Friday, June 16, 2017

Living Church of God Camp For Pre-teens: Loving Moses More Than Jesus

From a reader:

LCG last week held a summer camp for pre-teens who have parents in the cult. What would you guess the children learned about? Jesus and His love for little children? Jesus' great mercy toward repentant sinners? The glorious World Tomorrow in which there will be peace and love and prosperity for all?

Of course not.

The camp theme was the Book of Exodus. Suffer like the Egyptians unless you obey Biblegod. Accept the heavy burden of Old Testament law-keeping, not the light burden of Jesus' yoke. Don't sin like you constantly see your parents and ministers sinning (remember, youngsters are EXCELLENT hypocrisy detectors), or else you will go into the Tribulation or the Lake of Fire. What a dreary camp that must have been.

Poly the Cult Child - Pentecost Spirit Plants

Someone had fun making a parody of UCG's latest epic failure.

The Beast Is Dead! Add Another Failed Prophecy To The Already Long List

Well, another Church of God prophecy bites the dust.

This afternoon's headline:

Helmut Kohl, Chancellor Who Reunited Germany, Dies at 87

Helmut Kohl, a towering postwar figure who reunified Germany after 45 years of Cold War antagonism, propelled a deeply held vision of Europe’s integration and earned plaudits from Moscow and Washington for his deft handling of the fall of the Berlin Wall, died on Friday at his home in Ludwigshafen, Germany, the Rhine port city where he was born. He was 87.
“We mourn,” his party, the Christian Democratic Union, said on Twitter in announcing his death.   New York Times

Every prophecy that the WCG/Armstrongism uttered about Germany has failed, as usual.  Now, all we have to do is wait on Bob Thiel's bromance buddy, Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg to declare himself the leader of the Holy Roman Empire so that he and Angela Merkel can open concentration camps to imprison Americans.  That is the wet dream that some COG "leaders" dream about.

Every prophecy of Herbert Armstrong's has failed.  Almost-arrested Theil's prophecies are failing.  Dave Pack's prophecies are failing.  Gerald Flurry's prophecies are guaranteed to fail.  All it take sis for ONE prophecy to fail and the scriptures call them liars. When will they all just ever shut up?

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Bob Thiel Mansplains to Tina Englebart

Almost-arrested Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Habakkuk, Thiel is doing what he does best, mansplaining.  No other man in the history of the Church of God has ever felt the need to tell everyone in the church just how things are supposed to be on every imaginable topic.  Even Dave Pack, the king of mouth diarrhea, at least sticks to his topic of the First Dominion instead of sticking his nose into hundreds of other subjects that most COG members could care less about.

The doubly cursed self-appointed false prophet has taken great exception to Tina Engelbart's series of articles in The Journal concerning women speaking in church.

Tina wrote:

Corinthians 14:34-35. Here are the two verses in the King James Version. “Let your women keep silence in the churches; for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience [Gr. hupotasso], as also saith the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame [Gr. aischros] for women to speak in church” (Emphasis added). 
First, some observations: The italicized phrase “they are commanded” was an addition by the translators; it is not in the original Greek. Further, hupotasso is more correctly translated “submission” rather than “obedience.” And the word translated as “shame” in verse 35 is the Greek word aischros— the same word translated as “ filthy” elsewhere, as in “ filthy lucre” (1 Timothy 3:8). 
Most churches, and most Churches of God, and Mr. Mokarow say this means women must be silent in the church. UCG specifically said in their paper “The Biblical Role of Women”: “‘ Women should not speak,’ ” that is, preach or teach before the congregation” (emphasis added). It is interesting that women are allowed to sing before the congregation, which is not exactly being silent. … 
There is only one law that specifically forbids women to speak in the assembly — and that is the Oral Law of the Jews, later written down and known as the Talmud. 
What a shame that our churches, in imposing the silence injunction on our women, are actually following the dictates of the Talmud instead of the Apostle Paul!
The doubly-cursed false prophet writes:
Let me make a few points.
First, while Tina Engelbart is entitled to her opinion about what she thinks the Greek means, the reality is that there is no record of Christian women preaching in either the New Testament nor in early Christian writings. While it is possible that the apostate Simon Magus may have had a female preach, and maybe did some other apostates, people who understood koine Greek at the time apparently did not feel that the Apostle Paul was allowing women to preach.
Second, UCG is correct that women should not be preaching. This is confirmed by the following passage that is in the Bible (hence, even allowing for a different translation of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, this is not something only to be derived from the Talmud as Tina Engelbart indicates):
11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. (1 Timothy 2:11-12). 
Third, as far as the Talmud goes, Tina Engelbart needs to consider that the Jews DID allow women to sing and hence the prohibition they had related to women speaking before the assembly did not include singing. That is the same in the Christian church as well.
In the (improperly named) Continuing Church of God we do not believe that women are to preach.  

Perhaps you should Bob.  They could do a far better job than you are doing. 

Do COG Leaders In 2017 Suffer Persecution Like Jesus Did?

For someone who claims to be directly appointed by his god, through dreams, revelations and double blessings by an apostate splinter COG minister, God's most important end time man sure has a delicate sensibility.

The Apostle, second witless witness, martyr and Mayan authority claims he is being persecuted just like Jesus was.  Oh, get down off your cross Bob!  Someone in Africa needs it for firewood!

Apparently, Elisha, Amos Habbakuk, Thiel took exception to comments made by readers here.
Those who post lies at the Banned site need to realize that God will judge. The Banned site should not allow people to post lies, but it does. People lied about Jesus, Paul, and others.
The Bible also teaches:
15... outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. (Revelation 22:15) 
No one truly in the Church of God would spread this pork lie and other lies about me. Hopefully, no one reading this page believes the lies either.
Self-appointed Thiel fails to acknowledge that he is a liar.  That is a fact.   God did not set him up to be a splinter group leader.  He did that himself.  God did not send special double blessings through the hands of Gaylon Bonjour that set Thiel apart as a church leader.  That also is a fact.  God did not inspire Rod Meredith or Richard Ames to declare Thiel to be a prophet.  God had no part in the warped sensibilities of Meredith or Ames when they said (as Thiel declares with no proof) that he could be a prophet.  Armstrongism is full of myriads of men who have set themselves up as false teachers, just as Scripture said they would.  Every one of them has been proven to be liars.

So Bob, who really is the liar?