Sunday, December 31, 2017

2018 Promises to be Another Crazy Year for the Church of God

It is hard to believe that we are entering year 8 with this blog dealing with the craziness of the One True Church.  Has there ever been a church that is filled with some of the absolutely craziest leaders we could ever imagine?  From self-appointed upstarts like Thiel and Malm who twist the bible to fit their perverted mindsets, to some of the most narcissistic leaders like Pack and Flurry.  The lies flowing forth from these men get more astounding every day.  2018 promises to be even crazier as the days go by.  Join us for the ride!

Is Fred Coulter's Christian Biblical Church of God Imploding?

Word is leaking out of England that Fred Coulter's group is having huge issues there.  It has been reported on Church of God News that it has imploded:
In the early years of CBCG Fred Coulter referred to his then small group as “the no hassle, recycle, last resort, Church of God.” It still can be - but not if you have a disagreement with Fred Coulter over doctrine or policy. 
David Obey, the UK ‘Office Manager’ (there was never an actual ‘office’) for the past decade has been described by someone who knew him well as “abrasive” and “easily offended”.  
A parting of the ways at some point seemed inevitable. He resigned earlier this year, warning subscribers of ‘dangers’ of keeping their names and contact details on the mailing list.  
His reluctant replacement found the situation so difficult that he soon resigned in frustration - much to the fury of Fred Coulter. 
There was no Festival of Tabernacles site this year (and no prospect of one any time soon). The remaining subscribers to CBCG’s material are now receiving their regular mailings from Australia.

Fred Coulter was disfellowshipped by the Worldwide Church of God in 1980 along with several other Pasadena leaders:  

Editor's note: The following list, provided by Ministerial Services, is in addition to previously published lists of disfellowshipped ministers. 
Charles Barrett, David Bierer, Bobby Boyce, Henry Buck, Rod Carnes, Lor Chamberlain, Fred Coulter, Hollis Crotts, Brent Curtis, Richard Gipe, John Hammer, Robert Hoops, Joe Horchak, Bronson James, Charles Oehlman, John Ouvrier, George Panteleeff', Ted Phillips, Bill Porter. Jack Pyle, V. Ray PyleDavid Robinson and Doug Taylor. 

Fred Coulter is also know for his voluminous reorganization of the Bible into its "correct" order.

The New Testament In Its Original Order—A Faithful Version with Commentary is the only English New Testament in which the books are arranged in their correct, original order. It retains the grace and grandeur of the King James Version while clarifying many of its problematic passages. Included are commentaries that answer such questions as: What is the New Testament? Who wrote it? When was it written? Who canonized it? Other commentaries thoroughly explain the history and preservation of the Bible. Various appendices cover numerous controversial New Testament teachings in detail. It is no longer in print. The New Testament Text, Commentaries and Appendices have now been incorporated in The Holy Bible In Its Original Order.
Fred is also known for hsi interst in phrenology where he claimed he could read peoples problems by feeling the bumps on peoples heads.

Fred has always been known for his weird beliefs and teachings.  His god was speaking to him in 2011 and revealed a new species that was to evolve in the world, "transhumans."

Transhumanism: Becoming Gods—Satan’s Way: The recent messages I have given on Transhumanism (TH) actually show that God’s timetable is going to be much longer than we may have anticipated. TH is a widespread philosophical, scientific, and religious movement that will bring about man’s greatest achievements under the direct influence of Satan the Devil. TH combines advancements in nanotechnology with the sophisticated genetic mixing of the human and animal genome in order to create super humans. Ultimately, this is Satan’s perverted plan to convince men that they can become gods and obtain immortality without God.  Fred Coulter: Transhumans To Rule Earth Before Tribulation
Why is it that Armstrongism is filled with such extremely spiritually degenerate men? Are there any real spiritually grounded men in the church?  Has there ever been any in the last 80 some years? There certainly are none in the 21st century!

Which COG leader " guilty of a shocking display of dishonesty and sophistry"

The Painful Truth has an excellent article about Bob Thiel.  A few choice morsels are here:

The Year Ahead. Bob Thiel and the ACOG’s.

One of the PT editors recently made this statement to me: “Bob Thiel is guilty of a shocking display of dishonesty and sophistry.” I confess to a similar sentiment, but as it is, Thiel, who is a peddler of Herbert Armstrong’s fictional and failed prophecies, is generally considered by the ACOG community as  a huckster and poses little threat if he is constantly challenged and kept in check. He certainly does not display the honesty or character of Ian Boyne, who allowed people to challenge his thoughts and his writings.

"With this short article, we want to share with you our view about Bob Thiel’s malignant beliefs and what damage we can expect in the coming year. We would not have to do so if Thiel allowed comments at his website where we could challenge him and refute his writings."

"Keep in mind that opinions are like sphincters: we all have them. As we know, Bob’s opinions are certainly not filled with gumdrops and happiness or even pink unicorns. His opinions on religion, or world politics, mostly everything are grossly mistaken, and the conclusions from what he wrongly takes to be evidence that supports his views are dreadfully distorted. He sees the world through false prophet Herbert W. Armstrong’s eyes instead of implementing objective thought." 

"As we march forward into the future this following year, it remains to be seen whether Bob’s sick racialism will be capable of self-critique. Can he, will he acknowledge his own insularity and excesses, or will he continue down the path of smug self-congratulation and vanity, never passing up an opportunity to destroy, debauch, devalue, and dehumanize a wide assortment of innocent people?" 
Read the story here:  The Year Ahead. Bob Thiel and the ACOG’s