Saturday, March 12, 2022

CGI Admits There is No Proof That Saturday Is The Sabbath But Keep It Because It Is Tradition Of Men


Church of God International has a letter in its latest The International News written in by a person asking about the Sabbath.

Question: Can you prove to me by Scripture alone that our Saturday is the seventh day? I cannot find one verse that proves Saturday is the seventh day, only by other sources from men, like history books, modern rabbis claiming Saturday has never changed or been broken, but by Scripture alone I cannot link Saturday to the seventh day... 
ANSWER: The biblical proof you’re asking for doesn’t exist. One cannot determine by the Bible alone that the day we call “Saturday” is the seventh day of the biblical week. But then, the Bible nowhere teaches that the Bible is the sole source of truth—so by what authority do you establish your “Scripture alone” rule? On what biblical grounds do you throw out examination of historical data as a legitimate means of arriving at important truths? The truth is, the extreme form of sola scriptura you have adopted is nowhere taught in the Scriptures. 
Make no mistake, the Bible is God’s unique reve- lation to mankind and therefore must be given first place in our quest for truth, but Scripture nowhere teaches that it is the sole source of all true knowledge.

CGI admits it keeps the day because of traditions of men, not from actual scripture.  

The Church of God movement (Armstrongism) has made a big point about now falling for "traditions of men" when it comes to following its god. And yet, for 8 decades it has done just that. Keeping traditions of men, especially Herbert Armstrong's interpretations as "gospel truth".

Because of the witness of the faith traditions of both Jews and Christians, the whole world today knows that the day we call Saturday is the seventh day of the week, and that it’s traceable all the way back to the time of Jesus.

Crackpot Prophet Wants To Educate You About The Upcoming Time Change


Like any good COG prophet, our Great Bwana to Africa and 304 Caucasians has to stick his nose into the upcoming time change, because after all, his so-called sabbath will start an hour later this next Friday and if you don't adjust your clocks you will be an hour late in listening to his mind-boggling sermon on 57 different subjects.

Apparently, COG members are too stupid to know this while his African followers don't really care.

At 2 a.m. on the morning of Sunday, March 13, those in the USA and many other nations will need to spring our clocks forward – and losing an hour of the day – for Daylight Saving Time. Sunset will be an hour later. 
Because of that, sunset will be over an hour later next Friday. 
Those of us who observe the weekly Sabbath from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday may wish to remember that.

Then right on cue, he has to find something wrong with it. He had to go back to a 2016 article on CNN about how people can have issues with losing sleep. I am surprised he did not claim this is a satanic conspiracy tocasue people to miss his sermons.

Irrespective of any possible health risks, the changing of the clocks, etc. can be annoying and affect sleep cycles. Either way, in the USA the clocks change at 2:00 a.m.


Friday, March 11, 2022

LCG: Why is its god so severely handicapped by Satan that it cannot do much good during this age?


From an LCG source:

God is severely handicapped by Satan and cannot do much good during this age. But once Satan is out of the way then God can get something done.

The Importance of Truth: Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Yet, today, we face a global plague of misinformation, fake news, and conspiracy theories that generate confusion and mistrust of the media, governments, individuals, and major institutions. The Bible reveals that Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), that he is a liar (John 8:44), and the real author of the confusion we see around us (1 Corinthians 14:33). The ancient prophets foretold the time would come when truth would perish (Isaiah 59:4, 14–15; Jeremiah 7:28; 9:3–5) and be suppressed (Romans 1:18). However, when Jesus Christ returns, His capital in Jerusalem will be known as “the City of Truth” (Zechariah 8:1–3) and the liberating truth of His law (Psalm 119:142) will be spread around the world (Isaiah 2:2–4; 11:9) by His servants He is calling today (1 John 3:19). This is your exciting future—if you prove and hold fast the Truth (1 Thessalonians 5:21)! 
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

Satan has always been the most powerful god of the Church of God.