rocked,” he said. “I emerged from that a convinced evangelical.”

Friday, February 5, 2016

UCG: Even though the ship is sinking, we love spending money to patch the holes.

Vic Kubik sent out a letter the other day discussing the latest from Cincinnati.

One telling thing he pointed out is their Beyond Today flagship magazine.  For some reason they have been dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into another failure.  No matter how much advertising they do, they cannot retain subscribers.  They have a 72% failure rate.

One very important benchmark is the reach and circulation of Beyond Today magazine. As 72% of readers do not renew their subscription, we need to constantly seek new subscribers. This costs money. We use everything from card decks and print advertising, to online keyword marketing to tell people about the gospel message. The more people that subscribe, the more who will ask for other literature and become engaged–even to the point of becoming donors and coworkers. Then some of these will eventually come to repentance and be baptized.

A reader here mentioned something I missed.  Its obvious from the above quote that the UCG is more concerned about number of subscribers first.  The more subscribers you have the more money that comes in.  Maybe a few will repent and be baptized, but its more important to have then numbers first.

Suely there is an editing error there.  I’m sure what he intended to say was first the reader will come to repentance, be baptized, then become a donor.  This unfortunate editing error will lead people to think  that their primary purpose is attracting donors not in bringing the plain truth about the good news to the attention of sinners.

What does UCG really have to offer? Thousands of members and 3/4 of the ministry felt that it had nothing to offer and left a few years ago.  UCG's income is not keeping pace with their expenditures and expectations.  Its still trying to be the WCG from the 1980's and it cant do it.  The glory days are gone in the Churches of God, never to return.

The January Beyond Today cover is prophetic, the handwriting truly is on the wall!