Sunday, December 18, 2016

Scientology and The Living Church of God

From an LCG source:

I recently happened upon a new show on A&E called "Scientology and the Aftermath". It drew me in immediately because of its similarities to my experience with the Global/Living Church of Rod.

The Scientologist have achieved what ACOGs could only hope for in in terms of their membership and size but the ACOGs, LCG and PCG especially, have nailed the member abuse just like the big guys.

I can just imagine Rod Meredith and Gerald Weston tuning in to A&E to learn new cruel and abusive ways to manipulate, control and destroy anyone who dare question them or anyone who fails to 'understand' that they are to be obeyed because they 'represent Christ'.

The leaders of Scientology practice "Disconnection" which is akin to ACOG's  "marking". Family members and friends are forced to shun whomever the leaders decide they should without evidence or explanation. To do otherwise puts one at risk of being 'disconnected' themselves and everyone fears that because their whole lives and all their friends are within the church (sound familiar?).

They also practice something called "Fair Game" which basically means it's okay to defame, lie about, set-up, etc anyone that questions the church or fails to demonstrate 100% obedience. They believe that the "ends justify the means" which is completely on track with how Meredith and Pack think (and we already know that these men are completely fine with lying if it serves them)

The manipulation of followers and the overtly evil and corrupt leadership of these groups is eerily similar to Armstrong splinters. 

Listening to survivors tell their exit stories is eye-opening and powerful. I literally prayed that as many ACOG members as possible would see this show in hopes that they would see how their minds were being controlled. I hope Meredith/Pack battered sheep with see these stories and feel empowered to make the change no matter how hard it is. I know that many of them know in their hearts that their churches are not the church of God and yet they lack the courage to brake away and truly seek God and obey him. Put not your trust in man...

Here's the link to the show:

CGI: Bill and Wayne’s Excellent Adventure in Politics

Bill and Wayne’s Excellent Adventure in Politics
Lonnie C. Hendrix

The Church of God International has reaffirmed its bona fides as a legitimate part of the Armstrong Church of God culture. Like their counterparts within the ministries of most of the other descendants of the Worldwide Church of God, Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix have made clear that they are firmly in the conservative/Republican camp when it comes to American politics. The CGI’s latest webcast, Post Election Discussion, is an adventure into the political mindset of most folks within this culture.

They begin their conversation with a discussion of the liberal/Democratic media bias which they claim should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense (sound familiar?). According to Bill and Wayne, the media was in the tank for Hillary. The way they see it, the media neglected the stories about her “ethical” problems; and instead focused on calling poor Donald Trump a racist, misogynist and homophobe (the implication being that there is not one shred of evidence to support the use of such labels – in other words, please ignore all of The Donald’s statements during the campaign). As with many other issues, they pine for the good old days when journalists were neutral and exhibited “professionalism” (like the folks over at Fox News?).

Next, they move on to an examination of some of the statements which various celebrities (Cher, Snoop Dogg, Kelly Clarkson) made expressing dismay over the results of the election. They proceed to make fun of the distress that many folks have felt over the election of Donald Trump. They simply cannot seem to understand how anyone could be that disenchanted with the results of the 2016 election. According to Bill and Wayne, most of the protesters are paid by the likes of George Soros and his allies to do so. In other words, the notion that these crowds might be motivated by genuine disgust with the result is not even worth considering.

For Bill and Wayne, God is in control – the right person to fulfill God’s plan always wins. Barack Obama was exalted to tear down America, and Donald Trump was anointed to set things right.
At one point, they even go so far as to compare Trump’s ascendancy to the U.S. Presidency with the ascension of Josiah to David’s throne. They even venture to speculate as to what degree Trump might be able to “turn things around.” At the very least, they conclude that Trump will probably be able to slow down America’s decline. In fairness, they do finally admit that the analogy is not perfect – that Mr. Trump is no saint, and that his focus is very secular in nature.

In their analysis of Trump’s victory over Clinton, they conclude that a vote for her would have been a third term for Obama. Fortunately, according to them, the American people voted against Obama’s policies (what happened to their assertion that Clinton was an extremely flawed candidate with serious ethical issues). For them, Donald Trump was the champion of the average American – ordinary folks – the common man. There is no mention of the fact that Trump won with 46% of the popular vote (meaning 54% of Americans voted for someone else for president). There is no mention of the fact that Clinton received almost three million more votes than he did (I guess those Americans don’t count as average, ordinary or part of the majority they have in mind).

Finally, almost as an afterthought, Bill and Wayne address the issue of whether or not it is appropriate for two elders of “God’s Church” to discourse on political issues. Of course, they conclude that it would be remiss on their part not to address the topic. Apparently, they feel that their perspective (inspired as it is by the Holy Spirit) is indispensable to a right understanding of the issues involved. Thus we are left to wonder, do these guys honestly believe that they are presenting God’s perspective on the 2016 election? AND, if that isn’t what they are suggesting, why should church members be interested in anything they have to say on the topic?

One thing on which we can all agree with Bill and Wayne:  The country is very polarized/divided. Nevertheless, finding ourselves in agreement on this one point, one has to ask:  Why would two ministers of Almighty God decide to take sides in such an environment? Wouldn’t the more prudent course for a minister be to stick to religious/spiritual issues? What do you think?

Saturday, December 17, 2016

I Told Rod Meredith to NOT Write His Autobiography, but He Refused to Listen to Me, as Usual!

The other day when the COG News and this blog posted about Rod Meredith announcing that he has published the first three chapters of his new autobiography, it sent those that know his legacy into instant mocking.  One person however did one of his typical self-aggrandizing meltdown's.   It won't take too much guessing to know that the person pontificating was our very own Almost Arrested, Elisha, Elijah, Joshua, Amos, Joel, Second Witness, Self-appointed Mayan authority and certified False Prophet, lashed out at Rod Meredith for DARING to write his autobiography.

Theil wrote one of his holier-than-thou posts declaring that he personally told Rod Meredith many years to NOT write an autobiography until he corrected doctrinal problems in the Living Church of God.  Daddy Rod refused to listen to his wayward egotistical "son" and started the book anyway.  The non-ordained leader of the falsely called "continuing" Church of God was NOT happy!  How DARE Rod Meredith IGNORE his "words of wisdom!"

Gerald Weston wrote, December 8th: “We have all encouraged Dr. Meredith to write an autobiography to fill in some of the history of the Church, since he played such a major part in the Work of God under Mr. Herbert Armstrong. This week he distributed the first of a planned three-part series, titled ‘The Early Years’. The importance of this project cannot be understated, as he is the last man to fill in many details in the early years of Ambassador College and the Radio Church of God during its existence and afterward ...
Well, that may be the case now that "We have all encouraged Dr. Meredith to write an autobiography," but five years ago when I was an appointed advisor to Dr. Meredith, I discouraged him from writing his autobiography as I explained to him that it was much more important for him to correct errors in doctrine, literature, church history, and prophecy that he and the other Charlotte-based evangelists admitted LCG had. Well, it looks like Dr. Meredith ultimately decided to write his autobiography instead of correcting those errors. It was sending out known errors, breaking promises, and making it clear that he did not need to keep his promises that led me to leave LCG

Why does this little man think that Rod Meredith should be listening to him?  Since he is not ordained, is not a real COG minister or leader, has never been appointed by God for any purpose, and  does not have a real theological education, why does he assume anyone wants to listen to him?

Thiel should have realized that people would have a field day with his published comments, but no.  After making a complete fool of himself with his disgusting tirade against Gavin, Thiel must have known he would catch some shade for being such an in considerate fool.  Poor thing, he just CANNOT do anything right any more.

And NO Bob, Gavin did not commit any Unpardonable Sin

"I have prayed for Gavin Rumney over the years and hope he did not commit the unpardonable sin "
Bob Thiel

Mark 3:29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”

Matthew 12; 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.

Luke 12:10 And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven

In 26 years of ministry I never thought or met anyone I personally could label as having "committed the unpardonable sin."  All "sin" (and this may have reflected my less judgmental Presbyterian upbringing) was forgivable and pretty understandable. There are things people can't come to believe and there are things , with time, good folk no longer believe.

 No one I knew would think to deliberately speak against Jesus or blaspheme intentionally just for sport or being foolishly filled with carnal bravado.  In my previous life, leaving the church or not going along with this or that decree of the Magisterium might be construed as "unpardonable" since it was God's True Church one was defying, but I even doubted that because all the scandal, flip flops, questionable proof texting, theories, ideas  and goofy personalities didn't seem unpardonable for getting tired of.  This would be true of all organized churches.

Just as I never ever ever met anyone who boldly claim to be in the false church or knowing they were deceived by Satan or some other organization, I never met anyone who thought anything they did was unpardonable if they ever changed their minds on what was real and true.  No one goes to the false church.  NO ONE.  Just ask them.  

I'm sure Dave Pack and his ilk, such as Bob Thiel believe we all have committed unpardonable sin because we notice problems of thought and teaching and problem personalities in the leadership of the splits, splinters and slivers .  I have been accused of that and thrown into the future Lake of Fire for coming to see , for me, the truth of evolution and embracing errancy and origin issues found in the scriptures as well as some historical realities .  I have never lost any sleep over personal concerns for my theological future.  Beliefs are not the same as what is actually true.

So.... Rather than post someone's theological view on this topic , of which there are many,  Just What Do You Mean Unpardonable Sin?  Who do you know committed it?  What did they do to commit it?   Are the Gospels playing control and fear games with the audience?  

Why can't such things, whatever they are just be forgiven and come under the New Testament formula of :

Matthew 11:28-30 “… Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

2 Corinthians 5:18-19 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
Ephesians 1:7-10 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.
Colossians 1:13-14 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
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