Friday, April 14, 2017

How to Interpret Matthew's Passage About The Resurrection of Old Saints?

        "I have an open mind . I am willing to be convinced but I have no firm opinion on it."  Notice how the audience does not go crazy because their apologist is willing to say he has his doubts about the passage and everyone (except those not given to critical thinking) does.

Brethren, even through I am wrong you need to appreciate that I tried

This is how Dave Pack and Bob Thiel think:
I’ll just say this. If what I told you does not apply, I, nor any minister I have ever talked to, has the faintest idea what on Earth, Christ was talking about. We just don’t know, and it’s just there for some reason that not a single one of two thousand ministers could have ever known in the past. But you can appreciate that, in light of what I said, if I’m right, you can understand why no one would have ever had a clue what it was talking about. They had no chance to understand. That, not until you had lived through three years of doing what we did and noticed that Paul went three years, and then maybe there’s one more year to go…
This translates into:
Even though I do not know what I am talking about and even though I am 100% wrong, you must appreciate my trying. 
This is the sad state of thinking that pervades the church to this day.  No one holds their ministers accountable.  Various COG's never hold the obvious heretics like Pack, Malm, Flurry and Thiel  accountable for their lies.  "Oh, but they are our brethren, we cannot say anything bad about them."  When they do not hold self-appointed liars accountable, then they too end up being lairs.  Their inaction allows the hundreds of splinter groups to function today. It allows the sick deviate men to ruin member lives and they do not care.  That is what we have so many fools running COG's today. Just look at Thiel, Malm, Pack, Wienland, Cox and Flurry.  Can there be 6 more idiotic men in  the Church of God today?

Dave Pack Editing Embarrassing Comments From Sermons

For several years now Dave Pack has been telling one tall tale after another.  His god is constantly giving him so many revelations that he cannot keep track of everything he is saying.  He has one superfantabulous revelation and reveals it to his members, then 3-4 weeks later he forgets what he had said  and contradicts himself.   Dave also has also had so many recent failed prophecies that he can't keep track of what them either.

Dave has been posting scores of sermons aimed at the back-sliding Church of God member in various congregations.  These sermons are supposed to be filled with the most astounding information ever available to human kind, then ten sermons later he changes it or deletes stuff.  He is now admitting that is what he does.

As we’re preparing all of these transcripts, one of the things we’re doing, brethren, is we’re cutting large swaths of it out wherever there was error and wherever there was any kind of exaggerated emphasis on me that could be offensive. I want all of that…I want to look like a mustard seed through the 49 or 50, 52 different parts of this. There are just some things I want to not say to everybody outside that they don’t need to hear. They don’t need to understand.
I want them to understand this terrible trial they’re going to go through, that they can escape it; how the Kingdom of God will come, and where their part in it is. They don’t need to hear all the error that we’ve had to walk out of through this long series. They don’t need to hear what my role is, or there are just certain things that don’t need to be in it. Partly, to make it shorter and less daunting for even the most serious Bible students, who might say, can I really read all that? The serious ones will and others won’t, and we may break out certain ones for the people who say I don’t want to read them all, and we give them a chance to read certain key ones. The three on the Man of Sin might be such a case—this one, and Part 31, and one other that came a little later.
So, in some of these parts of the series, I speculated, and some of that speculation is being cut out; some will be left in. But we’re going to speculate here. 

Of course this is all under the guise that strong meat should not be put forth so that unwashed masses have access to it.  They only are able to understand baby pablum.  Only "true" COG members have the mental capacity of understand the meatier side of things.

If Dave truly was a prophet of God then he would not care what people thought but would forcefully tell his story that he apparently believes in.  But he cannot do so.  He is embarrassed.  What is even worse is that his little league of man-boys in Wadsworth clap like happy seals at the moment Dave opens his mouth.  The never hold him accountable, even though some of them sitting there have to realize Dave is talking out his ass 99% of the time.