Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Let's Vote:

A.  I enjoy the occasional posting on the journey from belief and faith to agnosticism or atheism as expressed by Dennis Diehl reflecting his own journey out of the WCG ministry. Topics about Evolution vs Creationism or Biblical Errancy issues do have a valid place here on BannedHWA as part of our collective experience in WCG.  Keep it up.

B.  I do not enjoy and do not wish to endure postings on anyone's journey from belief and faith to agnosticism or atheism especially Dennis Diehl's no matter his journey out of the WCG ministry. The topics of Evolution vs Creationism or Biblical Errancy issues has no place here on BannedHWA. Stop it. 

Feel free to simply pick A or B or explain your choice if you wish. 

This exercise is designed to give all those who frequent BannedHWA the best experience possible and access to the myriad of experiences countless people have had in coming to grips with all that has transpired since first we believed WCG to be God's True Church. 

I promise to abide by the majority view so help me who and whatever
Should the majority choose B, please fill in the gaps with your own views that Gary, I am sure, will be happy to include.  


Adult Sabbath School: Animated Nonsense and Articulated Foolishness.

Nothing or Creator?
An animation badly done, poorly spoken and terribly outdated


A Universe From Nothing
A lecture on the current state of our understanding of the Universe and why the nothing we think we know is something out from which all we know can come. 

Obviously a HUGE topic and one that takes an actual interest in, determination and time to wade through. Most I know are neither interested nor open minded enough to consider that Bronze Age reasonings might not be correct. 

But cheap cartoons, badly done on such topics can never help the cause the proving religious perspectives in our day and age. Dr Thiel can't even get someone who can read their lines well or pronounce "big words". 

Dave Pack, who has a certain charisma based in his dogmatism and serious demeanor got taken apart by Aron Ra, who took all the time necessary to refute Dave's outdated and inaccurate presentation.  

Apostles, Priests, Evangelists, Pastors and the Self Appointed need to stick to what they think they know well, even if they actually don't that either.  While speaking to the choir may give them the impression they know something, "A Universe from Nothing" might show them they know ...well....nothing!

Not for the faint hearted or easily offended, but Aron's Epilogue to Dave Pack's series on defending the indefensible out of date ideas and badly mixing science with religion, will ring true for to those so inclined.

 Whether it be badly done animations or smartly done presentations, pious convictions based on marginal information gives religion yet another black eye and convinces no one of anything.