Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Crackpot prophet wants into your bedroom to make sure you are having PROPER sex that can produce mini-god's and goddesses to be.

It has always been amazing to me how much the ministry and church leaders tried to weasel their way into members' bedrooms by dictating what should and should not be happening. Yet, while they berated members many of them were busy themselves bed-hopping. Even worse were their own children who many times were so promiscuous that they embarrassed rabbits by their endless bed-hopping behavior. At least when they weren't busy selling drugs.

Given how hypocritical the ministry has always been with this topic it should give many of them a reason to keep their fly traps shut on the topic, but no, they continue to flap their traps laying down the law.

Our Great Bwana and Savior of Africa, the Chief Overseer of his submissive Black African flock, Our doubly blessed Joshua who was set apart before the foundations of the world to lead the most magnificent Church of God to ever exist in human history, is back once again wagging his naturopathic fingers in the faces of church members lecturing them on what they can and can not do in the bedroom. 

Would you seriously trust this guy lecturing your kids on dating and sex????

The Great Bwana Bob writes:

Many have questions about dating, sex, and marriage.

That's not true at all! Not one single African member has ever asked him about this. They don't care.  They don't care what some deranged white dude from America, with sex hang-up, has to say about their traditions.

Like any good COG minister, his mind immediately goes to sex and fornication. Rod Meredith and Gerald Weston trained him well!

First Date: Worldly vs. Christian

Should a first date be between two experienced pickup artists interested in fornication? Or should it be between a man and a woman who would like to actually know each other better? Does the Bible give any guidelines that Christians who date should pay attention to? If so, what are some? This brief animation shows a worldly pickup date at a bar, and an inelegant, but appropriate request for a date in a more open environment. Dating should be fun and involve communication, and not regrets. So, check out our animation on worldly vs. Christian dating. A free online book with more information on dating is available and titled: Dating: A Key to Success in Marriage, a practical guide for Christians.

The Art of Christian Dating 

Dating is a key to success in marriage. Should Christians have different dating standards than those who are not real Christians? How are men and women different? Can people fall in love? What should people do on a date? What about getting physical? Who should pay for the date? What should a man expect from a date? What should a woman expect from a date? What should be the authority for morals? What should a date be like? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more. This is part one of a two-part series.

No One to Date? Teen Q&A? Engagement? 2nd Marriage? 

This is the second part of a two-part sermon on dating for Christians. In it, Dr. Thiel covers subjects such as what do you do if there is no one to date, if Christians can date or marry someone not part of the Continuing Church of God, dating for marriage, and pre-engagement counseling. He also provides answers to questions that teens have had about dating. He goes into the use of ‘social media’, avoidance of trolling, sexting, and some other matters somewhat unique to the 21st century. Dr. Thiel goes over factors such as cultural, racial, financial, age, mental, education, family, and other factors Christians should consider. He also discusses dating for those who have been married before, as well as if married couples should still date.

Then the great Bwana gets down to the fun stuff. He lets us know what to do about oral and anal sex as Jesus is watching over the bedroom. Is your lovemaking going to be proper and pure enough to make mini-god's and goddesses?

Sex and Marriage 

Why is there sex and why is there marriage? Parental discretion is advised as to whether or not everything in this sermon is now appropriate for their children. Dr. Thiel goes over scriptures, “The Missing Dimension in Sex,” and provides answers to questions, such as: 
What did Jesus say about marriage?
Are married couples biblically supposed to have sex?
Is sex one way to express love?
Does God have a purpose for sex?
What are the reasons for sex in marriage?
What are the purposes for marriage?
How do humans differ from animals?
Was sex really necessary?
What are the divine purposes of sex?
Why not fornication or adultery?
Is marriage supposed to be a God-plane relationship?
Are families intended as a God-plane relationship?
How does reproduction picture spiritual salvation?
What are the different types of love?
What type of love should Christians have?
Is oral sex allowed?
Is anal sex prohibited by scripture?
Should intercourse be avoided during a woman’s menstrual cycle?
Is it appropriate to enjoy your five senses?
Are Christian couples supposed to produce godly offspring?

What about building character and God’s deification plan?

If you wouldn't trust this guy to give your teenager sex advice why would you let him into your bedroom? 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Kitchen Family Wants You To Know The Worldwide Church of God Still Exists!

We have been watching for a long time the Kitchen family as they attempt to resurrect the Worldwide Church of God and build their altar to Herbert Armstrong where they worship on an hourly basis. 

They have spent many years posting as many articles as they could on Facebook from Herbert Armstrong and pretending to hold church on Saturdays. A few people (far less than the 305 Caucasians Bob Thiel is only able to draw) slapped them on the back and congratulated them. This inspired them to develop a website to make everything they could find from HWA and his LOYAL ministers available. GTA is anathema to them, even the things he spoke prior to his daddy kicking him out of the church multiple times. Of course, anything post-1986 is anathema too.

With the new website up they have essentially stolen all of the works of Herbert Armstrong and reposted them, without permission. They also have made the asinine claim that THEY and THEY ALONE are the original Worldwide Church of God where it apparently exists in their minds.

The Kitchen family has long been infuriated that Mark Scarborough had set up a website years before them where he had been able to gather loads of church materials and post them. The Kitchens were incensed that he did this, preempting their attempts. Their Facebook page has been filled with numerous rants and fits of rage against Scarborough. It has been hilarious to watch.

The Kitchens write about their supreme site:

Welcome to the Worldwide Church of God Archives!

The publications archived here on are made possible through the generous tithes, offerings and donations of members of the Worldwide Church of God and other supporters. There are over 50 years of archived videos, audio and written publications available and we are searching to add more to this archive.

The Worldwide Church of God, or the Philadelphia era of the Church of God(Revelation 3:7-13) was raised up through the efforts of Herbert W. Armstrong, and was the backing and support which funded his proclamation of the soon coming Kingdom of God. Ambassador College was started by Mr. Armstrong to properly train and teach the ministry the true doctrines and values of Jesus Christ, as He set and gave them through His chosen apostle.

The ministry was commissioned to relay what was given to them by Christ’s apostle, to their congregations faithfully. The Work and Church grew, and the combined efforts of the Church’s membership produced what you see on

There have been some ministers and members who have “departed from the way”(Malachi 2:8). The Worldwide Church of God membership may be unincorporated and scattered, but this website is proof that the Worldwide Church of God membership still exists, and they still are holding fast, still supporting God’s true apostle Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and the truth and values he taught from the Word of God.

Allow to REFRESH your memory of what Christ has taught His Church through His chosen apostle and end-time Elijah messenger, and to call upon you to choose now this day who you serve.

Is it Christ or is it some other BAAL/Idol?

Idol is right! LOL!!!!!! It would not surprise me if they had HWA's picture embroidered on their t-shirts so they can wear him close to their heart. 

The Kitchens get around using the name the Worldwide Church of God because it is a "spiritual organism" and not a corporation. If there is one phrase that the COG has driven into the ground it is the "spiritual organism" crap when they want to justify their disobedience and rebellion. The spiritual organism is above the laws that regulate the physical WCG, apparently.

The Worldwide Church of God(an unincorporated, spiritual organism) today holds to the SAME FAITH, same doctrines, same customs and practices, as the original Church of A.D. 31, under the original apostles.

The Worldwide Church of God is a spiritual organism, created by GOD – not a legal corporate organization created by this world’s laws.

The members of the Church are NOT( nor ever was ) members of the now dissolved “Worldwide Church of God, Inc.,” a California corporation.

Some are teaching their disciples and congregants, that the members of the Church were the above California corporation. This gesture and teaching is only used by these ministers or individuals to gain membership for their organization. It is used mainly against the true membership of the Worldwide Church of God.

We have here the Church, an organized spiritual organism but unincorporated. Now this is not a corporation. This is just the Church as God has organized it.

Herbert W. Armstrong has been used by Jesus Christ to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God in all nations as a witness, meeting with Kings, Queens, Presidents, Emperors, Prime Ministers and other Heads of State, fulfilling the Matthew 24:14prophecy. The job of the Worldwide Church of God has been always to back and support the apostles of Christ in that mission with, support, prayers, tithes and generous offerings! And that message is still going out today, through the support and backing of the Worldwide Church of God membership. 
We, the Worldwide Church of God, NEVER stopped our USE of the materials. The Worldwide Church of God membership are striving to preserving the “products and materials” that have been produced by the Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong(1934-1986) through this website, although we have been plagued by many who want to steal them and illegally use them for their churches for monetary gain.

Talk about fraud at its highest proportions!