Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dave Pack and His Two Wonder Men

So, let me repeat this—that God was going to use a human spokesman with two others (the men of wonder) becomes its own great proof that God has always intended the First Dominion be carried out under human leadership from the top (Christ) all the way down to the bottom—including you. This is a government that will be carried out—it is not optional. The nation that doesn’t obey perishes or gets utterly wasted with drought and other afflictions until they step in line, and if they never do—God wipes them out. He has done it before with whole tribes. He will do it again. Wake them up and tell them, “Now, do you want to try that again?” This is the kingdom of God, but God is going to work through a prophet……It is that simple.

Dave Pack and His Two Sidekicks To Soon Turn Water Into Blood Before Burning People Up

Dave is one fearsome dude with his two sidekicks.  Instead of the two witless witnesses (Laura and Ron Weinland) we now have the holy trinity of fearsome prophets (Dave and his two witless witness sidekicks).  Could it be that Laura and Ron Weinland will combine forces with Prophet Dave and start a scorched earth policy?  They all so desperately want to see the earth and its inhabitants fry.

Our responsibility will be laid out for us. It is just that there are three men who are going to have to function together……If you can understand what I am saying, this is what we are part of. Certainly, if I don’t go out and say what I think, judgment I think should be carried out, you can’t either. On the other hand, let’s face it—it’s enormous power and authority.
When the Two Witnesses are given power, they are told to do certain things…and the people don’t respond…boom…water turns to blood, the heavens dry up, plagues come, and if you threaten them, personally, you die by fire. They are going to make judgments. Brethren, you are going to have certain power. Understand—along with two others, it is clear then, during the restitution of all things, that God is using a human spokesman and with those two others. Therefore, this becomes its own great proof that God has always intended the Kingdom be carried out through human leadership under Christ. All of it—meaning you included.