Saturday, July 14, 2018

Restored Church of God Continues To Implode

There is more good news out of Wadsworth, Ohio today about David C Pack's Restored Church of God. His personality cult continues its downward spiral by more defections from his headquarters.

Over the last few months, key people have left the RCG. 

Dave's right-hand man, his "Aaron Dean", left. His wife was also a longtime employee in their editorial department. 

RCG's main programmer also left. 

Their HR manager is gone too. 

It is great to see more and more people waking up to the abuse and lies emanating from Dave, but sadly many still are enraptured by the guy.

King Gerald Flurry, the Stone of Herb and the New Place of Safety

False prophet Bob Thiel no longer needs to worry about sharing Petra with at least one Church of God.  It seems that Gerald Flurry has a new place of safety that he is taking the Stone of Herb to so his creature "jesus" can come and sit on it. While Gerald is in his new place of safety he will be the true King that the true Church of God members will look to as the final authority as they are trained to rule the world.

His new place of safety is Adullam, located between Jerusalem and the Gaza strip.  Adullam was first mentioned in Gen 38:1 and Micah 1:15.  Adullam is the place that David supposedly escaped to when he was running from Saul.
22 David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam. When his brothers and his father’s household heard about it, they went down to him there. All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him.

Gerald Flurry writes in his new book, The Throne of David how the Philadelphia Church of God is getting ready to flee, with the Stone of Herb.  This is part of the reason Flurry bought his jet so it could transport the Stone of Herb and his family to the place of safety.
Could this king be someone outside God’s one true Church? That would be impossible. This king is speaking the truth and hasting righteousness, so it must be a converted member in God’s Church. 
God has to have a king in this Church who is a descendant of David. And we also must have a stone that is a symbol of David’s throne. God has given us a new stone. The stone is alwaysassociated with the throne—not only as a symbol of the throne, but also a symbol of our Rock, our Leader, Jesus Christ! 
It was right around January 16, 2017, that God revealed the truth about the new stone of destiny. 
And it was on this date that God moved the throne of David to this Church!God is getting us ready to go to the place of safety where David’s throne is prophesied to be. There is a new king and a new stone. There has to be for this prophecy to be fulfilled! And this new king would have to be God’s apostle, at least for this time. 
The prayer rock, the new symbol of David’s throne, also came to us through a descendant of David, Herbert W. Armstrong. And it all happened around January 16, 2017, the anniversary of his death. 
God made all these things happen miraculously. This is all prophesied, and God has brought it about in a way that is truly mind-staggering when you think about it. 
We have discussed here many times before that he as appointed himself as King of the church. He claims Micah 1 is about him and his new place of safety.
King James BibleYet will I bring an heir unto thee, O inhabitant of Mareshah: he shall come unto Adullam the glory of Israel.
The book of Micah has some key scriptures we can better understand in light of this new revelation.
This book covers a span of time from just before the Great Tribulation to a time far into the Millennium. It prophesies what will happen to God’s people during the Tribulation.
Micah 1:9 says, “For her wound is incurable ....” This is a time when the nations of Israel are sick with an incurable wound—a life-threatening condition that cannot be healed! Their only hope is to go through the holocaust of the Tribulation.
“Make thee bald, and poll thee for thy delicate children; enlarge thy baldness as the eagle; for they are gone into captivity from thee” (verse 16). Here is a descriptive warning of what is about to come upon national Israel. Think of the symbol of the United States, the bald eagle. God says the baldness of Israel is going to be enlarged as its people go into captivity! During the Great Tribulation, they will suffer as never before!
Now—what will happen to God’s people during that time? Verse 15 says, “Yet will I bring an heir unto thee, O inhabitant of Mareshah: he shall come unto Adullam the glory of Israel.” This translation is a little awkward. The word Mareshah means summit, or chief place. And the New King James Version reads:

“... The glory of Israel shall come to Adullam.”
Where is Adullam? This was the cave to which David escaped when he was on the run from King Saul (1 Samuel 22:1). Remember, Micah is an end-time book. Here is a prophecy of a time when “the glory of Israel” will come to a cave, or rocky fortress. The Cambridge Bible Commentary says it is “the worthy part of Israel” that goes to Adullam. The Soncino commentary says, “[T]he phrase means that Israel’s nobility will take refuge in a cave” (emphasis mine throughout). Who are the nobility of israel? They are the people who have the throne of David!

They are spiritual Israel, or God’s true Church.
God considers these people worthy to take responsibility for David’s throne. That is a lot of responsibility! But these people are God’s nobility! What greater nobility is there than having David’s throne?
David escaped to the cave of Adullam along with several hundred people. Prophecy shows that, in the end time, God’s people will have to escape to a cave as well. They will go to a rocky fortress to escape the Holy Roman Empire, which has been chasing them for centuries! The Church had to flee into the wilderness for 1,260 years (Revelation 12:6—described prophetically as “days”). Now, we will have to flee for 1,260 days (verse 14). When we do, we will take with us the throne of David.
We must be prepared to go to the cave of Adullam, the place of safety. Make this a part of your thinking, because we live in the most urgent time ever! We must be willing to go anyplace and do anything God wants. We must get our minds conditioned to do that! He often offers opportunities or directs us to do things we don’t want to do, humanly. We all have to do things we would rather not do; that is good for us! We must have the mindset that whatever God says, we will do. That will bring the most wonderful reward you could possibly receive!
You can review the history: David and God’s people came to power shortly after he left that cave. God says that immediately after we leave this rocky fortress, the place of safety, we are going to come to power! We will rule the world with Jesus Christ on David’s throne!
Think of the honor God is giving us! What a wonderful blessing it is to have the great God give us the throne of David—which is really the throne of God—now! What a calling we have been given, and what a blessing to understand this and to know what it all means!
Micah 2:6 foretells of God’s lukewarm people trying to stop us from prophesying these things. They are not the nobility of Israel. They want to blend into the world and prophesy smooth things.
That is not the life God has called us to! Those who sit on David’s throne must obey the great God with all their being as David did, a man after God’s own heart! That is what God wants all of us to strive to be: men and women after God’s own heart!
God abundantly rewards such obedience. He promises that even in the very worst circumstances, He will protect us. As people attack us, they will fall, and we will be the only ones left standing.

How the Church of God Splits Happened