Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Real Cause of the Race Crisis

Herbert Armstrong's racist teachings that so many COG's want to go away, far away...

See the entire magazine here: The Plain Truth, October 1963

Read pages 6, 23, 27:

He claims:
- Adam was white (notice that he says Christ was white and since Adam 
was made in God's image, that means Adam was white..somehow he 
didn't understand what Semitic means lol)

- Asians and Blacks were mutations and mongrels

- Mankind was destroyed for intermarriage

- God is the author of segregation, not integration

Freed From The Worldwide Church of God

UCG creates new tool to suck small children into the myths they preach

Snare the little kiddies while they are impressionable so they will remain as teenagers and then become regular tithe machines.