Thursday, August 25, 2016

Jazz Hand Bob

October 11/12 2016 Will Be An Earth Shattering Expereince

Dang it!  There goes the Best Feast Ever!!!!!

It always amazes me how so many church members are adamant that they know for sure the exact time line of the end times:

Whether we believe it or not, this IS going to happen next October.
Revelation 6:14 .... and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.A quake that size will devastate all Island nations with a survival rate of near 0 and mountainous regions won't fare any better. Most other places will have their infrastructure rendered useless. 
What are you going to do when that massive earthquake hits on Oct. 11/12, 2016 wiping out N. America and the "western" country's.That earthquake is going to flatten everything in its path setting off volcano's including the super volcano at Yellowstone. The tsunami's that are created by it will wipe out most coastal communities. 
Starting in this October, most of the population of this planet will lose their life, it behooves us to make as many as possible, aware of the safety God offers to those who support Him and to those that don't. 
This is how it unfolds starting on Oct. 3, 2016, the Feast of Trumpets, it is 1290 days (Daniel 12:11) until the return of Christ on April 12, 2020, it is also 1335 days (Daniel 12:12) until those taken, will receive their blessing on the Day of Pentecost (May 31, 2020).
The two witnesses start their "preaching the gospel to the WORLD (Matthew 24:14)", not to God's chosen, but to the gentles, on Oct. 25-26, 2016 which is known as "The Last Great Day" (Leviticus 23:36).  It directly follows the festival days of "The Feast of Tabernacles" (Leviticus 23:34).
It marks "the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah (Old Covenant) readings, and the beginning of a new cycle".  Hence, in this scenario, God has finished His judgment on the nations of Israel and through the two witnesses, He begins His judgment on the gentile nations. Revelation 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, (1260 days), clothed in sackcloth. 

It is 1260 days from the Last Great Day of Oct. 25-26 of 2016, to the day the witnesses are killed on the Passover of April 8, 2020. ItstimeCOG

Notice how the local time of Portland, Oregon is taken into account.  I guess he is warning God's true prophet Dennis so that he has time to get out of town before the tsunami sweeps up the Columbia River after the huge quake.

For example, on the Day of Atonement, Christ will be coming to take His people to the wilderness at midnight on Oct. 11-12, 2016 in Jerusalem, but in Portland Oregon, U.S., that time will be Monday the 10th of Oct. at 2 PM.
That time also marks the time of the first super major earthquake that leads to the horrors depicted in Deuteronomy 28, (famines, plagues, cannibalism, butchery, slavery). 
From the events depicted in the Holy Days, the Great Tribulation, ( when most of the worlds population die), starts on the Day of Atonement, Oct. 11-12, 2016.
We know that those saved from those horrors are protected in "the wilderness", starting on that Day of Atonement and ending after Christ's return in April, 2020. 

Diabolical Cal Culpepper

Posted on Exit and Support:

What about Cal Culpepper's diabolical policy of forcing many PCG husbands to cast off their wives who have run afoul of the PCG Ministry? How is this inhumane and ungodly break up of legal marriages an example of that "beautiful truth, plainly evident within nature"? Ask Cassie Flory if it is a "godly mindset" to force a husband to abandon his wife at the request of a Regional Director with backing by a false apostle all the way out in Oklahoma? How can you define that as "protecting women, the weaker vessel"? How is that love
I think it would not be outrageous to say that in all honesty a right minded and spirit filled believer in Christ will truly see where the real "satanic message" is coming from. There is no "dignity and honor" for a wife in being told to pack your bags and get out, just because a PCG minister said so. 
How many young children will be affected by these forced dissolution of marriages in the PCG? What will be the long term physical and psychological effects on these kids who now have to not only face a divorce (which is traumatic enough), but also have to deal with having absolutely no contact with a suspended/disfellowshipped parent according to Gerald Flurry's standing policy. 
I am sure we all feel a righteous indignation at what is going on in the Philadelphia Church of God. We mourn and pray for the families of PCG victims. Our hearts are broken when we hear of the deaths of young children who are denied medical care and suffer horribly for it.
We know that God is on His throne and nothing escapes His notice and attention. Gerald Flurry and those Edmond HQ man-boys who support him will have to answer to God for their actions: 
One day the nightmare that is called Philadelphia Church of God will end. Christ will return and put down all false prophets and false religion. Our duty until then is to pray and support those who are being affected by the policies and outrages perpetrated by Gerald Flurry's PCG.