Sunday, July 24, 2022

Dave Pack: “Weeping For Tammuz”


“Weeping For Tammuz”


Against the advice of Dr. Frederik Jaco Viljoen, let us travel into the not-so-far Wayback Machine to refresh our memories of what David C. Pack has said that he now wishes we had forgotten.


Part 378 – June 15, 2022

@ 23:07 So, this is a critical thing to understand. We’ve got the right month…I’m now convinced…if nothing happened in the month of Tammuz, I would be weeping…You cannot get outside this month.


@ 37:30 I won’t be telling you we’re gonna wait a month. That’s impossible. You could throw my own words back up against me if you will.


Challenge accepted.


Part 367 – May 14, 2022

@ 1:31:35 And if you were following the scriptures and not just me, when you walk outta here you’ll be able to see the exact same dates in the scripture. If you don’t, then you don't understand calendars, you don't understand months, or math, or anything else.


Part 379 – June 25, 2022

@ 19:05 It is impossible that it is any other month and I’m stressing that so everybody is crystal clear what’s at stake here tonight.


Part 380 – July 1, 2022

@ 1:26:38 If for some reason it’s not this picture, I will not bend it. I’ll tell ya that now. Have to be an oracle. I’d have to have Gabriel in this ear and Michael in this ear telling me to change it in some way. And maybe Christ Himself for something.


Part 382 – July 17, 2022

@ 1:13:12 I can’t come back with different math.


Part 376 – June 13, 2022

@ 08:22 August is impossible. I knew that…There was no possible way to make the inflection points through this period fit August. It’s just impossible.

Newsflash: Tammuz 29/Av 1 is no longer the big deal!


Dave cannot put the whole month of Tammuz behind him fast enough.


The Feast of Trumpets is now the focus (no more flirting) and the new date of Av 15 is the precursor to watch for.


You just cannot make this stuff up. Well, David C. Pack can and does. As time goes on, he proves that he has more in common with L. Ron Hubbard than Herbert W. Armstrong.


Refreshed from his vacation, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God could not wait to get back to the TammuzCooking Table to ruin yet another Sabbath for the members at Headquarters. Well, for those who were able to attend since there was an outbreak of COVID after the Summer Picnic last week. Rain and COVID will be a challenge to beat for fun activities next year.


The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 383) was given to an unsurprised audience during services on July 23, 2022. I mean, what else could he possibly do? Admit he is a fraud? Ha!


@ 00:45 What could we possibly still need to know? Well, I made…three of the most startling discoveries in the whole series. And we are still absolutely on track. In fact, you’ll see more than ever how that track lays and why we are still on it.


@ 06:54 You’re gonna love this journey. Trust me.


Dave must have spent hours in the car formulating how to be delusional without sounding delusional. Next time, he should consult with Brad who would teach him how to better polish his material.


When you go to the movies and hear a character say, “Trust me,” what do they later reveal themselves to be? (Unless it is Indiana Jones telling you with a wink and a smile.)


@ 03:23 When is the Day of the Lord? Now, I thought it was Av 1. But we gotta ask again since Av 1 is a few days away. Nobody can possibly believe that Thursday…is the Day of the Lord. So, when is it? Can you know?


When something Past-Dave said was a few days away, even Present-Dave admits it cannot be true. That is a philosophy that has served me very well thus far. If anyone wants to tell Dave my secret, just let them know that I disbelieve him the moment the words fall from his lips. That success rate has been quite high.


@ 09:29 I’ve explained that sometimes I’m just uncomfortable with things. And when God gives me that feeling of discomfort, I know the Comforter is not comfortable in me, I better start digging.


You can look at that two ways: 1) He is digging his own ditch to fall into again; 2) He is an Army soldier digging a hole only for the purpose of filling it up again. Both are equally accurate.


Maybe the Comforter is telling you to shut the hell up, Dave. Ever consider that? Of course not.


I cannot shake the image of a senior citizen wandering the halls of a convalescent care center discovering a new room each time he ventures out. That unexplored room is the one the nurse keeps returning him to that miraculously has all his stuff already in it.


As a non-prophet/non-psychic, I can see in my mind’s eye Dave sitting in the rec room in a bathrobe staring at a chess board while preaching to the pawns about how “right he is” that it is “impossible to go another year.”


Please excuse Dave. He forgot to take his meds.


For no reason at all, I looked up the term, "functional insanity" just to see what would pop up. I invite the curious to do the same. See if you can discern any parallels.


@ 28:31 So that’s a powerful proof. Not only that the Day of the Lord comes on Trumpets, but it cannot be next year or the year after. So, if anybody thinks we can go another three years, then I guess then I guess, you know, I guess we could. But, there are other metrics that put us in this year.


He ran out of gas with his train of thought there. The “other metrics” are being held back for a message to be delivered later this week. I am already shivering with excitement.


@ 38:52 Everything’s gonna be settled for us by math.


Because the math thus far has proven to be been tremendously successful.


@ 38:55 You won’t hafta worry about anything. It’ll be impossible to misunderstand.


Except when Dave goes home, feels uncomfortable, and then understands that he misunderstood.


@ 39:01 Now I’m gonna show you, I don’t know how in the world we missed this. I consider it one of the most stunning things I’ve ever discovered in the Bible. I’ve run it by several ministers. They kinda blink and wonder, “How did we miss this?”


Dave re-discovered the Mustard Seed and other Kingdom parables in Luke 13 and Matthew 13. He realized there was a “missing kingdom” hidden in those parables that he and the “ministers” did not see.


@ 39:46 It just opened my mind and I believe God just simply gave me things that would end the Mystery of God right before all these events were supposed to go down.


Is this inspiration from God or a case of, "Where else were you going to go with it?" As basic as left foot, right foot, Dave opens his Bible and finds another trap door that he can slip through and then trick the audience into thinking NOW he has the full picture.

I think it. Therefore, it exists. I think it. Therefore, it is true.


This is the Dave thought process in a nutshell. If you understand this, you understand him.


@ 53:21 So, the First Kingdom foretells the Kingdom of God. You hafta have two kingdoms. It’s impossible to not have two kingdoms before The Day of the Lord. So, there’s one kingdom before the Kingdom of God that comes in iterations forever…It’s a mustard seed.


@ 53:44 I’m gonna tell you in a minute exactly how many days it is and then it’s gonna be math, it’ll be impossible to be confused. You’ll go outta here on air and we’ll find out it’s fairly close.


@ 57:40 Subtract 1290 from 1335, what do you get? I’ll tell you what you get. You get the length of the first Kingdom of God. And the answer is 45 days. It’s math. It’s inarguable. I’d go to my grave saying there’s no way to change that.


Does he know these things are being recorded? Perhaps Ed can slip him a note to let him know that what he says will be remembered even days after he said it.


His prophetic fixation is like a magnet. Whatever is on the horizon is what he is attracted to. If it is Christmas, then that becomes a big deal. If it is Valentine’s Day, then that becomes a big deal. Passover. Spring. Iyar. Tammuz. July 4. Now, his internal magnet has snapped all the way to Trumpets but the math subtracts 45 days to get to Av 15. His annual cycles are so predictable; you could almost set your watch to him.


With Dave, there is forever going to be “more of the story.” If you are waiting for the train to completely stop before you jump off RCG folks, that ain’t gonna happen.


Once Dave began to set dates, he put in motion a cycle that can never and will never stop. If he ever stops setting dates, he would have to stew in the juices of his own failure and that would be too bitter for him to swallow.


He went “all in” with Tammuz and is now welshing on the bet. How many times can any person keep asking the House for a new marker? The members of The Restored Church of God seem to be granting Dave an endless line of credit. Do not be surprised when he never pays it back.

There are only a few rational explanations as to what is going on with David C. Pack and The Restored Church of God through this Greatest Unending Story series.


1) God is doing this

2) Dave is doing this

3) A dark spirit is doing this


Those three options can blend together. 1 & 2. 2 & 3. Or just 2 by itself.


If you weigh the fruit of how this has been done and all that has been produced, what else can a rational human being conclude?


Here is one last parting quote to keep fresh in our minds.


Part 376 – June 13, 2022

@ 27:45 …but if I’m not faithful to the truth, then forget it. We need somebody else…

Marc Cebrian

See: Weeping for Tammuz

Saturday, July 23, 2022

UCG Rick Shabi: He is not happy many UCG members are missing opening night services of the Feast

Beware UCG members, God is watching you!!!!! 

Rick Shabi is not happy that many UCG members are either traveling to the Feast on this night or are too tired from driving to attend the opening night service. Given the track record of these services down through the history of the COG they were not a good use of time and usually were just opportunities for Feast site coordinators to preach canned sermons that we had all heard for decades.

We are all in “preparation mode” for the Feast. We’ve registered, we’ve made housing and transportation arrangements, we’ve saved our second (festival) tithe faithfully throughout the year (a key component of preparing for the Feast) and we are ready to go. 
The Feast of Tabernacles is a joyous time. It pictures the time when Christ is King of kings. Satan has been deposed and the whole world will be free to learn and live by the Word of God—the very word and way of life we are striving to learn and apply today so we are ready to be teachers in the “world tomorrow” (Isaiah 30:20-21). 

And then, according to COG mythology, Satan will be released from the pits of hell to come back and destroy people yet once again. What a cruel trick the god of Armstrongism plays upon the world. 

As part of our proper and God-instructed way of observing the Feast, we leave our homes behind for the entire seven days of the Feast and the Eighth Day. That pictures the temporary state of our existence on this earth and our willingness to come out of the world to where God has placed His name. 

These are nothing more than COG instructions laid down by Herbert Armstrong and Rod Meredith when he was over Church Ad through the decades. Just more man-made rules.

He says to be at “that place” by the time the Feast of Tabernacles begins. That’s at sunset that begins the 15th of the seventh month on the sacred calendar. 
Would you dare be late to an assembly the Great God of this universe has called—the God who has offered us eternal life if we follow Him and earnestly, diligently and carefully learn and keep all His ways? 

So brethren, if you dare to miss the first evening service just remember this, GOD IS WATCHING YOU!!!!!!!! 

God sees our hearts by how we observe the Feast of Tabernacles.

As we prepare for the Feast, bear in mind that you are also preparing your heart for how you receive God’s Kingdom. Will you be late, asleep or unprepared like the five “foolish virgins” of Matthew 25? 
Or will you be ready? Will you be at the Holy convocation of God as the Feast begins in the very first service at the site you will be attending? We know where we should be. Now is the time to be preparing to be there in that Holy convocation as the Feast begins.

There you have it! Get your ass out of work early and have your car packed so you can leave early and be at the first service! Your future salvation may depend upon it! God is not going to be happy when he opens the Book of Life and sees all of the negative check marks against you for missing services at the Feast, especially opening night!

Friday, July 22, 2022

LCG: We know you are struggling financially, but if you can give more than usual we would really expect it.


As LCG co-workers and members struggle to survive financially, LCG does not even consider telling them to stop tithing for a while.

We have much more to do, and your support is vital to preaching the Gospel. With high inflation and the threat of a recession, our mail and online income has dropped significantly. Many of our members and co-workers are struggling to survive financially. Be sure to claim God’s promise, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). Brethren and co-workers, if you are able to give more than usual at this time, it would be much appreciated and give a great boost to the Work. May God bless you all as you seek His Kingdom first in your life!

In Christian love,
Richard F. Ames

LCG Love Letter: Get ready for a Euroepan Army to come and take you captive as others die of famine and war…But, don't forget, God Loves You!


Living Church of God's Richard Ames has a letter up to the faithful on the official LCG website. In that letter, he spouts the same nonsense that he has done for decades and it is the same thing Rod Meredith kept predicting to happen within 3-5 years for decades.

LCG has such an unhealthy focus on doom and destruction. It's like they want to see people die in order to be justified by their god for preaching such a warning. Rarely, if ever, do you hear Ames, Weston or many of LCG's ministers ever preach an entire sermon about Jesus and the things his death and resurrection accomplished. The focus is always on the law and rarely on the New Covenant, and when it is, it's a mixture of legalism and conditional grace. Unconditional grace irritates the hell out of COG leaders. How dare someone not of the Sabbath-keeping, clean meat eating, holy day keeping mold ever be blessed by God. How dare they! Especially when good COG leaders have made such an effort to keep the law.

Coming: An EU Army: The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has put intense pressure on European nations to build up their military capabilities far more rapidly than previously planned. European military spending has suddenly increased in many nations in just the last couple of months, and it looks as though increases will continue (EU Reporter, May 20, 2022)…. For several decades, Europe has discussed a common defense but has made little progress. However, recent events in Ukraine have pressured EU nations to finally take action—especially Germany, where the coalition government has agreed to “massively increase military spending” (Deutsche Welle, May 29, 2022). End-time prophecy reveals that the coming German-led European “beast power” will wield great military power on the world stage (Revelation 13:1–4). Actions currently underway could bring about the fulfillment of this major prophecy. 
Under the auspices of NATO, several member nations—including Germany—have access to nuclear options. For decades, we have been warning Israelite-descended nations that, unless they repent of their immoral and anti-God actions and ways of life, they will be taken captive and their cities destroyed. Ezekiel’s “prophecy of thirds” gives us a sober warning: “One-third of you shall die of the pestilence, and be consumed with famine in your midst; and one-third shall fall by the sword all around you; and I will scatter another third to all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them” (Ezekiel 5:12). 
Do not misunderstand! God loves human beings (John 3:16) and the end-time Israelitish nations that are rebelling against Him. After they have gone into captivity and learned their lesson, God will return them to the Promised Land in a great “second Exodus” (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 16:14-16; 23:7-8). The King of kings will restore these nations and establish world peace. We pray every day. “Your Kingdom come!” (Matthew 6:10). As Mr. Weston concluded in his June 2022 “Personal” in Tomorrow’s World magazine: “Keep watching—and keep reading Tomorrow’s World magazine!” (“An Existential Threat,” p. 3). The August 2022 edition of Tomorrow’s World magazine will post a circulation of 587,000. That is in spite of a vigorous renewal program that unsubscribes readers who do not contact us or renew their free subscription after about two years of receiving the magazine. Be sure to read both the July and August issues!

Thursday, July 21, 2022

LCG Members Encouraged To Seek Guidance…But, From Whom?


Whenever you hear a COG minister stand in the pulpit and tell the brethren to seek guidance in their decisions, just who do you think they are referring to as the source of guidance? Sure they say "seek God's guidance" but from where does that come from? The COG has always insisted that proper Godly guidance came only to the brethren through the ministry. Given the track record of the ministry ripping the COG apart in violent acts of rebellion and self-preservation, would you dare go to a COG minister and ask for guidance? Do you actually believe they speak with the authority of God?

Seeing God’s Guidance: Today, everyone wants to “do their own thing.” However, the Bible records the tragic results of this approach (Judges 21:25; Jeremiah 9:12– 16). Instead, we are told to “Seek the LORD while He may be found” (Isaiah 55:6) and that God will look to those who are humble and teachable and “[tremble] at My word” (Isaiah 66:2). King David, a man after God’s own heart, modeled the attitude that God is looking for when he wrote, “Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statutes... Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:33, 105). Jesus instructed His disciples to “live by... every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Jesus also taught, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6). An important lesson of life is that if we desire to succeed in any endeavor—including in God’s Work— we must seek God’s guidance in all the decisions that we make—because that leads to lasting rewards.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail